Giuseppe De Giacomo - Papers
The papers posted here consist of preliminary
versions of papers that are about to be published or have been published
in journals or conference proceedings. For final versions, please see
cited journals or proceedings.
- Misconceptions in Finite-Trace and Infinite-Trace Linear Temporal Logic
Ben Greenman, Siddhartha Prasad, Antonio Di Stasio, Shufang Zhu, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Marco Montali, Tim Nelson, Milda Zizyte
FM 2024.
- Abstraction of Situation Calculus Concurrent Game Structures - Extended Abstract
Yves Lesperance, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maryam Rostamigiv, Shakil M. Khan.
KR 2024 (Previously Published Research Track).
- Proper Linear-time Specifications of Environment Behaviors in Nondeterministic Planning and Reactive Synthesis
Benjamin Aminof, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Sasha Rubin, Florian Zuleger.
KR 2024.
- Monte Carlo tree search with state merging for reinforcement learning in Regular Decision Processes
Gabriel Paludo Licks, Fabio Patrizi and Giuseppe De Giacomo.
ECAI 2024.
- Shielded FOND: Planning With Safety Constraints in
Pure-Past Linear Temporal Logic
Luigi Bonassi, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Alfonso Emilio Gerevini, Enrico Scala.
ECAI 2024.
- Planning for Temporally Extended Goals in Pure-Past Linear Temporal Logic (Extended Abstract)
Luigi Bonassi, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Favorito, Francesco Fuggitti, Alfonso Emilio Gerevini, Enrico Scala.
IJCAI 2024 (Sister Track).
- Lifted Planning: Recent Advances in Planning Using First-Order Representation
Augusto B. Correa, Giuseppe De Giacomo.
IJCAI 2024 (Survey Track).
- The Trembling-Hand Problem for LTLf Planning
Pian Yu, Shufang Zhu, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marta Kwiatkowska, Moshe Vardi.
IJCAI 2024.
- Effective Approach to LTLf Best-Effort Synthesis in Multi-Tier Environments
Benjamin Aminof, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Gianmarco Parretti, Sasha Rubin.
IJCAI 2024.
- Composition of Stochastic Services for LTLf Goal Specifications
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Favorito, Luciana Silo.
FoIKS 2024.
- Planning with Object Creation
Augusto B. Correa, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Malte Helmert, Sasha Rubin.
ICAPS 2024.
- Mimicking Behaviors in Separated Domains (Abstract Reprint)
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Dror Fried, Fabio Patrizi, Shufang Zhu.
AAAI 2024 (Journal Track).
- Pure-Past Action Masking
Giovanni Varricchione, Natasha Alechina, Mehdi Dastani, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Brian
Logan, Giuseppe Perelli.
AAAI 2024.
- Abstraction of Situation Calculus Concurrent Game Structures
Yves Lesperance, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maryam Rostamigiv, Shakil M. Khan.
AAAI 2024.
- Temporally Extended Goal Recognition in Fully Observable Non-deterministic Domain Models
Ramon Fraga Pereira, Francesco Fuggitti, Felipe Meneguzzi, Giuseppe De Giacomo.
Appl. Intell. 54(11-12): 470-489 (2024).
- Orchestration of services in Smart Manufacturing
through automated synthesis
Flavia Monti, Luciana Silo, Marco Favorito, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Francesco Leotta,
Massimo Mecella.
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2024.
- Regular Decision Processes
Ronen I. Brafman, Giuseppe De Giacomo.
Artif. Intell. 331: 104113 (2024).
- Towards ILP-Based LTLf Passive Learning
Antonio Ielo, Mark Law, Valeria Fionda, Francesco Ricca, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Alessandra Russo.
ILP 2023 - Best Paper Award.
- FOND Planning for Pure-Past Linear Temporal Logic Goals
Luigi Bonassi, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Favorito, Francesco Fuggitti, Alfonso Emilio Gerevini, Enrico Scala.
ECAI 2023.
- LTLf Best-Effort Synthesis in Nondeterministic Planning Domains
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Gianmarco Parretti, Shufang Zhu.
ECAI 2023.
- Behavioral QLTL
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Giuseppe Perelli.
EUMAS 2023.
- Symbolic sc LTLf Best-Effort Synthesis
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Gianmarco Parretti, Shufang Zhu.
EUMAS 2023.
- LTLf Synthesis Under Environment Specifications for Reachability and Safety Properties.
Digital twin composition in smart manufacturing via Markov decision processes
Benjamin Aminof, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Antonio Di Stasio, Hugo Francon, Sasha Rubin, Shufang Zhu.
EUMAS 2023.
- AIDA: A Tool for Resiliency in Smart Manufacturing
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Favorito, Francesco Leotta, Massimo Mecella, Flavia Monti, Luciana Silo.
CAiSE Forum 2023.
- Grounding LTLf Specifications in Image Sequences
Elena Umili, Roberto Capobianco, Giuseppe De Giacomo.
KR 2023.
- Reactive Synthesis of Dominant Strategies
Benjamin Aminof, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Sasha Rubin. AAAI 2023.
- Exploiting Multiple Abstractions in Episodic RL via Reward Shaping
Roberto Cipollone, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Favorito, Luca Iocchi, Fabio Patrizi. AAAI 2023.
- Automata Cascades: Expressivity and Sample Complexity
Alessandro Ronca, Nadezda Alexandrovna Knorozova, Giuseppe De Giacomo. AAAI 2023.
- Planning for Temporally Extended Goals in Pure-Past Linear Temporal Logic
Luigi Bonassi, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Favorito, Francesco Fuggitti, Alfonso Emilio Gerevini, Enrico Scala. ICAPS 2023 - Best Student Paper Award.
- Stochastic Best-Effort Strategies for Borel Goals
Benjamin Aminof, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Sasha Rubin, Florian Zuleger. LICS 2023.
- Abstraction of Nondeterministic Situation Calculus Action Theories
Bita Banihashemi, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance. IJCAI 2023.
- Finite-trace and Generalized-Reactivity Specifications in Temporal Synthesis
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Antonio Di Stasio, Lucas M. Tabajara, Moshe Y. Vardi, Shufang Zhu. Formal Methods in System Design. 2023.
- Digital Twin Composition in Smart Manufacturing via Markov Decision Processes
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Favorito, Francesco Leotta, Massimo Mecella, Luciana Silo. Computers in Industry 149, 2023.
- A Tool for Declarative Trace Alignment via Automated Planning
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Francesco Fuggitti, Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Andrea Marrella Favorito, Fabio Patrizi. Software Impacts 16, 2023.
- AI-augmented Business Process Management Systems: A Research Manifesto
Marlon Dumas, Fabiana Fournier, Lior Limonad, Andrea Marrella, Marco
Montali, Jana-Rebecca Rehse, Rafael Accorsi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe
De Giacomo, Dirk Fahland, Avigdor Gal, Marcello La Rosa, Hagen Voelzer,
Ingo Weber. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, Vol. 14, No. 1, Article 11, 2023.
- Mimicking Behaviors in Separated Domains
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Dror Fried, Fabio Patrizi, Shufang Zhu. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 77: 1087-1112 (2023)
- Controller Synthesis for
Manufacturing Systems in the Situation Calculus
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Paolo Felli, Brian Logan, Fabio Patrizi, Sebastian
Sardina. IJCAI 2022 - journal track. (Abridged version of AIJ
- Verification and Monitoring
for First-Order LTL with Persistence-Preserving Quantification over
Finite and Infinite Traces
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Montal, Fabio Patrizi.
IJCAI 2022.
- LTLf Synthesis as AND-OR
Graph Search: Knowledge Compilation at Work
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Favorito, Jianwen Li, Moshe Vardi, Shengping
Xiao, Shufang Zhu. IJCAI 2022.
- Markov Abstractions for PAC
Reinforcement Learning in Non-Markov Decision Processes
Alessandro Ronca, Gabriel Paludo Licks, Giuseppe De Giacomo. IJCAI
- Beyond strong-cyclic: doing
your best in stochastic environments
Benjamin Aminof, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Sasha Rubin, Florian Zuleger.
IJCAI 2022.
- Synthesis of Maximally
Permissive Strategies for LTLf Specifications
Shufang Zhu and Giuseppe De Giacomo. IJCAI 2022.
- Automatic Synthesis of Dynamic
Norms for Multi-Agent Systems
Natasha Alechina, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Brian Logan and Giuseppe Perelli.
KR 2022.
- Act for Your Duties but Maintain
Your Rights
Shufang Zhu and Giuseppe De Giacomo. KR 2022.
- Iterative Depth-First Search
for Fully Observable Non-Deterministic Planning
Ramon Fraga Pereira, Andre Grahl Pereira, Frederico Messa, Giuseppe De
Giacomo. ICAPS 2022.
- Situation Calculus for
Controller Synthesis in Manufacturing Systems with First-Order State
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Paolo Felli, Brian Logan, Fabio Patrizi, Sebastian
Sardina. Artificial Intelligence 302: 103598, 2022.
- Measuring the interestingness of
temporal logic behavioral specifications in process mining
Alessio Cecconi, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Claudio Di Ciccio, Fabrizio Maria
Maggi, Jan Mendling. Inf. Syst. 107: 101920, 2022.
- Graphol: A Graphical Language for
Ontology Modeling Equivalent to OWL 2
Domenico Lembo, Valerio Santarelli, Domenico Fabio Savo, Giuseppe De
Giacomo. Future Internet 14(3): 78, 2022.
- Monitoring Constraints and Metaconstraints with Temporal Logics on Finite Traces
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Riccardo De Masellis, Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Marco Montali.ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 31(4):68, 2022.
- Augmented Business
Process Management Systems: A Research Manifesto
Marlon Dumas, Fabiana Fournier, Lior Limonad, Andrea Marrella, Marco
Montali, Jana-Rebecca Rehse, Rafael Accorsi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe
De Giacomo, Dirk Fahland, Avigdor Gal, Marcello La Rosa, Hagen Voelzer,
Ingo Weber. CoRR abs/2201.12855, 2022. (preliminary vesersion of AI-augmented Business Process Management Systems: A Research Manifesto 2023)
- Planning for Temporally
Extended Goals in Pure-Past Linear Temporal Logic: A Polynomial
Reduction to Standard Planning
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Favorito, Francesco Fuggitti. CoRR
abs/2204.09960, 2022.
- The Nondeterministic Situation
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance. KR 2021.
- Synthesizing Best-effort
Strategies under Multiple Environment Specifications
Benjamin Aminof, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Alessio Lomuscio, Aniello Murano,
Sasha Rubin. KR 2021.
- Synthesis with Mandatory Stop
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Antonio Di Stasio, Giuseppe Perelli, Shufang Zhu.
KR 2021.
- Timed Trace Alignment with
Metric Temporal Logic over Finite Traces
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Aniello Murano, Fabio Patrizi, Giuseppe Perelli.
KR 2021.
- Finite-Trace and
Generalized-Reactivity Specifications in Temporal Synthesis
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Antonio Di Stasio Lucas M. Tabajara, Moshe Vardi,
Shufang Zhu. IJCAI 2021.
- Efficient PAC Reinforcement
Learning in Regular Decision Processes
Alessandro Ronca, Giuseppe De Giacomo. IJCAI 2021.
- Best-Effort Synthesis: Doing
Your Best Is Not Harder Than Giving Up
Benjamin Aminof, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Sasha Rubin. IJCAI 2021.
- HyperLDLf: a Logic for
Checking Properties of Finite Traces Process Logs
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Paolo Felli, Marco Montali, Giuseppe Perelli.
IJCAI 2021.
- Intensional and Extensional
Views in DL-Lite Ontologies
Marco Console, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Manuel Namici.
IJCAI 2021.
- Compositional Approach to
Translate LTLf/LDLf into Deterministic Finite Automata
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Favorito. ICAPS 2021.
- From Component-based
Architectures to Microservices: A 25-years-long Journey in Designing
and Realizing Service-based Systems
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Francesco Leotta, Massimo
Mecella. Next-Gen Digital Services, LNCS 12521 (2021), 3-15.
- Embedding Reactive Behavior
into Artifact-centric Business Process Models
Xavier Oriol, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Montserrat Estanol, Ernest Teniente.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 117 (2021), 97-110.
- Instance-Level Update in
DL-Lite Ontologies through First-Order Rewriting.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Xavier Oriol, Riccardo Rosati, Fabio Domenico Savo.
J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR), 70: 1335-1371 (2021).
- A Temporal Logic-Based
Measurement Framework for Process Mining
Alessio Cecconi, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Claudio Di Ciccio, Fabrizio Maria
Maggi, Jan Mendling. ICPM 2020.
- High-Level Programming via
Generalized Planning and LTL Synthesis
Blai Bonet, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Hector Geffner, Fabio Patrizi, Sasha
Rubin. KR 2020.
- Two-Stage Technique for LTLf
Synthesis Under LTL Assumptions
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Antonio Di Stasio, Moshe Y. Vardi, Shufang Zhu.
KR 2020.
- Nondeterministic Strategies and
their Refinement in Strategy Logic
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Bastien Maubert, Aniello Murano. KR 2020.
- Temporal Logic Monitoring
Rewards via Transducers
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Favorito, Luca Iocchi, Fabio Patrizi,
Alessandro Ronca. KR 2020.
- Extending DL-LiteR TBoxes with
View Definitions
Manuel Namici, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. DL 2020.
- Synthesizing strategies under
expected and exceptional environment behaviors
Benjamin Aminof, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Alessio Lomuscio, Aniello Murano,
Sasha Rubin. IJCAI 2020.
- Pure-Past Linear Temporal
and Dynamic Logic on Finite Traces
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Antonio Di Stasio, Francesco Fuggitti, Sasha Rubin.
IJCAI 2020 (Survey Track).
- Stochastic Fairness and
Language-Theoretic Fairness in Planning in Nondeterministic Domains
Benjamin Aminof, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Sasha Rubin. ICAPS 2020.
- Imitation Learning over
Heterogeneous Agents with Restraining Bolts
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Favorito, Luca Iocchi, Fabio Patrizi.
ICAPS 2020.
- Goal Formation through
Interaction in the Situation Calculus: A Formal Account Grounded in
Behavioral Science
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance. AAMAS 2020.
- Restraining Bolts for
Reinforcement Learning Agents
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Favorito, Luca Iocchi, Fabio Patrizi.
AAAI 2020 (Sister Track).
- ElGolog: A High-Level
Programming Language with Memory of the Execution History
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Eugenia Ternovska. AAAI 2020.
- LTLf Synthesis with Fairness
and Stability Assumptions
Shufang Zhu, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Geguang Pu, Moshe Y. Vardi. AAAI
- Non-Terminating Processes in the
Situation Calculus
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Eugenia Ternovska, Ray Reiter. Annals of
Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (2020) 88:623–640 -
(This paper is based on an unpublished paper presented at AAAI'97
Workshop on Robots, Softbots, Immobots: Theories of Action, Planning
and Control - see below.)
- Automatic Business Process
Model Extension to Repair Constraint Violations
Xavier Oriol, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Montserrat Estanol, Ernest Teniente.
ICSOC 2019.
- Planning for LTLf/LDLf Goals
in Non-Markovian Fully Observable Nondeterministic Domains
Ronen Brafman, Giuseppe De Giacomo. IJCAI 2019.
- Regular Decision Processes: A
Model for Non-Markovian Domains
Ronen Brafman, Giuseppe De Giacomo. IJCAI 2019.
- Restraining Bolts: Reinforcement
Learning with LTLf/LDLf Restraining Specifications
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Favorito, Luca Iocchi, Fabio Patrizi.
ICAPS 2019.
- Planning under LTL Environment
Benjamin Aminof, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Aniello Murano, Sasha Rubin.
ICAPS 2019 (extended version of Synthesis under Assumptions).
- Hybrid Temporal Situation
Vitaliy Batusov, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Mikhail Soutchanski.
Canadian AI 2019, LNAI 11489, Springer, 2019.
- Unbounded Orchestrations of
Transducers for Manufacturing
Natasha Alechina, Tomas Brazdil, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Brian Logan, Moshe
Vardi. AAAI 2019.
- Acquiring Ontology
Axioms through Mappings to Data Sources
Floriana di Pinto, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Future Internet 11(12), 260, 2019
. (This paper is an
extended version of AAAI 2012 below.)
- Synthesis under Assumptions
(Extened Abstract)
Benjamin Aminof, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Aniello Murano, Sasha Rubin.
KR 2018. Extended versions arXiv:1807.06777
and "Planning under LTL Environment Specifications" at ICAPS 2019 above.
- Comparing Query Answering in OBDA
Tools over W3C-Compliant Specifications
Manuel Namici, Giuseppe De Giacomo. DL Workshop 2018.
- Interestingness of traces in
declarative process mining: the Janus LTLpf approach
Alessio Cecconi, Claudio Di Ciccio, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Jan Mendling.
BPM 2018.
- Automata-Theoretic Foundations of
FOND Planning for LTLf and LDLf Goals
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Sasha Rubin. IJCAI 2018.
- Abstraction of Agents Executing
Online and their Abilities in the Situation Calculus
Bita Banihashemi, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance. IJCAI 2018.
- Hierarchical Agent Supervision
Bita Banihashemi, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance. AAMAS 2018.
- Synthesis of Orchestrations of
Transducers for Manufacturing
Natasha Alechina, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Paolo Felli, Brian Logan, Moshe
Vardi. AAAI 2018.
- LTLf/LDLf Non-Markovian Rewards
Ronen Brafman, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Fabio Patrizi. AAAI 2018.
- Using Ontologies for Semantic
Data Integration
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Antonella
Poggi, Riccardo Rosati. A Comprehensive Guide Through the Italian
Database Research, pages 187-202, Studies in Big Data 31, Springer,
- First-Order mu-Calculus
over Generic Transition Systems and Applications to the Situation
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Montali, Fabio Patrizi. Information
and Computation, 259(3): 328-347, 2018.
- Service Composition in
Stochastic Settings
Ronen Brafman, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Massimo Mecella, Sebastian Sardina.
AI*IA 2017.
- Practical Update Management in
Ontology-based Data Access
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Xavier Oriol, Domanico Fabio Savo,
Ernest Teniente. ISWC 2017.
- Generalized Planning:
Non-Deterministic Abstractions and Trajectory Constraints
Blai Bonet, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Hector Geffner, Sasha Rubin.
IJCAI 2017. (Also presented at GenPlan@ICAPS 2017.)
- Service Composition Under
Probabilistic Requirements
Ronen Brafman, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Massimo Mecella, Sebastian Sardina.
GenPlan@ICAPS 2017 (Abridged version of AI*IA'17.)
- Specifying Non-Markovian
Rewards in MDPs Using LDL on Finite Traces (Preliminary Version)
Ronen Brafman, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Fabio Patrizi. CoRR
arXiv:1706.08100 [cs.AI], 2017.
- Linking Data and BPMN Processes
to Achieve Executable Models
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Xavier Oriol, Montserrat Estanol, Ernest Teniente.
CAiSE 2017.
- On the SPARQL Metamodeling
Semantics Entailment Regime for OWL 2 QL Ontologies
Gianluca Cima, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Antonella Poggi.
Proc. of 7th ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence,
Mining and Semantics (WIMS) 2017.
- Querying OWL 2 QL ontologies
under the SPARQL Metamodeling Semantics Entailment Regime
Gianluca Cima, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Antonella Poggi.
SEBD 2017. (Abridged version of WIMS'17.)
- Handling Updates in
Ontology-based Data Access
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Xavier Oriol, Domanico Fabio Savo,
Ernest Teniente. SEBD 2017. (Abridged version of ISWC'17.)
- Using ontologies for
semantic data integration
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Antonella
Poggi, Riccardo Rosati. A Comprehensive Guide Through the Italian
Database Research Over the Last 25 Years. Volume 31 of the series
Studies in Big Data, pp 187-202, Springer, 2017.
- Abstraction in Situation Calculus
Action Theories
Bita Banihashemi, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance. AAAI 2017.
- On the Disruptive Effectiveness
of Automated Planning for LTLf-based Trace Alignment
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Andrea Marrella, Fabio
Patrizi. AAAI 2017.
- Situation Calculus Game Structures
and GDL
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Adrian Pearce. ECAI 2016.
- LTLf and LDLf Synthesis Under
Partial Observability
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Moshe Vardi. IJCAI 2016.
- Imperfect-Information Games and
Generalized Planning
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Aniello Murano, Sasha Rubin, Antonio Di Stasio.
IJCAI 2016.
- Online Agent Supervision in the
Situation Calculus
Bita Banihashemi, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance. IJCAI 2016.
- Computing Trace Alignment
against Declarative Process Models through Planning
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Andrea Marrella, Sebastian
Sardina. ICAPS 2016.
- Online Situation-Determined Agents
and their Supervision (short paper)
Bita Banihashemi, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance. KR 2016.
- Regular Open APIs
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. KR 2016.
- On First-Order Mu-Calculus over
Situation Calculus Action Theories
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Montali, Fabio Patrizi.
KR 2016.
- Verifying ConGolog Programs on
Bounded Situation Calculus Theories
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Fabio Patrizi, Sebastian Sardina.
AAAI 2016.
- Bounded Situation Calculus Action
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Fabio Patrizi. Artificial
Intelligence 237:172-203. Elsevier, 2016.
- Agent Planning Programs
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Alfonso Gerevini, Fabio Patrizi, Alessandro Saetti,
Sebastian Sardina. Artificial Intelligence, 231: 64-106.
Elsevier, 2016
- Progression and Verification
of Situation Calculus Agents with Bounded Beliefs
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Fabio Patrizi, Stavros Vassos. Studia
Logica. Springer, 2015.
- Adding DL-Lite TBoxes to Proper
Knowledge Bases
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Hector Levesque. Proc. of the 14th
International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015). 2015.
- Service Composition with PDDL
Representations and Visualization over Videogame Engines (Short Paper)
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Valsamis Ntouskos, Fabio Patrizi, Stavros Vassos,
Davide Aversa. Proc. of the 8th IEEE International Conference on
Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2015), 101-107.
- Synthesis for LTL and LDL on
finite traces
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Moshe Y. Vardi. Proc. of the 24rd Int. Joint
Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2015), 2015.
- Undecidability of the Situation
Calculus Extended with Description Logic Ontologies
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Mikhail Soutchanski: On the Proc.
of the 24rd Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2015),
- Data Complexity of Query
Answering in Description Logics (extended abstract)
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of the 24rd Int. Joint Conf. on
Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2015). Journal Track presentation
of AIJ 2013 paper. 2015.
- Description Logic Based Dynamic
Systems: Modeling, Verification, and Synthesis Diego Calvanese,
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Montali and Fabio Patrizi. Proc. of the
24rd Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2015).
Sister Track presentation of RR 2013 paper. 2015.
- Declarative Process Modeling in
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marlon Dumas, Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Marco Montali.
Proc. 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems
Engineering (CAiSE 2015), 84-100. 2015.
- Synchronous Games in the Situation
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Adrian R. Pearce. Proc. of
the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent
Systems (AAMAS 2015), 1675-1676. 2015.
- Monitoring Business Metaconstraints
Based on LTL & LDL for Finite Traces
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Riccardo De Masellis, Marco Grasso, Fabrizio
Maria Maggi, Marco Montali. Proc. of the 12th International
Conference on Business Process Managment (BPM 2014). 2014.
- Verification of Online Execution with
Sensing (in the Situation Calculus)
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Fabio Patrizi, Stavros Vassos.
Proc. of the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(ECAI 2014). 2014.
- Reasoning on LTL on Finite Traces:
Insensitivity to Infiniteness
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Riccardo De Masellis, Marco Montali.
Proc. of the 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI
2014). 2014.
- Building Virtual Behaviors from
Partially Controllable Available Behaviors in Nondeterministic
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Fabio Patrizi, Sebastian Sardina.
Proc. of the 24th International Conferences on Automated Planning
and Scheduling (ICAPS 2014). Journal Track
presentation of AIJ 2013 paper:
Automatic Behavior Composition Synthesis. 2014.
- Specification and Verification of
Commitment-Regulated Data-Aware Multiagent Systems
Marco Montali, Diego Calvanese and Giuseppe De Giacomo. Proc.
of the 29th Italian Symposium on Computational Logic (CILC 2014).
- Progression and Verification of
Situation Calculus Agents with Bounded Beliefs
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Fabio Patrizi, Stavros Vassos.
Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents
and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2014). 2014.
- Verification of Data-Aware
Commitment-Based Multiagent System
Marco Montali, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo. Proc.
of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2014). 2014.
- Verification of Human Driven
Data-Centric Dynamic Systems
Babak Bagheri Hariri, Diego Calvanese, Marco Montali, Giuseppe De
Giacomo, Alin Deutsch. Formal Verification and Modeling in
Human-Machine Systems: Papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium.
- Automatic Service Composition based on
Behaviors: The Roman Model
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Massimo Mecella, Fabio Patrizi. In Web Service
Foundations, Springer - ISBN 978-1-4614-7517-0, pages 189-214.
- Verification and Synthesis in
Description Logic Based Dynamic Systems
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Montali, Fabio Patrizi.
Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule
Systems (RR 2013), 2013. (Best Paper Award at RR 2013.)
- Dynamic Systems Based on Description
Logics: Formalization, Verification, and Synthesis
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Montali, Fabio Patrizi.
Proc. of the 26th International Workshop on Description Logics
(DL 2013), 2013. Abridged version of RR 2013.
- Verification and Synthesis in
Description Logic Based Dynamic Systems (Abridged Version)
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Montali, Fabio Patrizi.
Proc. of the Workshop AI Meets Business Processes 2013 (AIBP@AI*IA
2013), 2013. Abridged version of RR 2013
- Linear Temporal Logic and Linear
Dynamic Logic on Finite Traces
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Moshe Y. Vardi. Proc. of the 23rd Int. Joint
Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2013), 2013.
- Bounded Epistemic Situation
Calculus Theories
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Fabio Patrizi. Proc. of the
23rd Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2013),
- Supremal Realizability of
Behaviors with Uncontrollable Exogenous Events - (Long
Nitin Yadav, Paolo Felli, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Sebastian Sardina.
Proc. of the 23rd Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI
2013), 2013.
- Foundations of Data-Aware
Process Analysis: A Database Theory Perspective
Diego Calvanese, Marco Montali, Giuseppe De Giacomo. Proc. of the
32nd ACM SIGACT SIGMOD SIGART Symp. on Principles of Database Systems
(PODS 2013), 2013.
- Verification of Relational
Data-centric Dynamic Systems with External Services
Babak Bagheri Hariri, Diego Calvanese, Marco Montali, Giuseppe De
Giacomo, Alin Deutsch. Proc. of the 32nd ACM SIGACT SIGMOD SIGART
Symp. on Principles of Database Systems (PODS 2013), 2013.
- A Generic Technique for
Synthesizing Bounded Finite-State Controllers
Yuxiao Hu, Giuseppe De Giacomo. Proc. of the 23rd International
Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2013), 2013.
- Data Integration under Integrity
Constraints (reprint of CAiSE'02)
Andrea Cali', Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini.
in Seminal Contributions to Information Systems Engineering: 25
Years of CAiSE, Springer, pages 335-352. 2013.
- Rewrite and Conquer: Dealing
with Integrity Constraints in Data Integration
Andrea Cali', Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini.
in Seminal Contributions to Information Systems Engineering: 25
Years of CAiSE, Springer, pages 353-359. 2013.
- Finite model reasoning on UML
class diagrams via constraint programming (reprint of AI*IA'07)
Marco Cadoli, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Toni Mancini. Intelligenza
Artificiale, 7(1): 57-65 (2013). (Special
Issue on Marco Cadoli)
Ontology-Based Data Access applications
Cristina Civili, Marco Console, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo,
Maurizio Lenzerini, Lorenzo Lepore, Riccardo Mancini, Antonella Poggi,
Riccardo Rosati, Marco Ruzzi, Valerio Santarelli, Domenico Fabio Savo. Proc.
of the VLDB Endowment, 6(12): 1314-1317 (2013) - VLDB 2013.
- Query Processing Under GLAV Mappings
for Relational and Graph Databases
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Proc. of the VLDB Endowment, 6(2): 61-72 (2013) - VLDB
- Description logic Knowledge and
Action Bases
Babak Bagheri Hariri, Diego Calvanese, Marco Montali, Giuseppe De
Giacomo, Riccardo De Masellis, Paolo Felli. J. of Artificial
Intelligence Research, 46: 651-686 (2013).
- On Simplification of Schema Mappings
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. J. of Computer and System Sciences, 79: 816-834 (2013).
- Data Complexity of Query
Answering in Description Logics
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Artificial Intelligence, 195:
335-360 (2013).
- Automatic Behavior Composition
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Fabio Patrizi, Sebastian Sardina. Artificial
Intelligence, 196: 106-142, (2013).
- Goal-based Composition of Stateful
Services for Smart Homes
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Claudio Di Ciccio, Paolo Felli, Yuxiao Hu, and
Massimo Mecella. Proc. of 20th International Conference on
Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS'12). 2012.
- Verification of Description Logic
Knowledge and Action Bases
Babak Bagheri Hariri, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Riccardo De
Masellis, Paolo Felli, Marco Montali. Proc. of the 20th
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'12),
- Ontology-Based Data Access with
Dynamic TBoxes in DL-Lite
Floriana Di Pinto, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Riccardo
Rosati. Proc. of the 26th Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI'12), 2012.
- Bounded Situation Calculus Action
Theories and Decidable Verification
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Fabio Patrizi. Proc.
of the 13th International Conference on Principles of
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'12), 2012.
- Synthesizing Agent Protocols From
LTL Specifications Against Multiple Partially-Observable Environments
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Paolo Felli, Alessio Lomuscio. Proc.
of the 13th International Conference on Principles of
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'12), 2012.
- On Supervising Agents in
Situation-Determined ConGolog
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Christian Muise.
Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous
Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS'12), 2012.
- Semantically-Governed Data-Aware
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Marco
Montali, and Ario Santoso. Proc. of the 1st
International Workshop on Knowledge-intensive Business Processes
(KiBP'12). 2012
- Bounded Situation Calculus Action
Theories (Extended Abstract)
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Fabio Patrizi.
Proc. of the 8th International Cognitive Robotics
Workshop. 2012. Abridged version of KR'12.
- Mastro: A Reasoner for Effective
Ontology-Based Data Access
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Antonella
Poggi, Riccardo Rosati, Marco Ruzzi, Domenico Fabio Savo. Proc.
of the OWL Reasoner Evaluation Workshop (ORE 2012).
- Mastro: Ontology-Based Data Access
at Work (Extended Abstract)
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Antonella
Poggi, Riccardo Rosati, Marco Ruzzi, Domenico Fabio Savo. Proc.
of 11th Int. Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications
of Semantics (ODBASE'12). 2012.
- View-based Query Answering in
Description Logics: Semantics and Complexity
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Riccardo
Rosati. Journal of Computer and System Sciences 78 (2012)
26-46. 2012.
- Verification of Conjunctive
Artifact-Centric Services
Riccardo De Masellis, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Riccardo Rosati. International
Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS), Vol. 21, No.
2 (2012) 111-139.
- Verification of Relational
Data-Centric Dynamic Systems with External Services
Babak Bagheri Hariri, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Alin
Deutsch, Marco Montali. CoRR Technical Report abs/1203.0024, e-Print archive, March 2012. Available at
- Actions
and Programs over Description Logic Knowledge Bases: A Functional
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Riccardo
Rosati. In Knowing, Reasoning and Acting: Essays in Honor of Hector
J. Levesque. G. Lakemeyer & S. McIlraith Eds. College
Publications, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-84890-044-8, 2011.
- Chronolog:
It’s about Time for Golog
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurice Pagnucco. In Knowing, Reasoning
and Acting: Essays in Honor of Hector J. Levesque. G. Lakemeyer
& S. McIlraith Eds. College Publications, London, UK.
ISBN 978-1-84890-044-8, 2011.
- Verification
of Conjunctive-Query Based Semantic Artifacts
Babak Bagheri Hariri, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Riccardo De
Masellis. Proc. of the 24th Int. Workshop on Description Logics
(DL'11), 2011.
- Mapping Data
to Higher-Order Description Logic Knowledge Bases
Floriana Di Pinto, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Riccardo
Rosati. Proc. of the 24th Int. Workshop on Description Logics
(DL'11), 2011.
- Foundations of
Relational Artifacts Verification
Babak Bagheri Hariri, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Riccardo De
Masellis, Paolo Felli. Proc of the 9th International Conference on
Business Process Management (BPM'11), 2011.
- A Generic
Framework and Solver for Synthesizing Finite-State Controllers
Yuxiao Hu, Giuseppe De Giacomo. Proc of the AAAI 2011 Workshop on
Generalized Planning (GenPlan'11), 2011.
- Agent Supervision in
Situation-Determined ConGolog
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Christian Muise. Proc. of the
9th International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and
Change (NRAC'11), 2011.
- Higher-Order Description Logics
for Domain Metamodeling
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of
the 25th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'11), 2011.
- Efficient Reasoning in Proper
Knowledge Bases with Unknown Individuals
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Hector Levesque, Yves Lesperance. Proc. of the
22st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IJCAI'11), 2011.
- Generalized Planning: Synthesizing
Plans that Work for Multiple Environments
Yuxiao Hu, Giuseppe De Giacomo. Proc of the 22st International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'11), 2011.
- Computing Infinite Plans for LTL
Goals Using a Classical Planner
Fabio Patrizi, Nir Lipoveztky, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Hector Geffner. Proc.
of the 22st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IJCAI'11), 2011.
- Simplifying Schema Mappings
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Vardi.
In Proc. of 14th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT'11),
2011. (Version with proofs.)
- The Mastro System for
Ontology-based Data Access
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Antonella Poggi, Mariano Rodriguez-Muro, Riccardo Rosati,
Marco Ruzzi, Domenico Fabio Savo. Semantic Web Journal (SWJ).
2(1):43-53 2011.
- Generalized Planning with Loops
under Strong Fairness Constraints
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Fabio Patrizi, Sebastian Sardina. Proc. of the
28th Workshop of the UK Planning and Scheduling Special Interest Group
and the 4th Italian Workshop on Planning and Scheduling (PlanSIG'10) ,
2010. Abridged version of KR'10.
- Conjunctive Artifact-Centric
Piero Cangialosi, Riccardo De Masellis, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Riccardo
Rosati. Proc. of the 8th International Conference of Service
Oriented Computing (ICSOC'10), 2010.
- Node Selection Query Languages
for Trees
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Proc. of the 24th Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI'10), 2010.
- Two-Player Game Structures for
Generalized Planning and Agent Composition
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Paolo Felli, Fabio Patrizi, Sebastian Sardina.
Proc. of the 24th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'10),
- Situation Calculus-based Programs
for Representing and Reasoning about Game Structures
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Adrian R. Pearce. Proc. of the
12th Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and
Reasoning (KR'10), 2010.
- Generalized Planning with Loops
under Strong Fairness Constraints
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Fabio Patrizi, Sebastian Sardina. Proc. the
12th Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and
Reasoning (KR'10), 2010.
- Agent Composition Synthesis based
on ATL
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Paolo Felli. Proc. of the 9th International
Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS'10),
- Agent Programming via Planning
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Fabio Patrizi, Sebastian Sardina. Proc. of the
9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent
Systems (AAMAS'10), 2010.
- Artifact-Centric Workflow Dominance
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Rick Hull, and Jianwen Su.
Proc. the 7th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing
(ICSOC'09), 2009.
- Using OWL in Data Integration
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati, Marco Ruzzi. In Semantic Web
Information Management - a Model Based Perspective, R. De
Virgilio, F. Giunchiglia, L. Tanca (eds.), Springer, pages 397-424,
- Solving High-Level Planning
Programs (Extended Abstract)
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Fabio Patrizi, Sebastian Sardina. ICAPS'09
Workshop on Generalized Planning: Macros, Loops, Domain Control
(GenPlan'09), 2009.
- Composition of Partially Observable
Services Exporting their Behaviour
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Riccardo De Masellis, Fabio Patrizi. Proc. the
19th Int. Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS'09),
- Automated Composition of
Nondeterministic Stateful Services
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Fabio Patrizi. Proc. the 6th Int. Workshop on
Web Services and Formal Methods (WS-FM'09), 2009.
- On Higher-Order Description Logics
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of
the 22st Int. Workshop on Description Logics (DL'09), 2009.
- An automata-theoretic approach to
Regular XPath
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, and Moshe Y.
Proc. of the 12th Int. Symposium on Database Programming Languages
(DBPL'09), LNCS 5708, Springer, 2009.
- Ontologies and databases: The DL-Lite
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Antonella Poggi, Mariano Rodriguez-Muro, and Riccardo Rosati.
Semantic Technologies for Informations Systems - 5th Int. Reasoning
Web Summer School (ReasoningWeb'09), Tessaris S. and Franconi
E.(Eds.), LNCS, Springer, 2009.
- Composition of Services that Share
an Infinite-State Blackboard (Extended Abstract)
Fabio Patrizi, Giuseppe De Giacomo. Proc. of IJCAI 2009 Workshop on
Information Integration on the Web (IIWEB'09), 2009.
- Composition of ConGolog Programs
Sebastian Sardina, Giuseppe De Giacomo. Proc of the 21st
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'09),
- On-line Adaptation of Sequential
Mobile Processes Running Concurrently
Massimiliano de Leoni, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Massimo
Mecella. Proc. of the 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied
Computing (ACM-SAC'09), 2009.
- IndiGolog: A High-Level
Programming Language for Embedded Reasoning Agents
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Hector Levesque, Sebastian
Sardina. Multi-Agent
Programming: Languages, Tools and Applications, Bordini,
R.H.; Dastani, M.; Dix, J.; El Fallah Seghrouchni, A. (Eds.), Springer,
- Conceptual Modeling for Data
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Conceptual Modeling: Foundations and
Applications - Essays in Honor of John Mylopoulos. LNCS 5600, pages
173-197, Springer, 2009.
- On Instance-Level Update and Erasure
in Description Logic Ontologies
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Antonella Poggi, Riccardo
Rosati. Journal of Logic and Computation, 19(5): 745-770, 2009
- Automatic service composition and
synthesis: the Roman Model
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Massimo
Mecella, Fabio Patrizi. Bull. of the IEEE Computer Society
Technical Committee on Data Engineering, 31(3):18-22, 2008.
- Realizing Multiple Autonomous Agents
through Scheduling of Shared Devices
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Sebastian Sardina. Proc. of the 2008 Int.
Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS'08), pages
304-311, 2008.
- Behavior Composition in the
Presence of Failure
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Fabio Patrizi, Sebastian Sardina. Proc. of the
11th Int. Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and
Reasoning (KR'08), pages 640-650, 2008.
- View-based Query Answering over
Description Logic Ontologies
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Riccardo
Rosati. Proc. of the 11th Int. Conference on Principles of
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'08), pages 242-251,
- Path-based Identification
Constraints in Description Logics
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of the 11th Int. Conference on
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'08),
pages 231-241, 2008.
- Data Integration Through DL-LiteA
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Antonella Poggi, Riccardo Rosati, Marco Ruzzi. Invited
paper at Semantics in Data and Knowledge Bases: Postproc. of the Int.
Workshop on Semantics in Data and Knowledge Bases (SDKB'08). LNCS
4925, pages 26-47, Springer, 2008.
- Towards Higher-Order DL-Lite
(Preliminary Report)
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of
the 21st Int. Workshop on Description Logics (DL'08), 2008.
- Regular XPath: Constraints, Query
Containment and View-Based Answering for XML Documents
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Proc. of the 2008 Int. Workshop on Logic in Databases
(LID'08), 2008.
- A Model of Contingent Planning for
Agent Programming Languages.
Yves Lesperance, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Atalay Nafi Ozgovde. Proc. of
the 7th Int. Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
(AAMAS'08), 2008.
- Automatic Service Composition via
Daniela Berardi, Fahima Cheikh, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Fabio Patrizi. International
Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 19(2): 429-451, 2008.
- Linking Data to Ontologies.
Antonella Poggi, Domenico Lembo, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo,
Maurizio Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Journal on Data Semantics,
vol X, 133-173, Springer, 2008.
- Inconsistency Tolerance in P2P Data
Integration: an Epistemic Logic Approach.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Information Systems,
33(4):360-384, 2008.
- Conjunctive Query
Containment and Answering under Description Logics Constraints.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. ACM
Transactions on Computational Logic, 9(3):22.1-22.31, 2008.
- On reconciling data
exchange, data integration, and peer data management.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Riccardo
Rosati. Proc. of the 26th ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on
Principles of Database Systems (PODS'07), pages 133-142, 2007.
- Automatic Synthesis of a
Global Behavior from Multiple Distributed Behaviors.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Fabio Patrizi, Sebastian Sardina. Proc. of the
22nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'07), pages
1063-1069, 2007.
- On the Approximation of
Instance Level Update and Erasure in Description Logics.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Antonella Poggi, Riccardo
Rosati. Proc. of the 22nd AAAI Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI'07), pages 403-408, 2007.
- Automatic Workflows
Composition of Mobile Services.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Massimiliano De Leoni, Massimo Mecella, Fabio
Patrizi. Proc. of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Web
Services (ICWS'07), pages 823-830, 2007.
- Automatic synthesis of
new behaviors from a library of available ones.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Sebastian Sardina. Proc. of the 20th
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'07).
IJCAI 2007. pages 1866-1871, 2007.
- EQL-Lite: Effective
First-Order Query Processing in Description Logics.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of the 20th International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'07), pages 274-279,
- Ontology-based Database Access.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Antonella Poggi, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of the 15th
Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD'07), pages
324-331, 2007.
- Mastro-i: Efficient integration
of relational data through DL ontologies.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Antonella Poggi, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of the 2007
Description Logic Workshop (DL'07), pages 227-234, 2007.
- Actions and
programs over description logic ontologies.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Riccardo
Rosati. Proc. of the 2007 Description Logic Workshop (DL'07),
pages 29-40, 2007.
- Can OWL model football
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of the 3rd Workshop on OWL:
Experiences and Directions (OWLED'07),
- Finite Model
Reasoning on UML Class Diagrams Via Constraint Programming.
Marco Cadoli, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Toni Mancini. Proc.
of the 10th Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial
Intelligence (AI*IA'07), pages 36-47, 2007.
- Highly Dynamic
Adaptation in Process Management Systems through Execution Monitoring.
Massimiliano De Leoni, Massimo Mecella, Giuseppe De Giacomo Proc.
of the 5th International Conference on Business Process Management,
(BPM'07), pages 182-197, 2007.
- Query Processing: On
the Relationship between Rewriting, Answering and Losslessness.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 371(3), pp. 169-182,
- Tractable Reasoning and
Efficient Query Answering in Description Logics: The DL-Lite.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Riccardo, Rosati. Journal of Automated Reasoning,
vol. 39(3), pp. 385-429, 2007.
- Composing web services
with nondeterministic behavior (short paper).
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Massimo Mecella.
Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Web Services 2006
(ICWS'06). 2006.
- Automatic web
service composition: Service-tailored vs. client-tailored approaches.
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Massimo Mecella.
Proc. of the 4th International Workshop on AI for Service
Composition (AISC'06). 2006.
- On the update of
Description Logic ontologies at the instance level.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Antonella Poggi, Riccardo
Rosati. Proc. of The 21st National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and the Eighteenth Innovative Applications of Artificial
Intelligence Conference (AAAI'06). 2006.
- Dealing with
inconsistencies and incompleteness in database update (position
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Antonella Poggi, Riccardo
Rosati. Proc. of the International Workshop on Inconsistency and
Incompleteness in Databases (IIDB'06). 2006.
- Linking Data to
Ontologies: The Description Logic DL-LiteA.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Antonella Poggi, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of the OWL:
Experiences and Directions 2006 (OWLED'06). 2006
- Data Complexity of Query
Answering in Description Logics. - Extended
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of the 10th International
Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
(KR'06). 2006.
- On the Limits of Planning over
Belief States under Strict Uncertainty.
Sardina Sebastian, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Hector Levesque, Yves
Lesperance. Proc. of the 10th International Conference on
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'06).
- Epistemic first-order
queries over description logic knowledge bases.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of the 2006 Description Logics
Workshop (DL'06). 2006.
- Automatic Web Services Composition
in Trust-aware Communities.
Fahima Cheikh, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Massimo Mecella. Proc. of the
2006 ACM Workshop on Secure Web Services (SWS'06). 2006.
- Automatic composition of
web services with nondeterministic behavior.
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, and Massimo
Mecella. Technical Report 5-2006, Dipartimento di Informatica e
Sistemistica, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", 2006.
- Data Management in
Peer-to-Peer Data Integration Systems.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. In R. Baldoni, G. Cortese, F. Davide, A.
Melpignano, eds. Global Data Management, pages 177-201, IOS
Press, 2006.
- QuOnto: Querying Ontologies
(demo report).
Andrea Acciarri, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo,
Maurizio Lenzerini, Mattia Palmieri, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of
AAAI'05. 2005.
- DL-Lite: Tractable
Description Logics for Ontologies.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of AAAI'05. 2005.
- Automatic
Composition of Process-based Web Services: a Challenge (position
Daniela Berardi, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Diego Calvanese, Massimo Mecella.
Proc. of the Web Service Semantics: Towards Dynamic Business
Integration Workshop at the Fourteenth International World Wide Web
Conference (WWW'05 Workshop). 2005.
- Composition of Services with
Nondeterministic Observable Behavior (short paper).
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Massimo Mecella.
Proc. of ICSOC'05. 2005.
- Towards
automatic web service discovery and composition in a context with
semantics, messages, and internal process flow (a position paper).
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Massimo Mecella,
Rick Hull. Proc. of the W3C Workshop on Frameworks for Semantics in
Web Services (SWSF 2005). 2005.
- Automatic Composition of
Transition-based Semantic Web Services with Messaging - Appendix.
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Richard Hull,
Massimo Mecella. Proc. of VLDB'05. 2005.
- Modeling Data and
Processes for Service Specifications in Colombo.
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Richard Hull,
Maurizio Lenzerini, Massimo Mecella. Proc. of 2nd INTEROP Workshop
on Enterprise Model ling and Ontologies for Interoperability
(EMOI-INTEROP'05). 2005.
- Inconsistency Tolerance in
P2P Data Integration: An Epistemic Logic Approach.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of DBLP'05. DBLP'05.
- View-based
Query Processing: On the Relationship between Rewriting, Answering and
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Proc. of ICDT'05. 2005.
- Data Complexity of
Query Answering in Description Logics.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of the 2005 Description Logics
Workshop (DL'05). 2005.
- Tailoring OWL for data
intensive ontologies.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of the Workshop on OWL:
Experiences and Directions (OWLED'05). 2005.
- Efficiently
managing data intensive ontologies
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, and Riccardo Rosati Proc. of the 2nd Italian Semantic
Web Workshop: Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives (SWAP 2005),
volume 166 of CEUR Electronic Workshop Proceedings,, 2005.
- Reasoning on UML class diagrams.
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo. Artificial
Intelligence, vol. 168, pages 70-118, 2005.
- Automatic Service Composition
Based on Behavioral Descriptions.
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Massimo Mecella,
Maurizio Lenzerini. International Journal of Cooperative
Information Systems, vol. 14(4), pages 333-376, 2005.
- Data Integration: a
Logic-based Perspective.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo. AI Magazine, vol. 26(1),
pages 59-70, 2005.
- Decidable
Containment of Recursive Queries.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Moshe Y. Vardi. Theoretical
Computer Science, vol. 336, pages 33-56, 2005.
- Synthesis of Underspecified
Composite e-Services based on Automated Reasoning.
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Massimo Mecella.
Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Service Oriented
Computing (ICSOC'04), pages 105-114. 2004
- Synthesis of Composite
E-Services Based on Automated Reasoning (Short Paper).
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Massimo Mecella.
Proc. of the ICAPS 2004 Workshop on Planning and Scheduling for Web
and Grid Services (P4WGS'04). 2004.
- ESC: A Tool for Automatic
Composition of e-Services based on Logics of Programs.
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Massimo Mecella. Proc. of the 5th VLDB Workshop on
Technologies for E-Services (TES'04). 2004.
- Tackling
Inconsistencies in Data Integration through Source Preferences.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Riccardo
Rosati. Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Information Quality in
Information Systems (IQIS'04). 2004.
- Scaling up reasoning about
actions using relational database technology.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Toni Mancini. Proc. of AAAI'04. 2004
- On Ability to Autonomously
Execute Agent Programs with Sensing (Short Paper) - Unpublished
long version - see
also CogRob04 - and KR06.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Hector Levesque, Sebastian
Sardina. Proc. of the 3rd Int. Joint Conf. on Autonomous Agents,
and Multi-Agents Systems (AAMAS'04). 2004
- On Ability to Automatically
Execute Agent Programs with Sensing - see
also KR06.
Sebastian Sardina, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Hector
Levesque. Proc. of 4th International Cognitive Robotics Workshop
(CogRob'04). 2004.
- What to ask to a peer:
Ontology-based query reformulation.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of KR'04. 2004.
- Logical Foundations of Peer-To-Peer
Data Integration.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Riccardo
Rosati. Proc. of PODS'04. 2004.
- Hyper: A Framework for Peer-To-Peer
Data Integration on Grids.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Riccardo
Rosati, Guido Vetere. Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Semantics of a
Networked World: Semantics for Grid Databases (ICSNW'04). 2004.
- Tackling
Inconsistencies in Data Integration through Source Preferences
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Riccardo
Rosati. Proc. of the SIGMOD International Workshop on Information
Quality in Information Systems (IQIS 2004), pages 27-34, 2004.
- DL-Lite: Practical
Reasoning for Rich DLs.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Riccardo
Rosati. Proc. of the 2004 Description Logics Workshop (DL'04).
- Towards Implementing
Finite Model Reasoning in Description Logics.
Marco Cadoli, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo. Proc. of the
2004 Description Logics Workshop (DL'04). 2004.
- Finite
Satisfiability of UML class diagrams by Constraint Programming.
Marco Cadoli, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Toni Mancini. Proc.
of CP'04 Workshop on CSP Techniques with Immediate Application.
- Data integration
under integrity constraints.
Andrea Cali', Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini.
Information Systems, vol. 29(2), pages 147-163, 2004.
- On the Semantics of Deliberation in
IndiGolog: From Theory to Implementation.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Hector Levesque, Sebastian
Sardina. Annals of Mathematics and of Artificial Intelligence,
vol. 41(1-2), pages 256-299, 2004.
- IBIS: semantic data
integration at work.
Andrea Cali', Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini,
Paolo Naggar, Fabio Vernacotola. Proc. of the 15th Conf. on
Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'03), vol. LNCS
2681, pages 79-94. 2003.
- Reasoning on UML
class diagrams is EXPTIME-hard.
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo. Proc. of the
2003 Description Logic Workshop (DL'03). 2003.
- e-Service composition by
description logics based reasoning.
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Massimo Mecella. Proc. of the 2003 Description Logic
Workshop (DL'03). 2003.
- Reasoning about actions
for e-service composition.
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Massimo Mecella.
Proc. of the ICAPS 2003 Workshop on Planning for Web Services.
- Automatic composition of
e-services that export their behavior.
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Massimo Mecella. Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf. on Service
Oriented Computing (ICSOC'03). 2003.
- A foundational vision of
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, Massimo Mecella. Proc. of CAiSE 2003 Work. on Web
Services, e-Business, and the Semantic Web. 2003.
- A foundational
framework for e-services.
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, and Massimo Mecella. Technical Report 10-2003,
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Università di Roma "La
Sapienza", 2003.
- Reasoning on
UML class diagrams.
Daniela Berardi, Andrea Calì, Diego Calvanese, and Giuseppe De Giacomo.
Technical Report 11-2003, Dipartimento di Informatica e
Sistemistica, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", 2003.
- Automatic composition
of e-services.
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio
Lenzerini, and Massimo Mecella. Technical Report 22-2003,
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Università di Roma "La
Sapienza", 2003.
- Query
containment using views.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Proc. of the 11th Italian Conf. on Database Systems
(SEBD'03). 2003.
- View-based
query containment.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Proc. of PODS'03, pages 56-67, 2003.
- Decidable
containment of recursive queries.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Moshe Y. Vardi. Proc. of the
9th Int. Conf. on Database Theory (ICDT'03), LNCS, vol. 2572,
pages 330-345, 2003.
- Semantic data
integration in P2P systems.
Diego Calvanese, Elio Damaggio, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini,
Riccardo Rosati. Proc. Int. Work.on Databases, Information Systems
and Peer-to-Peer Computing. 2003
- Reasoning
on regular path queries.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. SIGMOD RECORD, vol. 32(4), pages 83-92, 2003.
- Expressive Description Logics.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo. In F. Baader, D. Calvanese, D.
Mcguinness, D. Nardi, P. Patel-Schneider, eds., The Description
Logic Handbook: Theory, Implementation and Applications, pages
178-218, Cambridge University Press. 2003.
- 2ATAs make DLs easy.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of
the 2002 Description Logic Workshop (DL'02), 2002.
- Accessing data integration
systems through conceptual schemas.
Andrea Calì, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini.
Proc. of the 10th Italian Conf. on Database Systems (SEBD'02),
- IBIS: Data integration at work.
Andrea Calì, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini,
Paolo Naggar, Fabio Vernacotola. Proc. of the 10th Italian Conf. on
Database Systems (SEBD'02), 2002
- Description logics: Foundations
for class-based knowledge representation.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of
the 17th IEEE Sym. on Logic in Computer Science (LICS'02), 2002.
- On the expressive power of data
integration systems.
Andrea Calì, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini.
Proc. of the 21st Int. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling (ER'02), 2002.
- Data integration under integrity
Andrea Calì, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini.
Proc. of the 14th Conf. on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
(CAiSE'02), pages 262-279, 2002.
- Lossless Regular Views.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Proc. of the 21st ACM SIGACT SIGMOD SIGART Sym. on
Principles of Database Systems (PODS'02), pages 247-258, 2002.
- A formal framework for reasoning
on UML class diagrams.
Andrea Calì, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc.
of the 13th Int. Sym. on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems
(ISMIS'02), 2002.
- On the semantics of deliberation in
IndiGolog: from theory to implementation - proofs.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Hector J. Levesque, Sebastian
Sardina. Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on the Principles of Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning (KR'02), pages 603-614, 2002.
Appeared also in Proc. of AIPS'02.
- Reasoning about actions and
planning in LTL action theories.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Moshe Y. Vardi. Proc. of the
8th Int. Conf. on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and
Reasoning (KR'02), pages 593-602, 2002. Appeared also in Proc. of
- Description logics for
information integration.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini.
Computational Logic: From Logic Programming into the Future (In honour
of Bob Kowalski), A. Kakas and F. Sadri, editors, LNCS,
Springer-Verlag, 2002.
- Rewriting of regular expressions
and regular path queries.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 2002.
- A framework
for ontology integration.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. The
Emerging Semantic Web - Selected Papers from the First Semantic Web
Working Symposium, I. Cruz, S. Decker, J. Euzenat, D. McGuinness,
editors, IOS Press, 2002.
- On the role of integrity
constraints in data integration.
Andrea Cali', Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini.
IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, vol. 25(3), pages 39-45, Bulletin of the
IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Data Engineering, IEEE
Computer Society Press, 2002.
- View-based query answering and
query containment over semistructured data.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Proc. of the 8th Int. Workshop on Database Programming
Languages (DBPL'01) , 2001.
- Reasoning on UML class diagrams
using description logic based systems.
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo. Proc. of the
KI'2001 Workshop on Applications of Description Logics. CEUR
Electronic Workshop Proc.,, 2001.
- Models for information
integration: turning local-as-view into global-as-view.
Andrea Calì, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of the
Workshop on Foundation of Models for Information Integration: 10th
Workshop in the series "Fondation of Languages, Data, and Object",
LNCS, Springer, 2001.
- Reasoning on UML class diagrams in
description logics.
Andrea Calì, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini.
Proc. of IJCAR Workshop on Precise Modelling and Deduction for
Object-oriented Software Development (PMD'01) , 2001.
- Accessing data integration systems
through conceptual schemas.
Andrea Calì, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini.
Proc. of the 20th Int. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling (ER'01) ,
- Ontology of integration and
integration of ontologies.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of
the 2001 Description Logic Workshop (DL'01), pages 10-19. CEUR
Electronic Workshop Proc.,, 2001.
- A framework for ontology
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of
2001 Int. Semantic Web Working Symposium (SWWS 2001), pages
303-316, 2001.
- Identification constraints and
functional dependencies in description logics.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of
the 17th Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'01),
pages 155-160, 2001.
- Data integration in data
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Daniele Nardi,
Riccardo Rosati. Int. J. of Cooperative Information Systems
10(3):237-271, 2001.
- Reasoning in expressive description
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Daniele Nardi.
Handbook of Automated Reasoning, Alan Robinson and Andrei
Voronkov, editors, pages 1581-1634. Elsevier Science Publishers
(North-Holland), Amsterdam, 2001.
- Incremental execution of guarded
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Hector J. Levesque, Sardina Sebastian. ACM
Trans. on Computational Logic 4(2):495-525, 2001.
- Exploiting a relational DBMS
for reasoning about actions.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Fabio Palatta. Proc. of the 2nd Workshop on
Cognitive Robotics (CogRob'00), 2000.
- Combining deduction and model
checking into tableaux and algorithms for converse-PDL.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Fabio Massacci. Information and Computation
160(1-2):117-137, 2000.
- CONGOLOG, a concurrent programming
language based on the situation calculus - preliminary
version: language - preliminary
version: foundations.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Hector J. Levesque.
Articifial Intelligence 121(1-2):109-169, 2000.
- Two approaches to efficient
open-world reasoning.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Hector J. Levesque. Logic based Artificial
Intelligence, Jack Minker editor, pages 59-78, Kluver Academic
Press, 2000.
- Description logics: modal logics
for class-based modeling.
Giuseppe De Giacomo. Proc. of Advances in Modal Logic -
International Conference on Temporal Logic (AiML-ICTL'00), 2000.
- Keys for free in description logics.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of
the 2000 Description Logic Workshop (DL'00), pages 79-88. CEUR
Electronic Workshop Proc.,, 2000.
- Answering queries using views
over description logics knowledge bases.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of
the 16th Nat. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'00), pages
386-391, 2000.
- View-based query processing and
constraint satisfaction.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Proc. of the 15th IEEE Sym. on Logic in Computer Science
(LICS'00) , pages 361-371, 2000.
- Query processing using views for
regular path queries with inverse.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Proc. of the 19th ACM SIGACT SIGMOD SIGART Sym. on
Principles of Database Systems (PODS'00), pages 58-66, 2000.
- Containment of conjunctive regular
path queries with inverse.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf. on the Principles of Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning (KR'00), pages 176-185, 2000.
- Answering regular path queries
using views.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Proc. of the 16th IEEE Int. Conf. on Data Engineering
(ICDE'00), pages 389-398, 2000.
- What is query rewriting?.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Proc. of the 7th Int. Workshop on Knowledge Representation
meets Databases (KRDB'00), pages 17-27. CEUR Electronic Workshop
Proc.,, 2000.
- Planning Via Model
Checking: Some Experimental Results.
Daniela Berardi, Giuseppe De Giacomo. Unpublished manuscript,
- Automata-theoretic approach to
planning for temporally extended goals.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Moshe Y. Vardi. In Proc. of the 5th European
Conference on Planning (ECP'99), LNAI 1809, pages 226-238,
Springer-Verlag, 1999.
- Reasoning about nondeterministic
and concurrent actions: a process algebra approach.
Xiao Jun Chen, Giuseppe De Giacomo. Artificial Intelligence,
107(1):63-98, Elsevier, 1999.
- Projection using regression and
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Hector J. Levesque. Proc. of 16th Join
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'99), pages 160-165,
- An incremental interpreter for
high-level programs with sensing.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Hector J. Levesque. Logical Foundation for
Cognitive Agents: Contributions in Honor of Ray Reiter, Hector J.
Levesque and Fiora Pirri, editors, pages 86-102, Springer 1999.
- Minimal knowledge approach to
reasoning about actions and sensing.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Riccardo Rosati. Electronic Transactions on
Artificial Intelligence, 3, Section C - Special Section on
Non-Monotonic Reasoning, Actions and Change, available at:
http:/, 1999.
- Minimal knowledge approach to
reasoning about actions and sensing.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of the 3rd Workshop on
Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action, and Change (NRAC'99), 1999.
- A principled approach to data
integration and reconciliation in data warehousing.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Daniele Nardi,
Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of Workshop on Design and Management of Data
Warehouses (DMDW'99), 1999.
- Reasoning in expressive
description logics with fixpoints based on automata on infinite trees.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of
the 16th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IJCAI'99), pages 84-89, 1999.
- Rewriting of regular expressions
and regular path queries.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Proc. of the 18th ACM SIGACT SIGMOD SIGART Symposium on
Principles of Database Systems (PODS'99), pages 194-204, 1999.
- Query answering using views for
data integration over the web.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Proc. of the 1999 International Workshop on the Web and
Databases (WebDB'99), 1999.
- Rewriting of regular path queries.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Proc. of the 7th Italian Conf. on Database Systems (SEBD'99),
- Rewriting regular expressions
in semistructured data.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Moshe Y.
Vardi. Proc. of ICDT'99 Workshop on Query Processing for
Semistructured Data and Non-Standard Data Formats, 1999.
- Queries and constraints on
semistructured data.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini Proc. of
the 11th Int. Conf. on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
(CAISE'99), pages 434-438, 1999.
- Representing and reasoning on XML
documents: a description logic approach.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Journal of
Logic and Computation, 9(3):295-318, Oxford University Press,
- Answering queries using views in
description logics.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini Proc. of
the 1999 Description Logic Workshop (DL'99), 1999.
- Modeling and querying
semistructured data.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Network
and Information Systems, 2(2):253-273, 1999.
- Data integration and
reconciliation in data warehousing: conceptual modeling and reasoning
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Riccardo Rosati. Network and
Information Systems, 2(4):413-432, 1999.
- A theory and implementation for
mobile robot agents.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Luca Iocchi, Daniele Nardi, Riccardo Rosati. in Journal
of Logic and Computation 9(5):759-785, Oxford Press, 1999.
- Source
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini,
Daniele Nardi, Riccardo Rosati. Fundamentals of Data Warehouses,
Matthias Jarke, Maurizio Lenzerini, Yannis Vassiliou, and Panos
Vassiliadis, editors, Springer, 1999.
- An incremental interpreter for
high-level programs with sensing (extended abstract).
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Hector J. Levesque. Proc. of the AAAI 1998 Fall
Symposium on Cognitive Robotics (CogRob'98), 1998.
- Reasoning about high-level
robot programs by model checking and local validity tests.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of the AAAI 1998 Fall
Symposium on Cognitive Robotics (CogRob'98), 1998.
- Information integration:
Conceptual modeling and reasoning support.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Daniele Nardi,
Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of the 6th International Conference on
Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS'98), pages 280-291, 1998.
- Source integration in data
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Daniele Nardi,
Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of 9th International Workshop on Database and
Expert Systems Applications (DEXA-98), pages 192-197. IEEE
Computer Society Press, 1998.
- Knowledge representation
approach to information integration.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Daniele Nardi,
Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of AAAI 1998 Workshop on AI and Information
Integration, pages 58-65, 1998.
- What can knowledge representation
do for semistructured data?
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of
the 15th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'98),
pages 205-210, 1998.
- Extending semistructured data.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of
the 6th Italian Conference on Database Systems (SEBD'98). Ancona,
Italy, June 1998.
- Semistructured data with
constraints and incomplete information.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of
the Description Logic Workshop 1998 (DL'98), pages 11-20, 1998.
- A note on encoding inverse roles
and functional restrictions in ALC knowledge bases.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of the
Description Logic Workshop 1998 (DL'98), pages 69-71, 1998.
- Description logic framework for
information integration.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Daniele Nardi,
Riccardo Rosati. Proc. of the 6th International Conference on
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'98),
pages 2-13, 1998.
- Execution monitoring of high-level
robot programs.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Ray Reiter, Mikhail Soutchanski. Proc. of the
6th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation
and Reasoning (KR'98), pages 453-464, 1998.
- On the decidability of query
containment under constraints.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of
the 1998 Symposium on Principles of Databases Systems (PODS'98),
pages 148-158 1998.
- Execution monitoring of high-level
robot programs (extended abstract).
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Mikhail Soutchanski, Ray Reiter. In Proc. of
the 4th Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense
(CommonSense98), 1998.
- Queries and
constraints on semi-structured data.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, and Maurizio Lenzerini. Technical
Report 13-1998, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, UniversitÃ
di Roma "La Sapienza", 1998.
- Planning with sensing for a mobile
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Luca Iocchi, Daniele Nardi, Riccardo Rosati.
Proc. of the 4th European Conference on Planning (ECP'97), LNCS
1348, pages 158-170. Springer-Verlag, 1997
- Representing and reasoning on
SGML documents.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc.
of the 10th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent
Systems (ISMIS'97), LNCS 1325, pages 540-549, Springer-Verlag,
- Description logic-based framework
for planning with sensing actions.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Luca Iocchi, Daniele Nardi, Riccardo Rosati. Proc.
of the Description Logics Workshop 1997 (DL'97), pages 39-43,
- Conjunctive query containment in
description logics with n-ary relations.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc.
of the Description Logics Workshop 1997 (DL'97) pages 5-9, 1997.
- A uniform framework for concept
definitions in description logics.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Journal of Artificial
Intelligence Research, 6, 87-110, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
- Reasoning about concurrent
execution, prioritized interrupts, and exogenous actions in the
situation calculus.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance, Hector J. Levesque. Proc. of
the 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IJCAI'97), pages 1221-1226, 1997.
- Non-terminating processes in
the situation calculus.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Eugenia Ternovskaia, Ray Reiter. Proc. of the
AAAI'97 Workshop on Robots, Softbots, Immobots: Theories of Action,
Planning and Control, 1997.
- Robot-TINO advancements
(position paper).
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Luca Iocchi, Daniele Nardi, Riccardo Rosati. Proc.
of the AAAI'97 Workshop on Robots, Softbots, Immobots: Theories of
Action, Planning and Control, 1997.
- Eliminating ``converse'' from
converse PDL.
Giuseppe De Giacomo. Journal of Logic, Language and Information,
5, 193-208, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
- Intensional query answering by
partial evaluation.
Giuseppe De Giacomo. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
, 7, 205-233, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
- Tableaux and algorithms for
propositional dynamic logic with converse.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Fabio Massacci. Proc. of the 13th
International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE'96), LNCS
1104, pages 613-628, Springer-Verlag, 1996.
- Moving a robot: the KR&R
approach at work.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Luca Iocchi, Daniele Nardi, Riccardo Rosati. Proc.
of the 5th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning (KR'96), pages 198-209, Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, 1996.
- Reasoning about nondeterministic
and concurrent actions: a process algebra approach.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Xiao Jun Chen. Proc. of the 13th National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'96) , pages 658-663,
AAAI-Press/MIT-Press, 1996.
- Moving a robot from a theory of
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Luca Iocchi, Daniele Nardi, Riccardo Rosati. Proc.
of the AAAI'96 Workshop on Reasoning about actions, planning and
control: bridging the gap, 1996.
- CLASSIC planning for mobile
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Luca Iocchi, Daniele Nardi, Riccardo Rosati. Proc.
of the FAPR'96 Workshop on Reasoning about Actions and Planning in
Complex Environments , 1996.
- Representing SGML documents in
description logics.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc.
of the Description Logics Workshop 1996 (DL'96) , pages 102-106,
- EXPTIME tableaux for ALC.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Francesco Donini, Fabio Massacci. Proc.
of the Description Logics Workshop 1996 (DL'96), pages 107-110,
- TBox and ABox reasoning in
expressive description logics.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of the 5th
International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and
Reasoning (KR'96) , pages 316-327, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
- Conceptual data model with
structured objects for statistical databases.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Paolo Naggar. Proc. of the 8th International
Conference on Statistical Database Management Systems (SSDBM'96) ,
pages 168-175, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996.
- PDL-based framework for
reasoning about actions.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of the 4th Congress
of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA'95) ,
LNAI 992, pages 103-114. Springer-Verlag, 1995.
- Enhanced propositional dynamic
logic for reasoning about concurrent actions (extended abstract).
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of the AAAI 1995
Spring Symposium on Extending Theories of Action: Formal Theory and
Practical Applications , pages 62-67, 1995.
- Structured objects: modeling and
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of
the 4th International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented
Databases (DOOD'95), LNCS 1013, pages 229-246, Springer-Verlag,
- Increasing the power of
structured objects.
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of
the 2nd Workshop on Reasoning about Structured Objects: Knowledge
Representation Meets Databases (KRDB'95), pages 27-31, 1995.
- What's in an aggregate:
foundations for description logics with tuples and sets.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of the 14th
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'95) ,
pages 801-807, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1995.
- Making CATS out of
kittens: description logics with aggregates.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of the Description
Logics Workshop 1995 (DL'95) , pages 85-87, 1995.
- Decidability of
class-based knowledge representation formalisms.
Giuseppe De Giacomo. PhD Thesis, Universita' di Roma ``La Sapienza'',
- Boosting the correspondence
between description logics and propositional dynamic logics.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of the 12th National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'94) , pages 205-212.
AAAI-Press/MIT-Press, 1994.
- Concept language with number
restrictions and fixpoints, and its relationship with mu-calculus.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of the 11th European
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'94) , pages 411-415,
John Wiley and Sons, 1994.
- Description logics with inverse
roles, functional restrictions, and n-ary relations.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of the 4th European
Workshop on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA'94) , LNAI
838, pages 332-346, Springer-Verlag, 1994.
- On the correspondence between
description logics and logics of programs (position paper).
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Proc. of the Description
Logics Workshop 1994 (DL'94) , pages 1-4, 1994.
- Converse, local determinism, and
graded nondeterminism in propositional dynamic logics.
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. Technical Report 11-94 ,
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Universita' di Roma ``La
Sapienza'', June 1994.