Other teaching activities
La seguente lista descrive le attività didattiche condotte al di fuori dell'ambito della SAPIENZA Università di Roma.
- Semantic technologies for open data publishing, PhD course in the context of the 4th International Winter School on Big Data, Timisoara, Romania, January 22-26, 2018
- Ontology-based data management, PhD course in the context of the 3rd International Winter School on Big Data, Bari, Italy, February 13-17, 2017
- Ontology-based data integration, PhD course in the context of the 2013 International Summer School on Trends in Computing, Tarragona, Spain, July 22-26, 2013
- Introduction to databases, short course in the context of the PROMISE PhD Winter School 2013 - Bridging between Information Retrieval and Databases, Bressanone, Italia, 2013
- Data exchange and integration - PhD course in the context of the PhD program in Computer Science and Engineering School at the IMT Alti Studi Lucca, Lucca, Italia, 2011
- Information integration - PhD course in the context of the PhD Bertinoro International Spring School, Bertinoro, Italia, BISS 2011
- Data exchange and integration - PhD course in the context of the PhD program in Computer Science and Engineering School at the IMT Alti Studi Lucca, Lucca, Italia, 2010
- Data exchange and integration - PhD course in the context of the GII Doctoral School on Advances in Databases, Cosenza, Italia, 2009
- Data exchange and integration - PhD course in the context of the PhD program in Computer Science and Engineering School at the IMT Alti Studi Lucca, Lucca, Italia, 2009
- Data integration - PhD course in the context of the PhD School on Data and Service Integration, Bertinoro, Italia, 2006
- Il web semantico per l'integrazione di dati e servizi - Master PA, FORUM Pubblica Amministrazione, Roma, Italia, 2006
- Data and Information Management - Sistemi informativi di impresa: organizzazione, dimensionamento e gestione, Roma, Italia, 2004
- Progettazione del software - Registrazione video delle lezioni per il Consorzio Nettuno, Italia, 2004
- Principi di progettazione object-oriented - Formazione di Ricercatori e-Commerce, Pomezia, Italia, 2003
- Sistemi Informativi: basi di dati e data warehouse - Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione, Roma, Italia, 2001
- Logics for databases - PhD Course at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, 1996
- Il processo di sviluppo del software object-oriented - Consorzio Corinto, Bari, Italia, 1996
- Reasoning in taxonomic logics - European PhD Summer School in Logic Language and Information, Lisbona, Portogallo, 1993
- Structured languages for knowledge representation - Advanced school on Logic and Artificial Intelligence, Udine, Italia, 1992
- Seminari nell'ambito del corso Knowledge Representation (Prof. Hector Levesque), tenuti durante il periodo in cui è stato ricercatore visitatore presso la University of Toronto (Ontario, Canada), 1986