I have completed a bachelor's degree in Management and Computer Science at LUISS Guido Carli university (2019-2022), with a program that spans from data science, statistics, mathematics and informatics to economics, management and fundamentals of business law.
In 2022, I worked as a Data Science Intern @KNIME in the Konstanz office, where I wrote technical articles, implemented models and solutions in native KNIME and developed new nodes with low-level Tensorflow.
After this experience in Germany, I graduated with highest honors from the Data Science Master's Degree in Sapienza (2022-2024), and I am now pursuing a PhD, again in Data Science and in Sapienza (2024-2027).
Beyond the topics more directly related to traditional data science paths, I have a particular interest in statistical learning, theory of algorithms and theoretical probability for stochastic processes, with connections to statistical inference regarding stochastic differential equations/diffusions.