Pubblicazioni di Di Pillo Francesca
Capece G, Di Pillo F
Online corporate communication: Should national culture matter?. FRONTIERS IN COMMUNICATION 2023: -
Di Pillo Francesca, Levialdi Nathan, Marzano Riccardo
Organized crime and waste management costs. REGIONAL STUDIES 2022: 1-13
Barchiesi M. A., Costa R., Di Pillo F.
Capece G., Costa R., Di Pillo F.
Di Pillo F., Levialdi N., Marchegiani L.
The investments in energy distribution networks: Does company ownership matter?. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY ECONOMICS AND POLICY 2020: 41-49
Capece G., Di Pillo F.
Chinese website design: Communication as a mirror of culture. JOURNAL OF MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS 2019: 1-23
Calabrese A., Capece G., Costa R., Di Pillo F., Giuffrida S.
A 'power law' based method to reduce size-related bias in indicators of knowledge performance: An application to university research assessment. JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS 2018: 1263-1281
Di Pillo F., Introna V., Levialdi N., Marchegiani L.
Regulatory response to self-production of energy: A risk for the development of renewable sources and combined heat and power. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY ECONOMICS AND POLICY 2018: 121-130
Di Pillo Francesca, Gastaldi M, Levialdi Ghiron Nathan, Michela M., Miliacca Michela
Environmental performance versus economic-financial performance: evidence from Italian firms. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY ECONOMICS AND POLICY 2017: 98-108
Capece G, Di Pillo F, Gastaldi M, Levialdi N, Miliacca M
Examining the effect of managing GHG emissions on business performance. BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2017: 1041-1060
Capece G, Di Pillo F, Levialdi Ghiron N, Perotto G
Understanding how the strategic similarities between energy companies influence the post-mergers and acquisitions performances. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY ECONOMICS AND POLICY 2017: 78-89
Di Pillo Francesca, Levialdi Ghiron Nathan, Lupi F.
Traffic management of video on demand: An analysis of investments for improving the end user's quality of experience. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 2016: 1-9
Calabrese A, Capece G, Costa R, Di Pillo F
Global Market and Commercials: Understanding Cultural Diversities. KNOWLEDGE AND PROCESS MANAGEMENT 2015: 167-179
Calabrese A, Capece G, Di Pillo F, Martino F
Calabrese A, Di Pillo F, Levialdi Ghiron N, Gastaldi M, Iacovelli I
Net neutrality versus discrimination in internet access: Winners, losers and investment incentives. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY, POLICY AND MANAGEMENT 2014: 232-249
Biondi S, Calabrese A, Capece G, Costa R, Di Pillo F
A new approach for assessing dealership performances: an application for the automotive industry. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 2013: 1-8
Calabrese A, Campisi D, Capece G, Costa R, Di Pillo F
Competiveness and Innovation in High-tech Companies: an Application to the Italian Biotech and Aerospace Industries. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 2013: 1-11
Capece G, Di Pillo F, Levialdi N
Measuring and comparing the performances of energy retail companies: Firm strategies following the liberalization. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY SECTOR MANAGEMENT 2013: 491-515
Capece G, Di Pillo F, Levialdi N
Mergers and Acquisitions in the Energy Industry following the Market Liberalization: the Italian Case. JOURNAL OF MACROTRENDS IN ENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITY 2013: 123-138
Brogi S, Calabrese A, Campisi D, Capece G, Costa R, Di Pillo F
The effects of online brand communities on brand equity in the luxury fashion industry. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 2013: 1-9
Capece G, Calabrese A, Di Pillo F, Costa R, Crisciotti V
The Impact of National Culture on E-commerce Acceptance: the Italian Case. KNOWLEDGE AND PROCESS MANAGEMENT 2013: 102-112
Calabrese A, Capece G, Costa R, Di Pillo F, Paglia D
The Impact of Workforce Management Systems on Productivity and Quality: A Case Study in the Information and Communication Technology Service Industry. KNOWLEDGE AND PROCESS MANAGEMENT 2013: 177-184
Capece G, Di Pillo F, Levialdi N
The Performance Assessment of Energy Companies. APCBEE PROCEDIA 2013: 248-252
Di Pillo F, Capece G, Cricelli L, Levialdi N
Business Diversification Strategies in the Italian
Capece G, Cricelli L, Di Pillo F, Levialdi Ghiron N
Capece G, Cricelli L, Di Pillo F, Levialdi N
The liberalization of the Italian natural gas market: the evolution of profitability and financial performances of retail companies. PROCEEDINGS OF FOURTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON COMPETITION AND REGULATION IN NETWORK INDUSTRIES 2011: -
Capece G, Cricelli L, Di Pillo F, Levialdi Ghiron N
A cluster analysis study based on profitability and financial indicators in the Italian gas retail market. ENERGY POLICY 2010: 3394-3402
Cricelli L, Di Pillo F, Gastaldi M, Levialdi Ghiron N
Asymmetry in mobile access charges: is it an effective regulatory measure?. NETNOMICS 2010: 291-314
Capece G, Cricelli L, Di Pillo F, Levialdi Ghiron N
Towards an Italian natural gas exchange: the implementation of the Clearing House model. INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF BUSINESS RESEARCH PAPERS 2010: 107-118
Capece G, Di Pillo F
An Analysis of the Impact on Welfare deriving from the New European Regulation of International Roaming. Proc. of 8th Conference of Telecommunication, Media and Internet Techno-Economics (CTTE´09) 2009: -
Capece G, Cricelli L, Di Pillo F, Levialdi Ghiron N
The Italian gas retail market: a cluster analysis based on performance indexes. Energy and Sustainability II 2009: -
Capece G, Cricelli L, Di Pillo F, Levialdi Ghiron N
A productivity analysis of the Italian gas retail market. Environmental Economics and Investment Assessment II 2008: 43-52
Cricelli L, Di Pillo F, Gastaldi M, Levialdi Ghiron N
Mobile Networks Competition and Asymmetric Regulation of Termination Charges. Telecommunications modeling, policy, and technology 2008: -
Cricelli L, Di Pillo F, Gastaldi M, Levialdi Ghiron N
Could asymmetric regulation of access charges improve the competition between mobile networks?. 2007 6th Conference on Telecommunication Techno-Economics, CTTE 2007 2007: -
Capece G, Cricelli L, Di Pillo F, Levialdi N
Impact of Liberalization on Italian Retail Gas Prices. IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling 2007: 403-408
Costa R, Di Pillo F, Franco G, Vergine R
Capece Guendalina, Di Pillo Francesca, F. Gastaldi, Levialdi Ghiron Nathan
The European Gas Market: the Effects of Liberalization on Retail Prices. Energy and Sustainability 2007: -
Capece G, Di Pillo F, Gastaldi M, Levialdi Ghiron N
The European gas market: the effects of liberalization on retail prices. Energy and Sustainability 2007: 417-426
Cricelli L, Di Pillo F, Gastaldi M. E Levialdi N
Mobile Networks Strategies and Non Reciprocal Access Charges. Proceedings of 15th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit 2006: -
Cricelli L, Di Pillo F, Gastaldi M, Levialdi Ghiron N
Pricing Analysis in International Interconnected Networks. Telecommunications Planning: Innovations in Pricing, Network Design and Management 2006: -
Cricelli L, Di Pillo F, Gastaldi M. E Levialdi N
Pricing Strategies in The Mobile Telecommunications Industry. Proceedings of the 9th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 2005: 127-132
Cricelli L, Di Pillo F, Gastaldi M. E Levialdi N
The Mobile Telecommunications Industry: The Competition under the Hypothesis of Price Discrimination Strategy. 31st EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications 2005: 372-379
Cricelli L, Di Pillo F, Gastaldi M, Levialdi Ghiron N
Wholesale competition in the international telecommunications system. NETWORKS AND SPATIAL ECONOMICS 2005: 261-277
Cricelli L, Di Pillo F, Gastaldi M, Levialdi Ghiron N
Mobile telephony industry: price discrimination strategies for interconnected networks. Telecommunications and networking: ICT 2004: 11th International conference on telecommunications, Fortaleza, Brazil, August 1-6, 2004: proceedings 2004: 315-340
Cricelli Livio, Di Pillo Francesca, Ferragine Claudio, Levialdi Nathan
Simulation in the mobile rielephony market: Price discrimination strategy under asymmetrical conditions. The Proceedings of the 2003 Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2003: 671-675
Cricelli Livio, Di Pillo Francesca, Levialdi Nathan