Data Management (academic year 2020/21)

For whom is this course. This 6 credits course is for the students of the Master of Science in Engineering of Computer Science (School of Engineering) of the Sapienza Università di Roma. This course is also for students of the Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Gestionale of the same School. The language for both the course and the exam is English. The lectures are held in the second semester (March 2021 - May 2021).
Prerequisites. A good knowledge of the fundamentals of Programming Structures (algorithms and data structures), Programming Languages, Databases (SQL, relational data model, Entity-Relationship data model, conceptual and logical database design), Theoretical Computer Science (computational complexity, computability) is required.
Course goals. The course presents the basic concepts of database systems. Several major issues related to the theory and the design of database systems are covered, including concurrency control, recovery, file and index organizations, query processing.

  • News

    • February 22, 2022. The exam of Data Management in the 2021/2022 special session will be held in April 8, 2022 at 9:00pm (classroom A7 at via Ariosto 25). Students willing to participate in the exam must book through INFOSUD according the deadline specified for each exam. Students who do not book for the exam will be not allowed to participate, and there will be no exception to this rule. Only students of certain categories can participate in the exam - see

      Students that are not in these categories will not be allowed to participate. Again, there will be no exception to this rule.

  • Lecture material
    • M. Lenzerini, Lecture notes (slides to download)
      Students can download the course slides by accessing the MOODLE system at this page.
      The slides will be available during the lecture period. Please, note that all students of Sapienza can access the MOODLE system by using the user name and the password of the university
    • R. Ramakrishnan, J. Gehrke. Database Management Systems. McGraw-Hill, 2004
    • Students willing to read more about concurrency control can freely download an excellent book from the following site:
      If one is looking for a more modern book, which is not free, a good suggestion is:
      Gerhard Weikum, Gottfried Vossen, "Transactional Information Systems: Theory, Algorithms, and the Practice of Concurrency Control and Recovery", The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems.

  • Lectures
    • Monday: [10:00am - 12:00am], via Eudossiana 18 (RM041), classroom 41,
    • Monday: [12:00pm - 13:00pm], via Eudossiana 18 (RM041), classroom 41,
    • Wednesday: [08:00am - 10:00am] via Eudossiana 18 (RM033), classroom 40.

    The lectures can also be attended on-line, following this link:

    The recording of the on-line lectures will be available in the MOODLE page of the course.

    - Exercises on the evaluation of relational operators

    Week Monday (10:00am - 12:00am) classroom 41 Monday (12:00pm - 13:00pm) classroom 41 Wednesday (08:00am - 10:00am) classroom 40
    01 (Feb 22) Lectures 1,2
    - Course overview
    - Relational data model
    Lecture 3
    - Recap of relational algebra
    Lectures 4,5
    - Recap of relational algebra queries
    - Null values in the relational model
    02 (Mar 01) Lectures 6,7
    - Recap of SQL
    Lecture 8
    - The architecture of a data manager
    - Buffer management
    Lectures 9,10
    - Transactions and concurrency
    - Serializability and view-serializability
    03 (Mar 08) Lectures 11,12
    - Conflict-serializability
    Lecture 13
    - Conflict vs view serializability
    Lectures 14,15
    - Locking protocols
    - The two-phase locking protocol
    04 (Mar 15) Lectures 16,17
    - The dirty read problem
    - The notion of recoverability
    Lecture 18
    - Strict and rigorous schedules
    - Exercises on concurrency control (part 1)
    Lectures 19,20
    - Timestamp-based methods
    - Multiversion concurrency control
    05 (Mar 22) Lectures 21,22
    - Exercises on concurrency control (part 2)
    Lectures 23,24
    - Concurrency control in SQL
    06 (Mar 29) - The recovery manager ( - The recovery manager ( Lectures 25,26
    - The access file manager
    - Records, Pages, Files
    07 (Apr 05)
    Lectures 27,28
    - Sorting in secondary storage
    08 (Apr 12) Lectures 29,30
    - The notion of index
    - Clustering sorted index
    Lecture 31
    - Unclustering sorted index
    Lectures 32,33
    - Tree-based index
    09 (Apr 19) Lecture 34,35
    - Exercises on file organizations (part 1)
    Lecture 36
    - Hash-based index
    Lecture 37,38
    - Evaluation of unary operators: one-pass algorithms
    10 (Apr 26) Lecture 39,40
    - Evaluation of binary operators: one-pass algorithms

    Lecture 41
    - Exercises on file organizations (part 2,3)
    Lectures 42,43
    - Nested loop algorithms
    11 (May 03) Lectures 44,45
    - Two-pass algorithms based on sorting
    Lecture 46
    - Two-pass algorithms based on hashing
    Lectures 47,48
    - Multi-pass algorithms for relational operators
    12 (May 10) Lectures 49,50
    - Index-based algorithms
    Lecture 51
    - Parallel algorithms for relational operators
    13 (May 17) Lectures 52,53
    - Exercises on evaluation of relational operators
    Lecture 54
    - Exercises on evaluation of relational operators
    Lectures 55,56
    - Query processing: equivalence of relational algebra expressions
    - Logical query plan
    14 (May 24) Lectures 57,58
    - Query processing: estimation of table size
    Lecture 59
    - Query processing and optimization: physical query plan
    Lectures 60,61
    - Exercises on query processing and optimization
  • Exercises
    • Exercises on concurrency control - part 1 (see the Moodle page)
    • Exercises on concurrency control - part 2 (see the Moodle page)
    • Exercises on file organizations - part 1 (see the Moodle page)
    • Exercises on file organizations - part 2 (see the Moodle page)
    • Exercises on file organizations - part 3 (see the Moodle page)
    • Exercises on evaluation of relational operators - part 1 (see the Moodle page)
    • Exercises on evaluation of relational operators - part 2 (see the Moodle page)
    • Exercises on query processing and optimization (see the Moodle page)
  • Topics covered
    • 1. The structure of a Data Base Management System (DBMS)
    • 2. Buffer management: buffer pool, replacement strategies, operations on the buffer
    • 3. Concurrency management: The concept of transaction, The notion of serializability, Concurrency management strategies
    • 4. Recovery: Crash management, Classification of failures, Recovery strategies
    • 5. Physical structures for data bases: Record and page organizations, Simple file organizations, Indexed file organizations
    • 6. Query processing: Evaluation of relational algebra operators, logical and physical query plans
  • Exam
    • Final exam: the final exam is constituted by a written exam, and a possible oral examinations. Students have 2 hours for completing the written exam
    • Past written exams: you can have a look at the texts of past exams
    • To book for the exam: Please, follow the on-line booking procedure.
    • Schedule of exams:
      • First written exam: June 2021
      • Second written exam: July 2021
      • Third written exam: September 2021
      • Special exam session (only for "fuori corso" or "part-time" students): October 2021
      • Fourth written exam: January 2022
      • Fifth written exam: February 2022
      • Second special exam session (only for "fuori corso" and "part-time" students): April 2022
  • Information about course evaluation by students
    • Data about the evaluation of the course by students of the previous editions are available in the home pages of the corresponding editions (see below). Data about the 2020-2021 edition will be posted here as soon as they are available.
  • Information on past editions of this course