Print "Loading Util.tlv $Revision: 4.3 $\n"; -- Test whether a given assertion is empty Func empty(set, vars); Return !(set forsome vars); End -- function empty ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions which return information about Temporal Formulas -- -- Returns true if the root of the parse tree is a temporal operator. Func principle_temporal('__p); Case (root(__p)) "()","<>","[]","(~)","(_)","<_>","[_]", "Since", "Until", "Awaits", "Backto": Return 1; End Return 0; End -- Try to find out whether the formula is ctl. -- We do this by finding if any of the ctl operators exist. Func is_ctl('p); Case (root(p)) "EX", "AX", "EF", "AF", "EG", "AG", "AU" , "EU" : Return 1; "!": Return is_ctl(op(1,p)); "|", "&", "->", "<->" : If (is_ctl(op(1,p))) Return 1; Else Return is_ctl(op(2,p)); End End Return 0; End ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DEBUGGING routines -- Print all satifsying assignments. To print_sat e; Local s; While(e) Let s := sat(e); Print s; Let e := e & !s; -- Let e := case -- !s =0 : 0; -- 1 : e; -- esac; End End To print_fsat e; Local s; While(e) Let s := fsat(e); Print s; Let e := e & !s; End End ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Array functions -- -- The array is implemented by recording its length at position 0. -- Arrays handled by using these functions are consider to have length -- of 1 till arr[0] -- Clears array. To new &arr; If ( exist(arr[0]) ) delarr arr; End Let arr[0] := 0; End -- Delete an array. To delarr &arr; For (i in 1...arr[0]) delvar arr[i]; End delvar arr[0]; End To push &arr, val; If ( ! exist(arr[0]) ) Let arr[0] := 0; End Let arr[0] := arr[0] + 1; Let arr[arr[0]] := val; End Func pop(&arr); If ( arr[0] ) Local result := top(arr); delvar arr[arr[0]]; Let arr[0] := arr[0] - 1; Return result; Else Print "Warning: stack is empty\n"; Return -1; End End Func top(&arr); Return arr[arr[0]]; End Func length(&arr); Return arr[0]; End -- Append arr2 to arr1 To append &arr1, &arr2; Local len := length(arr2); For (i in 1...len) push arr1, arr2[i]; End End -- copy arr2 to arr1 To copy &arr1, &arr2; new arr1 ; For (i in 1...length(arr2)) push arr1, arr2[i]; End End -- Print the array To printarr &arr; For (i in 1...length(arr)) Print arr[i], "\n"; End End ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Hash functions -- -- These functions associate a bdd to a parse tree expression. -- It is implemented as two arrays, one with the parse tree expressions, -- and the other with the corresponding bdds. To new_hash &hash; Let := 0; Let hash.success := 0; End To insert_hash &hash, 'key, bddval; Let := + 1; Let 'hash.key[] := key; Let hash.val[] := bddval; End Func value_of_hash(&hash, 'key); For (i in If (hash.key[i] == key) Let hash.success := 1; Return hash.val[i]; End End Let hash.success := 0; Return 0; End -- Returns true if last "value_of_hash" succeded. Func success_hash(&hash); If ( exist(hash.success) ) Return hash.success; Else Return 0; End End -- Delete hash. You cannot insert into a hash after it is deleted. To delhash &hash; For (i in delvar hash.key[i]; delvar hash.val[i]; End delvar hash.success; delvar; End