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Seminario pubblico di Lorenzo Marconi

Lorenzo Marconi
Data dell'evento: 
Tuesday, 10 December, 2024 - 16:00
Aula Magna DIAG

Nell'ambito della procedura selettiva per il reclutamento di 1 ricercatore a tempo determinato tipologia A tempo pieno proc. 1/2024 GSD 09/IINF-05 - SSD IINF-05/A, presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria informatica, automatica e gestionale Antonio Ruberti, bandita con D.D. n. 3712 del 26/7/2024, Lorenzo Marconi terrà un seminario pubblico in data 10/12/2024, alle ore 16:00, presso l’Aula Magna del DIAG, e in collegamento Zoom, link alla videochiamata: https://uniroma1.zoom.us/j/83356128588?pwd=qJ8Z9uO3OTHqNuqNMJ9mc09znhC6mp.1

Title: Privacy-preserving query answering in Description Logics ontologies

Abstract: In recent decades, the widespread use of information systems has led to an increasing amount of sensitive data managed, posing several privacy and security risks. Controlled Query Evaluation (CQE) is a framework for limiting access to sensitive information when querying a system, while still providing useful responses. Initially proposed for databases, CQE has recently been studied for Description Logics ontologies, the logical formalization underpinning most Semantic Web technologies. Central to CQE is the possibility of specifying a data protection policy in a declarative way, avoiding the need to actively alter data to ensure their security. The policy is enforced via optimal censors, which aim to minimally alter information while maintaining confidentiality. In this seminar we investigate various semantics for confidentiality-preserving query answering based on censors, discussing their tractability, expressivity and other formal properties, with a particular focus on DL-Lite ontologies.We also discuss an experimental setting, wherein we implemented the newly-presented CQE techniques adapting them to the Ontology-based Data Access methodology.

Short bio: Lorenzo Marconi obtained his Ph.D. in May 2024 from Sapienza University of Rome, with a dissertation titled "Privacy-preserving and Inconsistency-tolerant Query Answering in Knowledge Bases and Databases". During his Ph.D., he conducted a five-month research visit at LaBRI, a CNRS research unit in Talence, Bordeaux. He is currently a research fellow at DIAG, Sapienza University of Rome. In 2024, he co-authored the paper "Enhancing Controlled Query Evaluation through Epistemic Policies" which received the Distinguished Paper Award at the IJCAI 2024 conference.



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