United States Road Networks (TIGER/Line) |
Assembled by
Dominik Schultes <mail@dominik-schultes.de>
Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
October 2005
UA Census 2000 TIGER/Line Files
U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC
Geography Division
Created: May 3, 2002
Last revised: Monday, 18-Nov-2002 10:26:40 EST
Files |
The road networks of the 50 US States and the District of Columbia. Graphs are undirected.
File format |
The format of the uncompressed file is very simple. It is a whitespace-separated list of numbers:
Number of nodes | |
For each node: | |
id | |
longitude | |
latitude | |
Number of edges | |
For each edge: | |
id of the source node | |
id of the target node | |
travel time | |
spatial distance in meters | |
road category |
Notes |
The id is a number between 0 and "number of nodes"-1 | ||||||||||||||||
Longitude/latitude are given in the format used in the TIGER/Line
files (see technical documentation).
road category is adopted directly from the TIGER/Line files (refer to the documentation). | ||||||||||||||||
spatial distance in meters is the great circle distance from source to target node | ||||||||||||||||
travel time is the spatial distance divided by some average speed that depends on the road category:
Note that the unit of the average speed is somewhat arbitrarily chosen and does not correspond to any usual unit (like km/h or mph). |
Merging of two or more files |
The C++ program merge can be used to
merge the road networks of two or more states. Compile it with g++ -o
merge merge.cpp using, for instance, g++ (GCC) 3.3.5.
There are two different ways to use the program:
Merging two files. Three arguments: file1.tmp file2.tmp fileResult.tmp Reads file1.tmp and file2.tmp. Writes fileResult.tmp. |
Merging more than two files. One argument: fileResult.tmp |
Converting TIGER/Line files into the Standard Challenge 9 Format |
TIGER/Line files in the collection can be converted into files in the Standard Challenge 9 Format using the simple Perl script tiger2edimacs.pl. The script can be executed using command:
perl tiger2edimacs.pl [-T] filename1.tmp filename2.tmp ...
For each input file filenameX.tmp in TIGER/Line format, the program creates a file filenameX.gr that stores the graph topology and the arc weights, and a file filenameX.co that stores the node coordinates in the plane. If option -T is given in the command line, then arc weights in the resulting graph are travel times, otherwise they are spatial distances in meters between the endpoints.
Notice: road category information is ignored in the translation.