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Semi-Implicit Euler Discretization of Homogeneous Differentiators

Malek Ghanes
Data dell'evento: 
Thursday, 24 February, 2022 - 16:30
Aula Magna (DIAG) e zoom (https://uniroma1.zoom.us/j/84010771092?pwd=OG0wSlRXeUFvN1NydUpHMzZSMjhldz0)
Salvatore Monaco (salvatore.monaco@uniroma1.it)

Malk Ghanes, professore presso l'Ecole Centrale di Nantes, terrà un seminario dal titolo Semi-Implicit Euler Discretization of Homogeneous Differentiators.

Il seminario  avrà luogo  il prossimo 24/02/2022 in Aula Magna del DIAG e sarà fruibile in streaming via zoom al link .

Abstract. This talk is dedicated to  the discretization of homogeneous differentiators by using Semi-Implicit Euler methods based on Projectors. The first part deals with some recalls on Explicit/Implicit and Semi-Implicit Euler discretization of homogeneous differentiators. The second part will focus on Semi-Implicit Euler discretization based on Projector methods. The last part will show the well founded of the proposed solutions through simulations and experimental results with test-benches. 

Biosketch. Prof. Malek GHANES is currently the director of the Chair on Electric Vehicle performances between Renault and Centrale Nantes (CN). Since 2020, he is the head of the LS2N Control team. From September 2006 to April 2016 he has been with Quartz-ENSEA, where he was an Associate Professor and the head of the Department of Automatic and Electrical Engineering. He received the M.Sc. degree and Ph.D. in applied automatic and informatics both from IRCCyN (now LS2N), CN, in 2002 and 2005, respectively. From sept. 2005 to sept. 2006, he was a Postdoctoral position at GReyC. In 2000-2001, he received the engineer's and magister degrees in control systems from UMMTO. His research interests include differentiation/observation and control of nonlinear systems, with applications mainly to electric systems. He was recipient of the Best Paper Award 2014 from CEP IFAC Journal and the Applied Research Award 2015 from the FIEEC. He has published several journals, conferences and patents.

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© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma