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2021, Abstracts from the World Congress of Neurology (WCN 2021)JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES, Pages 161-161 (volume: 429)

Cognitive deficits in children with brain tumours: A project to create a software for cognitive training (04d Abstract in atti di convegno)

Mastronuzzi Angela, Secco Domitilla Elena, Laus Beatrice, Carai Andrea, Tozzi Alberto, Premuselli Roberto, Delli Priscoli Francesco, Pietrabissa Antonio, Giuseppi Alessandro, Menegatti Danilo, Rizzotto Eloisa, Garone Giacomo, Sciancalepore Francesco, Lacorte Eleonora, Tariciotti Leonardo, Remoli Giulia, Vanacore Nicola, Raucci Umberto

Brain tumors are the main cause of cancer-related death in children. These tumors and related treatments, in particular radiotherapy and high dose chemotherapy, are often associated with cognitive deficits that can cause mood and behavioral impairments. The aim of this study was to characterize cognitive impairments in children with brain tumors with the aim of creating a specific software for cognitive training to improve life expectancy and quality.
Gruppo di ricerca: Networked Systems
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma