Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica
Facoltà di Ingegneria
SAPIENZA Università di Roma
Elective in Software and Services
(Complementi di software e servizi per la
società dell'informazione)
Section "Service Integration"
Prof. Giuseppe De Giacomo
This is the web page of the section "Service Integration " of the course Elective
in Software and Services (Complementi di software e servizi per la
società dell'informazione).
- New timetable for the course:
- Wednesday 17:30-19:00 - Section: Semantic Web - Prof. Rosati
- Thursday 10:15-11:45 - Section: Service Integration - Prof. De Giacomo
- Lectures of the section Service Integration will start on Oct. 9, 2008.
- Lecture by Fabio Patrizi on the use of the autmated synthesis system TLV for service composition - Thursday Dec. 4, 2008.
- Lectures by Massimo Mecella on major service technologies - Thursday Dec. 11 & 18, 2008.
- Extra lectures (this lectures are optional, they provide further details on specific issues):
- Thursday Dec. 11, 2008, 12:00-13:30, room B1 - Fabio Patrizi: Practical lecture on TLV - please bring your laptop and instal TLV following this link.
- Thursday Dec. 18, 2008, 12:00-13:30, room B1 - Massimo Mecella : Practical lecture on service techologies.
Services, sometimes called web-services or e-services, are platform agnostic programs that publicly declare and export their behavior so as to be invoked by interested clients. Services are typically associated to standard software programs that actually implement their behavior. Service Integration is the problem of combining (or "composing") services and using them so as to provide new services of interests to the client even if these new services are not directly linked to concrete software programs. In this section, we investigate the formal foundations on automated service integration and composition. We mainly concentrate on integration of process-oriented services (vs. integration of data oriented services, which is quite close to data integration thought in a different section of the course), and we establish connection to planning in AI, on the one hand, and connection to reactive process-synthesis and verification in CS, on the other.
The lectures of the section Service Integration will be given in the first semester (October-December 2008), starting from October 9, every Thursday at 10:15-11:45.
Office hours
See Prof. De Giacomo's didattica
Slides and other material
Slides and other material are uploaded after each lecture. The can be downloaded following this link.
Final exams
There are two possible way to take the final exam for this section: either taking a standard written exam + an oral discussion; or
preparing a small dissertation (tesina) and its presentation and discussion. For the latter possibility the student is required to get her/his assignment before the course ends.
Sample of the written exam will be available on this site before the first written exam date.
The standard written exam is 2 hours long and consist of two parts.
- The first part is composition problem: given a target service and a set of available services, verify the existence of a composition (by computing first the cartisian product of the transition systems of the available services and then computing the simulation -or ND-simulation depending on the case). Then, if the composition exists, produce the output function of the orchestrato generator. If not, propose a change to the available services that guarantees the existence of the composition.
- The second part is a theoretical question that can be about everything studied in the course (which is available on the course material/notes/slides), including the lectures by Mecella and Patrizi.
An example of the written exam is available here.
Schedule of final exams:
- First written exam: Jan. 23, 2009, time 14:00, Room B2, Via Ariosto 25 - exam reservation from 07/01/2009 to 21/01/2009
Text, solution, results - Discussion and "verbalizzazione" on Feb. 6, 2009 time 14:30, Room B215, Via Ariosto 25. Note in order to take next exam (on Feb 11, 2009), students that passed this one have to send me an email cancelling it.
- Second written exam: Feb. 11, 2009, time 14:00, Room 7, Via Eudossiana 18 - exam reservation from 23/01/2009 to 08/02/2009
Text, solution, results - Discussion and "verbalizzazione" on March 27, 2009 time 11:00, Room B215, Via Ariosto 25. Note in order to take next exam (on June/July/September, 2009), students that passed this one have to send me an email cancelling it.
- Third written exam: June 12, 2009, time 10:45, Room 1, Via Eudossiana 18 (the exam will be in the same room and the same time as the exam for "Metodi Formali per il Software e i Servizi") - exam reservation from 28/05/2009 to 08/06/2009. No students reservation.
- Fourth written exam: July 2, 2009, time 9:30, Room 1, Via Eudossiana 18 (the exam will be in the same room and the same time as the exam for "Metodi Formali per il Software e i Servizi" - exam reservation from 13/06/2009 to 28/06/2009
Text, results - Discussion and "verbalizzazione" on July 22, 2009 time 17:00, Room A3, Via Ariosto 25. Note in order to take next exam (on September, 2009), students that passed this one have to send me an email cancelling it.
- Fifth written exam: September 9, 2009, time 9:30, Room 1, Via Eudossiana 18 (the exam will be in the same room and the same time as the exam for "Metodi Formali per il Software e i Servizi" - exam reservation from 03/07/2009 to 06/09/2009
Text, results - Discussion and "verbalizzazione" on October 1, 2009 time 11:00 Room B215, Via Ariosto 25.