News archive

2024 Colloquium Roberto Tempo in Automatica

All students are invited to attend the upcoming colloquium Roberto Tempo in Automatica that will be held on October 22 by Prof. Karl Henrik Johansson, Director of Digital Futures, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.

The colloquia are organized by the IEEE Control Systems Society Italy Chapter, in collaboration with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione (DEI) of Università degli Studi di Padova and the Information & Systems Engineering (ISE) group of CNR-IEIIT.

The colloquia are co-sponsored the Italy chapters of the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society, the IEEE Power & Energy Society, IEEE Circuit and Systems Society and the IEEE Systems, Man, & Cybernetics Society.


To allow a broader audience, the seminar will be streamed online.

The streaming link will be published close to the event on the website of the Colloquia:

Date: September 18th, 2024
Author: Alessandro Giuseppi
Category: announcements

Student Honors program 2023-2024 winners have been annunced

The list of winners for the academic year 2023-2024 is available on the page available at this link.

Date: February 13th, 2024
Author: Alessandro Giuseppi
Category: announcements

Personal tutors assigned to Control Engineering students enrolled to the first year in 2023-24

With the goal of helping students in the full development of their curriculum, advising on study plans, and providing other teaching support if needed during the master program, the Council of the Master in Control Engineering has assigned a tutor to every student enrolled to the first year in 2023-24.
Attached is the complete list of first-year students with their assigned tutors.
The assigned tutor will follow the students (each tutor is responsible for 3-4 students) until graduation (he/she will not be necessarily the supervisor of the master thesis).
Date: February 5th, 2024
Author: Alessandro Giuseppi
Category: announcements

Faculty meeting with students to present the Erasmus+ 2024-25 call

We inform the students that on Feb. 9 2023 at 11:00 a.m., a faculty meeting with students will be held in Room 13, in the Tuminelli Building of the President's Office, to present the Erasmus+ 2024-25 call for applications.


the call is available at the link

Date: January 26th, 2024
Author: Alessandro Giuseppi
Category: announcements

Double win at the Minerva Prize 2023

Attachment: IMG_9830.png

Emanuele De Santis (ABRO XXXV) and Alessandro Giuseppi (ex-ABRO XXXII, former winner of the previous edition), both currently Researchers in the Master in Control Engineering at La Sapienza University, were the winners of the fourth edition of the Minerva Prize as the best PhD Student and best Young Researcher for macro-area D "Engineering and Architecture," respectively.

The Minerva Prize is recognized by the "Fondazione Roma Sapienza" and is awarded for each of the six macro-areas to a single Ph.D. student and a single young researcher whose scholarly activities have made a significant contribution to scientific progress in their disciplinary field. The fourth edition saw the participation of about 600 competitors, enrolled between the XXXII and XXXVII doctoral cycles. Now the PhD course ABRO has 2 winners of this edition and 3 winners in the last two editions (all belonging to the DIAG Research Group on Networked System).

The award ceremony was held on November 6, 2023 in the presence of Professor Roberto Antonelli, president of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Professor Eugenio Gaudio, president of the Fondazione Roma Sapienza and former rector, Professor Cesare Imbriani, chairman of the evaluation committee, and former Undersecretary of State Gianni Letta.

Date: November 13th, 2023
Author: Antonio Pietrabissa
Category: announcements