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Automatic Control, Bioengineering and Operations Research

Coordinator: Laura Palagi

The Academic Board of the PhD program in Automatic Control, Bioengineering and Operations Research is coordinated by Giuseppe ORIOLO. This PhD program is the result of merging the two former PhD programs in Systems Engineering and in Operations Research, and has now three curricula, i.e., Automatic Control, Bioengineering, and Operations Research. The research topics are: systems theory, nonlinear and optimal control, control applications, robotics, networked systems, metabolic systems, neuroengineering, bioinformatics, bioelectrical signal processing, combinatorial optimization, nonlinear programming, network design, neural networks, logistics.


Coordinator: Leonardo Querzoni

Cybersecurity today represents a rapidly growing research area with important multidisciplinary aspects, ranging from purely technological issues to aspects related to the control of data and information flows in complex socio-technical scenarios such as healthcare, e-government, digital business, finance, logistics and energy. Cybersecurity also offers a promising research field to advance theoretical knowledge in disciplines such as computing, information systems, management, innovation, regulation and strategy. The research topics of interest for the PhD include: system security, software, hardware and network security, cryptography, cyber risk management, data security and privacy, security governance, supply chain security, opsec, economics of cybersecurity, high reliability organizations, disinformation.

Data Science

Coordinator: Stefano Leonardi

The Academic Board of the PhD program in Data Science is coordinated by Stefano LEONARDI. Data Science is an interdisciplinary field of study that has established itself in recent years in order to offer the methodological tools and technologies necessary for the management and analysis of big data and their valorisation in industry, services, and search. The phenomenon of big data has revolutionized countless sectors of economicsocial activity. The phenomenon of big data has also profoundly modified the research methodologies and the development of technological innovation in numerous disciplines and applications. The main objective of this PhD is the realization of interdisciplinary research projects of Data Science that lead to the development of innovative methodologies and technologies based on the use of big data in the following fields of application:

  • Advanced digital platforms,
  • Management of urban spaces and environmental resources
  • Medicine and health
  • Economic and Social Analysis.

Engineering in Computer Science

Coordinator: Roberto Navigli

Postgraduate Research degrees (Ph.D.) are the highest level of university education. The Ph.D. program in Engineering in Computer Science (Dottorato di Ingegneria Informatica) offered by the Sapienza University of Rome is aimed at the acquisition of the necessary competence to pursue highly-specialised research activities in many fields of Computer Science and concludes with the preparation of a final thesis.
Areas of interest of the Ph.D. in Computing Science and Engineering include:
- Computer architectures and networks
- Algorithm engineering and complexity analysis
- Software engineering
- Artificial intelligence and Knowledge representation
- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
- Information systems
- Databases
- Distributed Systems
- Web and social networks
- Software oriented computing
- Cyber security and intelligence
- Computer vision and computer graphics
- Human-computer interaction
- Multi-agent and Multi-robot systems

National PhD in Artificial Intelligence

Coordinator: Maurizio Lenzerini

The National PhD in Artificial Intelligence (Phd-AI.it) concerns a central theme for digital transformation of society. It aims to mobilize the national community for a PhD in AI at the highest scientific level, such as to boost research and the country's industrial and social innovation.
The PhD-AI.it is implemented, with the coordination of the CNR and the University of Pisa, with the establishment of 5 federated AI doctorates, organized by a university leader and a large consortium of universities and research institutions. Doctorates have a common base focused on the foundational aspects of AI e 5 areas of specialization:

• Security and cybersecurity, Sapienza University of Rome
• Health and life sciences, University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome
• Agrifood and environment, University of Naples Federico II
• Industry 4.0, Turin Polytechnic
• Society, University of Pisa.

Iniziative DIAG

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma