Operations Research Fall 2019


The aim of the course is to introduce students to the knowledge of the optimization problems and of the mathematical modeling techniques of decision problems. Students are expected to acquire skills on Convex programming,  Linear Programming  and Integer Linear Programming models (theoretical properties and optimality conditions) and the basic elements of algorithms for their solution.

Teacher: Laura Palagi

Assistant:Edoardo Tronci and Marco Boresta (office hours: on email appointment)

Lectures calendar: check important dates on the calendar reported on the Schedule menu on the left

Google group Join the OR Google group. Register to the group for receiveing info about the course (scheduling, timetable, teaching material etc.). Registration is possibile starting on September 22 until to October 31,  2019.

Take the Welcome survey for attending students (please note that you can partecipate just once and that the email will be registered and automatically added to the google group).