- The registration fee includes full accomodation.
- Participants will indicate their arrival date in the registration form.
- Participants are expected to attend the whole event. Those who need to leave earlier are expected to send an email to lenzerini@dis.uniroma1.it
- The registration form to be filled by participants is available at http://bici.nws.cs.unibo.it/formsmaker/events/INFINT2007/clean/INFINT2007.html
Some fellowships are available under the BiCi Leonardo Melandri Program. These are intended
- for participants who need partial or full support, and
- for advanced students who are interested in the themes of the workshop (we encourage the participants to ask their advanced students to apply - at most one student per participant)
- First Name, Last Name, Sex,
- Date of birth, Place of birth, Nationality,
- Position, Affiliation,
- Reason for requesting the grant.