What's new in Leonardo 3.4.1?

C standard libraries (stdio.h)
Fixed bug in fgetc (returned value)
'\r' is converted to '\n' during write operations on text files and '\n' is converted to '\r' during read operations
Fixed bug in fflush(stdin)

Graphic user interface
Popup menu showing the names of all defined C functions in C source windows
Popup menu for changing font size in text/source windows
Text size is saved as file preference resource

Full argc/argv management for supporting ANSI C programs developed under UNIX

Program repository
Animation of a 2-approximation algorithm for finding a vertex cover of an undirected graph
Animation of an algorithm for finding an ear decomposition of an undirected graph
Animation of the FIFO preflow-push maximum flow algorithm for directed capacited networks
Animation of the highest-level preflow-push maximum flow algorithm for directed capacited networks

Updated text documents "Leonardo IDE 3.4.1 Read Me" and "C Language Notes" ("Docs" folder)