Fabrizio d'Amore
Basic info
Associate professor at Sapienza for almost thirty years and, previously, researcher.
Contact: see footer below
Phone (only urgencies and no commercial offers, I don't answer kindly): +39 06 7727 4016
Director of the second-level master program in Information security and strategic information (in Italian)
student support
student reception service (self-reservation - in presence by default)
Theses: first, remind that theses exist only in the master program; second, theses available on cybersecurity, privacy, certification, watermarking, steganography, algorithms. Inquire for more (details change over time).
Regarding extraordinary exam appeals. Please don't ask me anything about them
I am strongly contrary to their existence and I do them only because they are forced by university regulations. Who can participate? It is written in art. 40 paragraph 6 of the Student Regulations. I do not admit exceptions.
From October-November 2025 I will require the certification as in art. 40, paragraph 6 of the Student Regulations. Students not providing that certification will not be admitted to participate in the extraordinary appeals.
Current courses
security governance (Google classroom yx3gwnd)
strutture dati e algoritmi e complessità (in italian)
Masters (for graduated students)
Sicurezza delle informazioni e informazione strategica (level 2)
Criminologia e scienze strategiche (level 1)
Lavori pubblici (level 2)
Ingegneria dell'innovazione (level 2)
Recently closed courses
modelli (in Italian)
old courses (insecure site, because not https)
scientific interests
watermarking and steganography
theory of errors
last (five) publications
F. d'Amore, L. Zarfati. " Source Code Anti-Plagiarism: a C# Implementation using the Routing Approach". Presented at ICICT2022, London. LNNS 465,
Volume 4, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-2397-5_18F. d'Amore, A. Forte, A. Pisano. "A Online Discoverability of Exposed Industrial Control Systems". AISMA 2021. CEUR-WS http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3094/
A. Bissoli, F. d'Amore, "Authentication as A Service Based on Shamir SecretSharing," 2021 International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Controls (ISCSIC), 2021, pp. 368-373, DOI: 10.1109/ISCSIC54682.2021.00072. Presented at CSW 2021 (best paper award).
F. d'Amore, F. Rositano. "A library for implementation-independent data decryption". Proceedings of Seventh International Congress on Information and Communication Technology. To appear in Springer Nature. Electronic ISBN 978-981-19-2397-5. Print ISBN 978-981-19-2396-8.
F. d'Amore. "Quality Increases as the Error Rate Decreases". CSEIT 2022. AIRCC Publishing Co. https://aircconline.com/csit/papers/vol12/csit121107.pdf. DOI: 10.5121/csit.2022.121107.
dissemination (in Italian)
Febbraio 2016
Dicembre 2018
Luglio 2021
Settembre 2021
Dicembre 2021
Febbraio 2022
Marzo 2022
Marzo 2022
Maggio 2022
Giugno 2022
Agosto 2022
Ottobre 2022
AA.VV. In Le Prospettive della Cyber Intelligence: Quaderno Tematico – Anno 2022, ISBN 979-12-80111-32-6, DOI 10.36182/2022.04
Tor, l‘anonimato e la cifratura telescopica di Fabrizio d'Amore (pp 83-93)
Gennaio 2023
Gennaio 2023
AA.VV. In Studiare l'intelligence in Italia. Editore Rubbettino. ISBN: 9788849873795.
Il master di II livello in: Sicurezza delle informazioni e informazione strategica, il DIS e l’OSINT
Marzo 2023
Aprile 2023
Maggio 2023
Maggio 2023
Giugno 2023
Giugno 2023
Quando la minaccia eversiva evolve. In AA.VV. In "Threat actor: quaderni di cyber intelligence" - Anno 2023. ICT Security Magazine. Pagg 64-87. https://www.ictsecuritymagazine.com/pubblicazioni/quaderni-di-cyber-intelligence-4/.
Settembre 2023
Perché la tua password non è sicura e come scegliere quella giusta per difendersi dagli hacker. Novembre 2023.
OpenSSL, introduzione all’uso: come creare primitive crittografiche da linea di comando. December 2023.
AI, etica e test di Turing: ovvero le sfide nello sviluppo di macchine intelligenti. January 2024.
Insegnare cyber security, l’importanza della multidisciplinarietà. January 2024.
Alcuni contributi ai Quaderni di Cyber Intelligence di ICT Security Magazine
Contributi al magazine del National Security Hub, dal 2024
Recenti interviste TV (solo quelle del 2025)
I am the Dean's delegate for the information engineering area and the contact person for the Teaching Area Council: refer please to my FAQ page
PhD seminar
For expressing your interest in the seminar on Steganography and digital watermarking fill the form (within September 30th, 2023; but I hope to get at least four expressions from Sapienza earlier)
old site
lot of contents, mainly related to old taught courses, are in the old site (insecure site, because not https)
short history of name "Fabrizio"
The name Fabrizio is of Italian origin and derives from the Roman family name Fabricius, which in turn comes from the Latin word faber, meaning "craftsman" or "smith."
The name Fabrizio was already attested in ancient Rome, most notably in the person of Gaius Fabricius Luscinus, a consul known for his integrity. The name fell out of use in the Middle Ages, but was revived during the Renaissance, when it became popular in Italy and other European countries.
Today, the name Fabrizio is a classic Italian name with over 21,000 bearers in Italy. It is most common in the north and central parts of the country.
Variants of the name Fabrizio
Italian: Fabricio, Fabrizio
Spanish: Fabrizio
French: Fabrice
German: Fabricius, Fabritius
English: Fabrizio, Fabricius
Portuguese: Fabrizio
Russian: Фабрицио (Fabricio)
Greek: Φαβριτσιος (Fabricios)
Arabic: فابريزيو (Fabricio)
Notable people with the name Fabrizio
Gaius Fabricius Luscinus, a Roman consul known for his integrity
Fabrizio Colonna, a 15th-century Italian condottiero
Fabrizio de André, a 20th-century Italian singer-songwriter
Fabrizio Moro, a contemporary Italian singer-songwriter
Meaning of the name Fabrizio
The name Fabrizio means "craftsman" or "smith." In a figurative sense, the name can be interpreted as a wish for success and personal achievement.