Here are listed the projects I participated to or I am currently involved in, on behalf of SAPIENZA - Università di Roma.
- Full Name: Big Data Pipeline Discovery from Dark Data
- Role: Principal Investigator
- Grant value: 10.000 €
- Funding Institution: Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
- Description: DISPIPE develops a new breed of intelligent solutions for the achievement of the Data Pipeline Discovery task. We rely on a scalable integration of process mining techniques to (semi-)automatically learn the structure of Big Data pipelines by interpreting huge amounts of event data produced by Dark Data sources.
- Period: from 12/2022 to 12/2024
- Full Name: Enabling the Big Data Pipeline Lifecycle on the Computing Continuum
- Role: Unit Leader
- Grant value: Funding from EU: 4.999.996,25 €. Financing to Sapienza: 433.751 €
- Funding Institution: Horizon 2020 European Union Programme
- Description: The vision of the project is the creation of a novel paradigm for Big Data pipeline processing over heterogeneous resources encompassing the Computing Continuum, covering the complete lifecycle of managing Big Data pipelines.
- Period: from 1/2021 to 12/2023
- Web page:
- Main publication: D. Roman, et al.: Big Data Pipelines on the Computing Continuum: Tapping the Dark Data. IEEE Computer, Volume 55, November 2022
- Full Name: La rete turistica dei luoghi di Cicerone
- Role: Project Coordinator
- Grant value: Overall funding: 151.442,16 €. Financing to Sapienza: 28.565,95 €
- Funding Institution: Regione Lazio (DTC)
- Description: Through developing a model for forecasting tourist flows based on Big Data techniques, the project aims to realize a tool that enhances the quality of the tourist experience, inducing the traveler to have a thorough understanding of the cultural aspects of Cicero's places and the archaeological emergencies in them.
- Period: from 11/2021 to 1/2024
- Web page:
- Full Name: Mastering Process Adaptation in Unpredictable Domains
- Role: Principal Investigator
- Grant value: 11.100 €
- Funding Institution: Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
- Description: The project provides a new approach that enable business processes to adapt to novel situations during their enactment in any possible exceptional situation.
- Period: from 12/2019 to 12/2021
- Main publication: S. Agostinelli, M. Lupia, A. Marrella, M. Mecella: Reactive synthesis of software robots in RPA from user interface logs. Computers in Industry, Volume 142, Elsevier, November 2022
- Full Name: Mining ExTended leaRnability of InteraCtive Systems
- Role: Principal Investigator
- Grant value: 2.000 €
- Funding Institution: Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
- Description: The project proposes an approach and an implementation to objectively and automatically quantifying the extended learnability of a system during its daily use without the need of observing directly the interaction of the user with the system itself.
- Period: from 12/2018 to 12/2019
- Main publication: D. Benvenuti, E. Buda, F. Fraioli, A. Marrella, T. Catarci: Detecting and Explaining Usability Issues of Consumer Electronic Products. IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, INTERACT 2021
- Full Name: IT empowering faSHIon design creators with a next-generation co-cReation ecosysTem
- Role: WP3 Leader
- Grant value: 37.000 €
- Funding Institution: Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
- Description: The project defines techniques for 3D collaborative modelling, interactive animation of virtual garment, real-time rendering of cloth materials, mixed-initiative design via computational creators, and their possible prototype realization.
- Period: from 6/2017 to 6/2020
- Main publication: S. Veneruso, T. Catarci, L. S. Ferro, A. Marrella, M. Mecella: V-DOOR: A Real-Time Virtual Dressing Room Application Using Oculus Rift. 15th Int. ACM Conf. on Advanced Visual Interfaces, AVI 2020
- Role: Participant
- Funding Institution: Cyber Intelligence and Information Security Research Center
- Description: The project investigates how to make more trusted and secure the supply chain (SC) of critical infrastructures.
- Period: from 1/2017 to 1/2019
- Full Name: Data-aware Adaptation of Knowledge-intensive Processes in Cyber-Physical Domains through Action-based Languages
- Role: Principal Investigator
- Grant value: 2.000 €
- Funding Institution: Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
- Description: This project provides a rigorous view of Knowledge-Intensive Processes (KiPs) through action-based languages developed for reasoning about actions in AI, which provide a natural framework to formally model world changes and respond to unplanned situations in an automated way during KiP execution.
- Period: from 9/2016 to 9/2017
- Main publication: A. Marrella, M. Mecella, S. Sardina: Intelligent Process Adaptation in the SmartPM System. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, Volume 8, Issue 2, January 2017
- Full Name: Soluzioni ICT per la fruizione e l'esplorazione aumentata di Beni Culturali
- Role: OR-4 Leader
- Grant value: Sapienza: 202.897 €
- Funding Institution: Programma Operativo Nazionale Ricerca e Competitività
- Description: The project focuses on developing ICT-based solutions for augmented fruition and exploration of cultural heritage.
- Period: from 1/2015 to 3/2018
- Main publication: T. Collerton, A. Marrella, M. Mecella, T. Catarci: Route Recommendations to Business Travelers Exploiting Crowd-Sourced Data. 14th Int. Conf. on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems, MobiWIS 2017
- Full Name: Development of an ontology modeling for ACI and experimentation of the semantic technologies for accessing data
- Role: Participant
- Grant value: 120.000 €
- Funding Institution: ACI (Automobile Club d'Italia)
- Description: The project focuses on developing an ontology modeling for ACI and experimentation of semantic technologies for accessing data.
- Period: from 7/2014 to 7/2016
- Full Name: Un Framework aperto ed Integrabile basato su modelli di nuova generazione per la Gestione ottimizzata e il cOnsolidamento di sistemi IT che prevedono l'erogazione di servizi B2B mediante l'utilizzo massivo di device mobile, anche attraverso il tracciamento ed il monitoraggio dei processi di business
- Role: Unit Leader
- Grant value: 110.000 €
- Funding Institution: Regione Lazio (POR FESR Lazio 2007/2013)
- Description: The project develops an open framework that allows performing process mining and data mining techniques on processes and data coming from Telecommunication companies.
- Period: from 9/2014 to 9/2015
- Full Name: SUPporting E-health knowledge-intensive pRocesses
- Role: Participant
- Grant value: 17.000 €
- Funding Institution: Sapienza Università di Roma
- Description: The project realizes a Process Management System for the management of health care activities.
- Period: from 1/2014 to 12/2014
- Main publication: T. Catarci, F. Leotta, A. Marrella, M. Mecella, M. Sharf: Process-Aware Enactment of Clinical Guidelines through Multimodal Interfaces. Computers, Volume 8, Number 3, MDPI, September 2019
- Full Name: meTodi e tEcniche per la geSTione dei processi nella MEdicina D'urgenza
- Role: Participant
- Grant value: 24.000 €
- Funding Institution: Sapienza Università di Roma
- Description: The project develops a multimodal interface for mobile systems to be used by doctors and nurses in hospital wards.
- Period: from 1/2013 to 12/2013
- Main publication: F. Cossu, A. Marrella, M. Mecella, et al.: Improving Operational Support in Hospital Wards through Vocal Interfaces and Process-Awareness. 25th IEEE Int. Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, CBMS 2012
- Full Name: An Adaptive Peer-to-Peer Software Infrastructure for Supporting Collaborative Work of Human Operators in Emergency/Disaster Scenarios
- Role: Participant
- Grant value: Funding from EU: 1.850.000 €. Financing to Sapienza: 315.000 €
- Funding Institution: European Union Sixth Framework Program FP6
- Description: The project has developed an innovative software infrastructure (software, models, services) and communication technologies for supporting collaborative work of human operators in emergency scenarios.
- Period: from 11/2006 to 10/2009
- Web page:
- Main publication: T. Catarci, et al.: Pervasive and Peer-to-Peer Software Environments for Supporting Disaster Responses. IEEE Internet Computing Journal, Volume 12, Issue 1, January-February 2008
- Full Name: Multichannel Adaptive Information Systems
- Role: Participant
- Grant value: Financing to Sapienza: 1.200.000 €
- Funding Institution: Italian FIRB 2001
- Description: The project has developed a flexible environment to adapt the interaction and provided information and services according to ever changing requirements, execution contexts, and user needs.
- Period: from 11/2006 to 10/2009
- Web page:
- Main publication: Book on Mobile Information Systems, presenting the framework and the technologies developed in the MAIS project.