>ls research
groups :
interests :
publications :
software :
talks :
projects :
organization :
I am a member of the following research groups:
Data Management & Service-Oriented Computing
Artificial Intelligence & Knowledge Representation
of the Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering (DIAG) - Sapienza
My research interests include:
Knowledge Representation & Automated Reasoning
Logics & Games
System Verification & Synthesis
Artificial Intelligence
Service Oriented Computing
Here is an updated list of my publications
(find me also on
Google Scholar )
International Journals
Maggi, F.M., Marrella, A., Patrizi, F., Skydanienko, V.:
Data-Aware Declarative Process Mining with SAT .
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. To Appear (2023).
De Giacomo, G.,
Fried, D.,
Patrizi, F.,
Zhu, S.:
Mimicking Behaviors in Separated Domains .
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR). To Appear (2023).
Agostinelli, S., Chiariello, F., Maggi, F.M., Marrella, A., Patrizi, F.:
Process Mining Meets Model Learning: Discovering Deterministic Finite State Automata from Event Logs for Business Process Analysis .
Inf. Syst. 114: 102180 (2023)
Alman, A., Maggi, F.M., Montali, M., Patrizi, F., Rivkin, A.:
Monitoring Hybrid Process Specifications with Conflict Management:
An Automata-theoretic Approach .
Artif. Intell. Medicine 139: 102512 (2023)
De Giacomo, G., Fuggitti, F., Maggi, F.M., Marrella, A., Patrizi, F.:
A Tool for Declarative Trace Alignment via Automated Planning .
Softw. Impacts 16: 100505 (2023)
De Giacomo, G., Felli, P., Logan, B., Patrizi, F., Sardina, S.,
Situation Calculus for Controller Synthesis in
Manufacturing Systems with First-order State Representations .
Artif. Intell. 302: 103598 (2022)
Chiariello, F., Maggi, F.M., Patrizi, F.:
A Tool for Compiling Declarative Process Mining Problems in ASP .
Softw. Impacts 14: 100435 (2022)
Calvanese, D., De Giacomo, G., Montali, M., Patrizi, F.,
First-order mu-calculus over Generic Transition Systems and Applications to the Situation Calculus .
Inf. Comput. 259(3): 328-347 (2018).
De Giacomo, G., Lespérance, Y., Patrizi, F.,
Bounded Situation Calculus Action Theories .
Artificial Intelligence 237: 172-203 (2016).
De Giacomo, G., Gerevini, A., Patrizi, F., Saetti, A., Sardina, S.,
Agent Planning Programs .
Artificial Intelligence. 231: 64-106 (2016).
Dumas, M., Hull, R., Patrizi, F.,
Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Data and Artifact-centric Business Processes. .
Computing 98(4): 343-344 (2016)
De Giacomo, G., Lespérance, Y., Patrizi, F., Vassos, S.,
Progression and Verification of Situation Calculus Agents with Bounded Beliefs .
Studia Logica. 104(4): 705-739 (2016)
Belardinelli, F., Lomuscio A., Patrizi, F.,
Verification of Agent-Based Artifact Systems .
J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 51: 333-376 (2014)
De Giacomo, G., Patrizi, F., Sardina, S.,
Automatic Behavior Composition Synthesis .
Artificial Intelligence 196:106-142 (2013)
Cadoli, M., Patrizi, F.,
On the separability of subproblems in Benders decompositions .
Annals of Operations Research 171:27-43 (2009)
Berardi, D., Cheikh, F., De Giacomo, G., Patrizi, F.,
Automatic Service Composition Via Simulation .
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 19(2): 429-451 (2008)
Calvanese, D., De Giacomo, G., Lenzerini, M., Mecella, M., Patrizi, F.,
Automatic Service Composition and Synthesis: the Roman Model .
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 31(3): 18-22 (2008)
Mancini, T., Micaletto, D., Patrizi, F., Cadoli, M.,
Evaluating ASP and Commercial Solvers on the CSPLib .
Constraints 13(4):407-436 (2008)
International Conferences
Anni-Yasmin Turhan, Oliver Fernández Gil, Fabio Patrizi, Giuseppe Perelli:
Optimal Alignment of Temporal Knowledge Bases.
In Proc. of ECAI 2023. To appear.
Pierre Gaillard, Fabio Patrizi, Giuseppe Perelli:
Strategy Repair in Reachability Games.
In Proc. of ECAI 2023. To appear.
Paolo Felli, Marco Montali, Fabio Patrizi, Sarah Winkler:
Monitoring Arithmetic Temporal Properties on Finite Traces .
In Proc. of AAAI 2023. To appear.
Roberto Cipollone, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Favorito, Luca Iocchi, Fabio Patrizi:
Exploiting Multiple Abstractions in Episodic RL via Reward Shaping .
In Proc. of AAAI 2023. To appear.
Francesco Chiariello, Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Fabio Patrizi:
ASP-Based Declarative Process Mining .
In Proc. of AAAI 2022: 5539-5547.
Anti Alman, Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Marco Montali, Fabio Patrizi, Andrey Rivkin:
Multi-model Monitoring Framework for Hybrid Process Specifications .
In Proc. of CAiSE 2022: 319-335.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Montali, Fabio Patrizi:
Verification and Monitoring for First-Order LTL with Persistence-Preserving Quantification over Finite and Infinite Traces .
In Proc. of IJCAI 2022: 2553-2560
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Paolo Felli, Brian Logan, Fabio Patrizi, Sebastian Sardina:
Situation Calculus for Controller Synthesis in Manufacturing Systems with First-Order State Representation (Extended Abstract) .
In Proc. of IJCAI 2022: 5722-5726.
Simone Agostinelli, Giacomo Bergami, Alessio Fiorenza, Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Andrea Marrella, Fabio Patrizi:
Discovering Declarative Process Model Behavior from Event Logs via Model Learning .
In Proc. of ICPM 2021: 48-55.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Aniello Murano, Fabio Patrizi, Giuseppe Perelli:
Timed Trace Alignment with Metric Temporal Logic over Finite Traces .
In Proc. of KR 2021: 227-236.
De Giacomo, G., Iocchi, L., Favorito, M., Patrizi, F.,
Restraining Bolts for Reinforcement Learning Agents .
In Proc. of AAAI 2020. New York (NY), USA. February 2020.
De Giacomo, G., Favorito, M., Iocchi, L., Patrizi, F.,
Imitation Learning over Heterogeneous Agents with Restraining Bolts .
In Proc. of ICAPS 2020. Nancy, France. October 2020.
Bonet, B., De Giacomo, G., Geffner, H., Patrizi, F., Rubin, S.,
High-level Programming via Generalized Planning and LTL Synthesis .
In Proc. of KR 2020. Rhodes, Greece. September 2020.
De Giacomo, G., Favorito, M., Iocchi, L., Patrizi, F., Ronca, A.,
Temporal Logic Monitoring Rewards via Transducers .
In Proc. of KR 2020. Rhodes, Greece. September 2020.
Calvanese, D., Montali, M., Patrizi, F., Rivkin, A.,
Modeling and In-Database Management of Relational, Data-Aware Processes .
In Proc. of CAiSE 2019. Rome, Italy. June 2019.
De Giacomo, G., Favorito, M., Iocchi, L., Patrizi, F.,
Foundations for Restraining Bolts: Reinforcement Learning with LTLf/LDLf Restraining Specifications .
In Proc. of ICAPS 2019. Berkeley (CA), USA. July 2019.
Brafman, R.I., De Giacomo, G., Patrizi, F.,
LTLf/LDLf Non-Markovian Rewards .
In Proc. of AAAI 2018. New Orleans (LA), USA. February 2018.
De Giacomo, G., Maggi, F.M., Marrella, A., Patrizi, F.,
On the Disruptive Effectiveness of Automated Planning for LTLf-based Trace Alignment .
In Proc. of AAAI 2017. San Francisco (CA), USA. February 2017.
Calvanese, D., De Giacomo, G., Montali, M., Patrizi, F.,
On First-Order mu-Calculus over Situation Calculus Action Theories .
In Proc. of KR 2016. Cape Town, South Africa. April 2016.
Calvanese, D., Montali, M., Patrizi, F., Stawowy, M.,
Plan Synthesis for Knowledge and Action Bases .
In Proc. of IJCAI 2016. New York (NY), USA. July 2016.
Calvanese, D., De Giacomo, G., Montali, M., Patrizi, F.,
Description Logic Based Dynamic Systems: Modeling, Verification, and Synthesis .
In Proc. of IJCAI 2015. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Jul 2015.
De Giacomo, G., Ntouskos, V., Patrizi, F., Vassos, S., Aversa, D.,
Service Composition with PDDL Representations and Visualization over Videogame Engines .
In Proc. of SOCA 2015. Rome, Italy. Oct 2015.
De Giacomo, G., Lespérance, Y., Patrizi, F., Vassos, S.,
Progression and Verification of Situation Calculus Agents with Bounded Beliefs .
In Proc. of AAMAS 2014. Paris, France. May 2014.
De Giacomo, G., Lespérance, Y., Patrizi, F., Vassos, S.,
LTL Verification of Online Executions with Sensing in Bounded Situation Calculus .
In Proc. of ECAI 2014. Prague, Czech Republic. Aug 2014.
De Giacomo, G., Patrizi, F., Sardina, S.,
Building Virtual Behaviors from Partially Controllable Available Behaviors in Nondeterministic Environments .
In Proc. of ICAPS 2014. Portsmouth (NH), USA. Jun 2014.
Patrizi, F., Vassos, S.,
Action Theories over Generalized Databases with Equality Constraints .
In Proc. of JELIA 2014. Madeira, Portugal. Sep 2014.
Patrizi, F., Vassos, S.,
Action Theories over Generalized Databases with Equality Constraints (Short Paper) .
In Proc. of KR 2014. Vienna, Austria. Jun 2014.
De Giacomo, G., Lespérance, Y., Patrizi, F.,
Bounded Epistemic Situation Calculus Theories .
In Proc. of IJCAI 2013. Beijing, China. Aug 2013.
Vassos, S., Patrizi, F.,
A Classification of First-Order Progressable Action Theories in Situation Calculus .
In Proc. of IJCAI 2013. Beijing, China. Aug 2013.
Patrizi, F., Lipovetzky, N., Geffner, H.,
Fair LTL Synthesis for Non-Deterministic Systems using Strong Cyclic Planners .
In Proc. of IJCAI 2013. Beijing, China. Aug 2013.
Calvanese, D., De Giacomo, G., Montali, M., Patrizi, F.,
Verification and Synthesis in Description Logic Based Dynamic Systems .
In Proc. of RR 2013. Mannheim, Germany. Jul 2013. (Best Paper Award)
Leonetti, M., Iocchi, L., Patrizi, F.,
Automatic Generation and Learning of Finite-State Controllers .
In Proc. of AIMSA 2012. Varna, Bulgaria. Sep 2012.
Belardinelli, F., Lomuscio, A., Patrizi, F.,
Verification of GSM-Based Artifact-Centric Systems through Finite Abstraction .
In Proc. of ICSOC 2012. Shanghai, China. Nov 2012.
De Giacomo, G., Lespérance, Y., Patrizi, F.,
Bounded Situation Calculus Action Theories and Decidable Verification .
In Proc. of KR'12. Rome, Italy. Jun 2012.
Belardinelli, F., Lomuscio, A., Patrizi, F.,
An Abstraction Technique for the Verification of Artifact-Centric Systems .
In Proc. of KR'12. Rome, Italy. Jun 2012.
Belardinelli, F., Lomuscio, A., Patrizi, F.,
Verification of Deployed Artifact Systems via Data Abstraction .
In Proc. of ICSOC'11. Paphos, Cyprus. Dec 2011.
Gerevini, A., Patrizi, F., Saetti, A.,
An Effective Approach to Realizing Planning Programs (Short Paper) .
In Proc. of ICAPS'11. Freiburg, Germany. Jun 2011.
Patrizi, F., Lipovetzky, N., De Giacomo, G., Geffner, H.,
Computing Infinite Plans for LTL Goals Using a Classical Planner .
In Proc. of IJCAI'11. Barcelona, Spain. Jul 2011.
Belardinelli, F., Lomuscio, A., Patrizi, F.,
A Computationally-Grounded Semantics for Artifact-Centric Systems and Abstraction Results .
In Proc. of IJCAI'11. Barcelona, Spain. Jul 2011.
De Masellis, R., Di Ciccio, C., Mecella, M., Patrizi, F.,
Smart Home Planning Programs .
In Proc. of ICSSSM'10. Tokyo, Japan. Jun-Jul 2010.
De Giacomo, G., Felli, P., Patrizi, F., Sardiña, S.,
Two-Player Game Structures for Generalized Planning and Agent Composition .
In Proc. of AAAI'10. Atlanta (Georgia), Usa. Jul 2010.
De Giacomo, G., Patrizi, F., Sardiña, S.,
Generalized Planning with Loops under Strong Fairness Constraints .
In Proc. of KR'10. Toronto, Canada. May 2010.
De Giacomo, G., Patrizi, F., Sardiña, S.,
Agent Programming via Planning Programs .
In Proc. of AAMAS'10. Toronto, Canada. May 2010.
De Giacomo, G., De Masellis, R., Patrizi, F.,
Composition of Partially Observable Services Exporting their Behaviour .
In Proc. of ICAPS'09. Thessaloniki, Greece. Sep 2009.
Deutsch, A. Hull, R., Patrizi, F. Vianu, V.,
Automatic Verification of Data-Centric Business Processes .
In Proc. of ICDT '09. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Mar 2009.
Sardiña, S., Patrizi, F., De Giacomo, G.,
Behavior Composition in the Presence of Failure .
In Proc. of KR '08. Sydney, NSW, Australia. 2008.
De Giacomo, G., Patrizi, F., Sardiña, S.,
Automatic Synthesis of a Global Behavior from Multiple Distributed Behaviors .
In Proc. of AAAI '07. Vancouver, CA., Aug 2007.
De Giacomo, G., De Leoni, M., Mecella, M., Patrizi, F.,
Automatic Workflows Composition of Mobile Services .
In Proc. of ICWS '07. Salt Lake City (UT), USA. Jul 2007.
Cadoli, M., Mancini, T., Patrizi, F.,
SAT as an Effective Solving Technology for Constraint Problems .
In Proc. of ISMIS '06. Bari, Italy. 2006.
Cadoli, M., Mancini, T., Micaletto D. and Patrizi, F.,
Evaluating ASP and commercial solvers on the CSPLib .
In Proc. of ECAI '06. Riva del Garda, Italy. 2006.
Cadoli, M. and Patrizi, F.,
On the Separability of subproblems in Benders Decompositions .
In Proc. of CP-AI-OR '06. Cork, Ireland. 2006.
International Workshops
Calvanese, D., Montali, M., Patrizi, F., Stawowy, M.,
Synthesizing and Executing Plans in Knowledge and Action Bases .
In Proc. of DL 2016. Cape Town, South Africa. April 2016.
De Giacomo, G., Patrizi, F.,
Automated Composition of Nondeterministic Stateful Services .
Proc. of WS-FM'09. Bologna, Italy. 2009.
De Giacomo, G., Patrizi, F., Sardiña, S.,
Solving High-Level Planning Programs (Extended Abstract) .
Proc. of GenPlan'09 (ICAPS'09 Workshop). Thessaloniki, Greece. Sep 2009.
Patrizi, F.,
An Introduction to Simulation-Based Techniques for Automated Service Composition .
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPCTS) 2: 37-49.
Patrizi, F. and De Giacomo, G.,
Composition of Services that Share an Infinite-State Blackboard (Extended Abstract) .
In Proc. of IIWEB'09. Pasadena, CA. USA. Jul 2009.
Bonomi, S., Colaianni, V., Patrizi, F., Pozzi, D., Russo, R., Mecella, M.,
SWSCE - An Automatic Semantic Web Service Composition Engine .
In Proc. of ESTEEM '08. Rome, Italy. Jul 2008.
Cadoli, M., Mancini, T., Micaletto, D., Patrizi, F.,
Evaluating ASP and commercial solvers on the CSPLib (Preliminary work) .
In Proc. of WLP '06. Vienna-Austria. Feb 2006.
Farinelli, A., Iocchi, L., Nardi, D., Patrizi, F.,
Task Assignment with Dynamic Token Generation .
In Proc. of MSRAS '04. 2005.
Biagetti, A., Farinelli, A., Iocchi, L., Nardi, D., Patrizi, F.,
Experiments with the RoboCup Rescue Simulator in a Post Earthquake Emergency Italian Scenario .
In Proc. of SSRR '04. Bonn, Germany. May 2004.
Edited Works
Lomuscio, A., Nepal, S., Patrizi, F., Benatallah, B., Brandic, I.,
Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2013 Workshops - CCSA, CSB, PASCEB, SWESE, WESOA, and PhD Symposium.
Revised Selected Papers .
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8377. 2016.
Book Chapters
De Giacomo, G., Mecella, M., Patrizi, F.,
Automated Service Composition Based on Behaviors: The Roman Model.
Web Services Foundations 2014: 189-214. 2014.
National Journals
Farinelli, A., Iocchi, L., Nardi, D., Patrizi, F.,
A Multi Agent System Approach for Emergency Intervention: Experimental Analisys and Evaluation.
Intelligenza Artificiale 2(1): 47-53 (2005)
National Conferences
Cadoli, M., Mancini, T., Patrizi, F.,
SAT as an effective solving technology for constraint problems .
In Proc. of CILC '05. Rome, Italy. 2005.
National Workshops
Cadoli, M., Mancini, T., Patrizi, F.,
SAT as an effective solving technology for constraint problems .
In Atti della Giornata di Lavoro: Analisi sperimentale e benchmark di algoritmi per
l'Intelligenza Artificiale. Technical Report, Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università di Ferrara, Italy, June 10 2005.
As part of my research activity, I have produced some software :
Compiler, planner and instances
used for the experiments of the paper:
Patrizi, F., Lipovetzky, N., De Giacomo, G., Geffner, H.,
Computing Infinite Plans for LTL Goals Using a Classical Planner.
In Proc. of IJCAI'11. Barcelona, Spain. Jul 2011.
I have also given some invited talks :
LTLf-based Trace Alignment: a Planning-based Approach
(slides )
(Invited Talk @Agents-VIC, University of Melbourne, VIC (AU), May 2021)
Action Theories over Generalized Databases with Equality Constraints
(slides )
(Invited Talk @Free University of Bozen/Bolzano (Italy), May 2014)
Verification of Deployed Artifact Systems via Data Abstraction
(slides )
(Invited Talk @RMIT University, Melbourne, Vic (AU), Dec 2011)
Verification of Deployed Artifact Systems via Data Abstraction (slides )
(Invited Talk @Free University of Bozen/Bolzano (Italy), Nov 2011)
Two-player Game Structures for Service Composition, Synthesis and Generalized Planning (slides )
(Invited Talk @Università degli Studi di Brescia (Italy), Feb 2010)
Automated Service Composition and Synthesis (slides )
(Invited Talk @Università degli Studi di Brescia (Italy), Feb 2010)
Automatic Composition of Services (slides )
(Invited Talk at @Univerity of California, San Diego (CA, USA), Feb 2008)
I participate or have participated in the following research projects:
2023-2025: Progetti Medi Sapienza, ~47K EUR
Multi-layer Abstraction for Reinforcement Learning with Non-Markovian Rewards (MARLeN)
Principal Investigator
2021-2023: EU Project, ~5.5M EUR
Bringing AI Planning to the European On-Demand AI Platform
(AIPlan4EU )
Task Leader
2019-2022: Progetti Medi Sapienza, 11K EUR
Data-awaRe Automatic Process Execution (DRAPE)
Principal Investigator
2019-2024: EU ERC Advanced Grant, ~2.5M EUR
White-Box Self Programming Mechanisms (WhiteMech )
2020-2023: EU Project~18M EUR
Foundations of Trustworthy AI integrating Learning, Optimisation and Reasoning
2014-2016: Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano - Alto Adige, ~130K EUR
Verification and Synthesis from Components of Processes that Manipulate Data
Principal Investigator
2010-2013: EU Project, ~4.7M EUR
Artifact-centric Service Interoperation (ACSI )
2008-2011: EU Project, ~4.3M EUR
Smart Homes for All (SM4All )
I served as:
Publicity Chair of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
(AAMAS 2021 )
Organizing committee member of the ACTIONS@KR Workshop, held in conjunction with KR2018
Co-chair of the PhD Symposium of the 11th International Conference
on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2013)
Organizing committee chair of the 9th Italian Convention on Computational Logic
(CILC 2012 )
I regularly serve as a PC member for top-tier international conferences and
contribute to the editorial activity of various top-level international
Editorial Board Memberships : AIJ (since Jan 2023)
Conference Program Committee Memberships : AAAI, IJCAI, ICDT, AAMAS, ECAI, KR, ICAPS, BPM, IROS, ICSOC
Editorships : Computing (Springer, Guest Editor)
From Jun 2015 to Nov 2019, I have served as a
moderator for the Artificial Intelligence section of CoRR