Exams & Grading 2018

Exam dates

Official Dates: 

Not available yet. Check on Infostud System and/or on the MsC homepage

Please register using INFOSTUD system in order to register your exam.



There are two homeworks.  Details not available yet

Electronic submission:

Homework is worth full credit untile midnight of the due date. Send your homework by email to Ing. Seccia and to Laura Palagi with subject

"[OMML 2018]  Assignment#i-th"

For late homework, the score will be decreased.  It is worth 85% for the next 48 hours. It is worth 70% from 48 to 120 hours after the due date. It is worth 50% credit after 120 hours delay. You must turn in all the homeworks in order to be admitted to the final term.


There are a midterm and a final term exam during the class.

In case a student has not been able to undergo the midterm exam, it is possible to attend the final exam on the full program (additional question are added). it is also possible to undergo a final exam on the full program on the first session of January

Student can bring notes and the textbook (Open book exam). Electronic devices are not allowed.


  • Homework (70% divided on the two projects: 1st project 35%, 2nd project 35%)
  • Midterm in the class (15 %)
  • Final term in the class (15 %)
  • Mid + final term after the class 30%

Grade 31 stands for 30 cum laude


The oral exam is optional. Student can ask for an oral to adjust the mark. It  is allowed an increase or a decrease of at most 2 point over the grade obtained by averaging HWs and mid/final term.


Students that cannot attend the course need to prepare a project (50%), multiple choice exam (10%) and to have an oral exam (40%) on the full  program. Discussion of the project, multiple choice and oral exams are only in the official dates.