Knowledge representation and semantic technologies, 2020/2021 (prof. Riccardo Rosati)


  1. 6/10/2020
    Course overview. Introduction to knowledge representation. Class-based formalisms. Description Logics (DL).
  2. 8/10/2020
    Description Logics (DL). Syntax of Description Logics. The DL ALC. Concept expressions in ALC.
  3. 13/10/2020
    Syntax and semantics of Description Logics. TBoxes in ALC. Semantics of ALC TBoxes. Reasoning tasks.
  4. 15/10/2020
    ABoxes in ALC. Semantics of ALC ABoxes. Semantics of ALC knowledge bases. Reasoning tasks.
  5. 20/10/2020
    Reasoning in ALC: unfoldable TBoxes, negation normal form. The tableau algorithm for ALC KBs with unfoldable TBoxes.
  6. 22/10/2020
    The tableau algorithm for ALC KBs with general concept inclusions.
  7. 27/10/2020
    Solving reasoning tasks through the tableau algorithm for ALC KBs.
  8. 29/10/2020
    Exercises on reasoning in Description Logics.
  9. 3/11/2020
    Rule-based formalisms: brief history. Logic programming. Positive Datalog: syntax, model-theoretic semantics.
  10. 5/11/2020
    Reasoning in positive Datalog: operational semantics, naive and semi-naive bottom-up evaluation.
  11. 10/11/2020
    Recursion in Datalog. Constraints. Exercises on Datalog and ASP: reasoning with positive programs.
  12. 12/11/2020
    Negation in datalog. Answer Set Semantics.
  13. 17/11/2020
    Datalog programs with stratified negation. Exercises on Datalog and ASP: reasoning with stratified programs.
  14. 19/11/2020
    Complexity of reasoning in Datalog and ASP. Comparison among SQL, DL, Datalog, and ASP.
  15. 24/11/2020
    Introduction to The Semantic Web. RDF.
  16. 26/11/2020
    RDF and RDFS.
  17. 1/12/2020
    SPARQL. Linked data. Exercises on RDF and SPARQL.
  18. 3/12/2020
    Ontologies. OWL.
  19. 10/12/2020
    Reasoning in OWL. Query answering in OWL. SPARQL 1.1. Protege.
  20. 15/12/2020
    OWL 2, OWL 2 profiles. Reasoning in OWL 2 QL. Exercises on OWL.
  21. 17/12/2020
    Reasoning in OWL 2 QL, OWL 2 RL and OWL 2 EL: query rewriting, first-order rewritability, ABox materialization.
  22. 21/12/2020
    Exercises on OWL 2 profiles.
  23. 22/12/2020
    Exercises on Knowledge Representation. Presentation of practical projects.