For whom is this course. This 3 credit course is actually
one of the sections of the course t of
the Master of Science in Engineering in Computer Science the Sapienza
Università di Roma.
Prerequisites. A good knowledge of the fundamentals of
Programming Structures, Programming Languages, Databases (SQL,
relational data model, Entity-Relationship data model, conceptual and
logical database design) and Database systems.
Course goals. In one sentence, Big Data is data that exceeds the
processing capacity of conventional database systems. In particular,
Big Data applications deal with huge amounts of data, possibly
collected from a huge number of data sources (volume), with
highly heterogeneous format (variety), at a very high rate (velocity).
This scenario calls for new technologies to be developed, ranging from
new data storage mechanisms to new computing frameworks. In this course
we will look at several key technologies used in manipulating, storing,
and analyzing big data. In particular, we will study architectures for
data intensive distributed applications and
NoSQL storage solutions.
- Lectures 1, 2, 3 (February 29)
- Course Introduction; Introduction to Big Data
- Lectures 4, 5, 6 (March 7)
- Aggregate Data Models: the notion of aggregate; introduction to key-value; document-based and column family data models
- Lectures 7, 8, 9 (March 14)
- Aggregate Data Models: Schemaless databases: advantages and drawbacks; a brief note on Data Modeling in NoSQL databases; wrap up on aggregate models
- Lectures 10, 11, 12 (March 21)
- March 28
- Lectures 13, 14, 15 (April 4)
- Aggregate Data Models: distribution models; Consistency
- April 11
- Lecture on Information Integration Section (Prof. Console)
- Lectures 16, 17 (April 18)
- Hadoop and its ecosystem: HDFS, Map Reduce and Pig Hadoop and its ecosystems
- Lectures 18, 19, 20 (May 2)
- Hadoop and its ecosystem: An overview of Hive
- Lectures 21, 22, 23 (May 9)
- Hadoop and its ecosystem: Hints on Impala, HBase and Spark; Data Lakes
- RDF and RDFS (recap)
- Lectures 24, 25, 26 (May 16)
- SPARQL (recap) and Linked Open Data
- Intro to Ontology-based Data Management
- Lectures 27, 28, 29 (May 23)
- Reasoning and Query Answering in Ontology-based Data Management
- Relational to RDF Mappings;
- Lectures 30, 31 (May 30)
- Presentations of students' projects
Slides are available at the classroom web page of the course
To access the material you have to register with your institutional account.
Additional Material (suggested -- slides cover all topics in the course)
- NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence.
Pramod J. Sadalage and Martin Fowler. Addison-Wesley. 2013
There are two modalities for the exam:
(1) Development of a small project. Students are strongly encouraged to propose their own idea for projects. As a suggestion, they can refer to (and also select from) the following list of tools. The project connected to a tool consists, for example, in studying the logical data model(s) adopted by the tool, the native storage data structure it uses, the query language it provides, and highlighting further distinguishing features. Also, a demonstration of the basic use of the tool through one or more examples is required. Presentation connected to projects (possibly through slides) should last around 20 minutes (including the demo).
- key-value database tools
- Riak
- document database tools
MarkLogic (Enterprise NoSQL)
- column-family database tools
- Cassandra
Note: This kind of projects can be developed individually or
by groups of two students. In this latter case,
presentation should be equally separated into two parts, one managed by
each member of the group, and the overall presentation time
can be extended to 30-40 minutes.
The exam will consist in the project presentation with possible additional questions on the
topics covered by this
section of the Large Scale Data Management Course.
To have a project assigned, students must send an email to
indicating the kind project they are willing
to present (please, do not start working on a project before you have
it assigned).
(2) Article Presentation
Article presentation consists in preparing a 20 minute presentation about
scientific papers assigned by the lecturer or proposed by students. Send an email to to ask for the assignment of papers to study as final work (please, do not start studying a paper for exam presentation before you have it assigned).
Note: Article presentation can be carried out only individually
Note: Both project and paper presentations and paper will be preferably
carried out during the office ours. Students are however required to send an email in advance to fix the exact date and hour of their presentation.