The internship is a period, usually of 1-2 months, spent for training activities in a company, an industry, an external research center, or in one of the university laboratories affiliated to this master course. Upon successful completion of the activities, students earn for their curriculum 3 credits (previously 6 credits, up to the Manifesto 2017-18). The internship is often integrated with the preparation of the master thesis, summing up the related number of credits (anyway for a total of 30).

In order to implement an internship or other training periods in a company, an academic tutor and a tutor from the company should be selected, who will be in charge of supervising the student activities. To this end, the on-line service SOUL (Sistema di Orientamento Università Lavoro) is active, providing opportunities for internships and other training/job periods with qualified companies that have registered with Sapienza. The contact person for the operational management of internships is Prof. Marilena Vendittelli.

In order to certify the internship credits, when applying for graduation, students have to sign up in infostud to the exam named jointly TIROCINIO (AAF 1044, 6 credits)/TIROCINIO (AAF 1041, 3 credits) [TIROCINIO = internship; the number of credits earned depends on the year of enrollment], which is associated to the intended session of graduation. The same deadlines apply as for the corresponding sessions of graduation.