Prototipo per il meta-querying: MetaBJTool |
Giovambattista Ianni, Vittoria Carnuccio, Antonio Parisi
The prototype MetaBJTool includes the implementation of the various phases in which the whole metaquery mining process is divided. The prototype consists of two principal modules: management of the protocols of communication which allows communication with external entities (such as user interfaces, remote clients) and the algorithms for computing metarules. Our prototype accepts a metaquery provided in XML format. Results are sent back in XML format as well. The internal implementation of the algoritms has been aimed at the reduction of the computing times. It was used here an algorithm of instantiation which uses the well-known technique of the forward checking ; In particular the introduction of the "backjumping" allows to cut drastically the space of the possible solutions, thus making the evaluation step faster and more efficient. The concept of "up-support" was used in filtration stage; it is an upper bound extimate on the support index; it allows a pre-selection of the found rules, so avoiding the support and confidence computation for those rules with not very interesting informative content.
Ambiente di sviluppo e di esecuzione
Developed with JAVA. Used the JDK1.3.0_02 of the SUN. Available in form of Java package.