Registration fee: 120 Euro (single room), 105 (double room) per day.
  • The registration fee includes full accomodation.
  • Participants will indicate their arrival date in the registration form. 
  • Participants are expected to attend the whole event. Those who need to leave earlier are expected to send an email to 
  • The registration form to be filled by participants is available at

Some fellowships are available under the BiCi Leonardo Melandri Program. These are intended
  • for participants who need partial or full support, and
  • for advanced students who are interested in the themes of the workshop (we encourage the participants to ask their advanced students to apply - at most one student per participant)
People applying for grants should email to, and should fill up the registration form only after the answer to the application. In the application letter, please indicate the following:
  • First Name, Last Name, Sex, 
  • Date of birth, Place of birth, Nationality, 
  • Position, Affiliation, 
  • Reason for requesting the grant.
