Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e
Sapienza Università di Roma
schedule |
2024-2025 academic year, Fall 2024: 23 Sep
- 20 Dec
classes |
Mon 10:00-12:00, Thu 10:00-13:00, Fri
08:00-11:00 all in Aula 8 (Building RM031), Via
Eudossiana 18
office hours |
Tue 12:00-13:00, office A212, DIAG, Via
Ariosto 25 (to be confirmed - only during the first
semester) - see below
course website |
Google group registration:
Students are required to register
(read instructions below) to the course Google Group [Control
Systens 2024] and wait for the approval.
This will be the tool to share files and communicate with the
students any useful information.
In particular:
- enrolled students at Sapienza
must apply using their institutional Sapienza email
(@studenti.uniroma1.it) and use their last (cognome)
and first name (nome), in this order (in "Nome
Visualizzato" or "Visualized Name")
- students that are not yet
officially enrolled (including Erasmus) should specify in the
request "not yet enrolled with matricola number xxxxxxx"
(specify your matricola number) and should use their first
and last name as they will be registered in Infostud.
This is a temporary solution until they get their
institutional Sapienza email.
regarding messages from students:
I will answer only emails sent from the institutional
address @studenti.uniroma1.it
9-credit module is primarily offered to students of the
Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Meccanica (MMER) of the Facoltà
di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale of Sapienza University of
This course provides some
basic tools for the analysis and control of linear systems.
Analysis of linear systems:
Linear dynamical systems. Free evolution (Zero Input response).
Asymptotic stability and Routh criterion. Forced evolution (Zero
State response). Steady-state and frequency response. Bode
diagrams. Interconnected systems. Stability of feedback systems:
Nyquist criterion.
Structure and
requirements in the design of control systems:
Compensation and feedback in automatic control examples,
structure and fundamental properties. Precision. Steady-state
error. Disturbance rejection and attenuation. Transient
response. Performance analysis and sensitivity functions.
Frequency domain
design techniques:
Elementary compensators and their realization. Design of
compensators based on Bode diagrams. Loop shaping.
Root locus design
Root locus and its sketching. Stabilization of minimum-phase
systems. Design of minimum-dimension controllers.
Direct design
Design by pole assignment.
State space design
Structural properties: reachability and observability.
Structural decompositions. Eigenvalue assignment. Stabilization
via state feedback. Asymptotic observer. Separation principle.
Detectability and stabilization via output feedback.
Stability of nonlinear
systems (if time
Stability definitions according to Lyapunov. The direct method
of Lyapunov. Invariant set theorems. The indirect method of
Examples of application. Design and simulation of control
systems via MATLAB/Control System Toolbox and Simulink.
- Lectures (available
during the course): topics and material (slides and links to
online OCW lessons). There will be slides updates during
the semester.
Other sources:
- G. F. Franklin, J.
Da Powell and A. Emami-Naeni, Feedback Control of Dynamical Systems, Prentice Hall.
- R. Dorf, R. Bishop,
Modern Control Systems,
(international edition), Prentice Hall.
- N.S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering,
(international student edition), John Wiley.
- A. D. Lewis, A mathematical approach to
classical control, 2003 - online
version (not all the chapters are within the scope of
this course).
- K. J. Astrom and R.
M. Murray, Feedback
systems: an introduction for scientists and engineers,
Princeton University Press, 2008 - (Linear
Systems and Feedback
Systems online version (not all the chapters are
within the scope of this course).
- P. Albertos and I.
Mareels, Feedback and
control for everyone, 2010, Springer.
It's a suggested reading (the book introduces most of the
fundamental ideas of control through interesting examples
and in an almost math-free context).
you have it free as students, take full advantage!
Exercises and some
past exams:
- Self-assessment 00a (solutions here)
- Self-assessment 00b
(solutions here)
- Self-assessment 01 (solutions here)
- Self-assessment 02 (solutions here)
updated to correct some typos
- Loop shaping: a typical exercise
- Some past exams (Part A,
Part B, Part C)
- Text of the first
exam session 2019 (with solution) here
- Text of the exam
session 08/01/2020 (with solution) here new (updated to correct small typo in
- Text of the exam
session 04/02/2020 (with solution) here
new (updated to
correct small typos)
- Text of the exam
session 10/01/2022 (with updated
solution) here
- Text of the exam
session 31/01/2022 (with solution) here new
- Text of the exam session 09/01/2023 (with
solution) here
new (updated w.r.t. the version in the Google Group)
- Text of the exam
session 30/01/2023 (with solution) here
new (updated w.r.t. the version in the Google Group)
- Text of the exam session 08/01/2024 (with
solution) here
- Text of the exam session 29/01/2024 (with
solution) here
- Text of the exam session 14/01/2025 (with
solution) here
Some interesting links
It is
always interesting to see how this "hidden technology" finds more and more
advanced applications in the real world, from the IEEE Control Systems Society
Special office hours will be
available before the next January session.
Office hours:
- online office hour on Friday 03/01 from 11:30 to 13:00
online office hour on xxx xx/xx from 11:30 to 13:00
A Zoom link will be available. Write to me if you will
attend (remote or presence); if I receive no messages there
will be no office hour.
To see what we do at
the DIAG
Robotics Lab visit the YouTube channel RoboticsLabSapienza
Seminar (2015): "Controllo
di un elicottero quadrirotore" Ing. Marco Cognetti -
(2015): "Controllo
del robot Pendubot" Ing. Massimo Cefalo - DIAG
Seminar (2015): "Controllo
piattaforma CyberWalk" Prof. Alessandro De Luca - DIAG
Reminder: exams are "in
presence" only
Exams schedule (always check for last minute
For the extraordinary sessions (March and October) (check here
to see if you are allowed, also in English).
Be aware that registration
closes several days before the exam (no
14/01/2025 last day for
registration: 06/01/2025
- 12/02/2025 last day for registration:
24/03/2025 last day for registration:
15/03/2025. Extraordinary session.
- 09/06/2025
last day for registration: 01/06/2025
- 04/07/2025 last
day for registration: 28/06/2025
- 09/09/2025 last
day for registration: 01/09/2025
(to be defined) last day for registration:
xx/xx/2024. Extraordinary session
14/01/2025 registration closes on the
06/01/2025 (no
Note: Those with no "piano
di studio" approved yet should write an email on the 5th or
6th (NOT before) with:
- message subject: Piano di studio problem
- message text:
Last Name (the one used in Infostud)
First Name
Different formats of the message will not be considered. No
messages will be accepted after the 6th of January.
If you realize that you will not attend
the exam, you are kindly invited to notify me as soon as
possible (it is considered a form of education also with
respect to your colleagues).
Too many
students register and do not care about informing about their
Read your
institutional email for important information on the exam.
the exam will be marked as "bocciato" (failed) on Infostud from
the second time on if it is largely unsatisfactory (e.g., if you
failed in the January 2022 session and you fail again, then this
second result may be registered as "bocciato")
Results exam 14/01/2025 here. Send an email
regarding the acceptance before the 30/01 evening. Solution is
No calculators
will be allowed
Everything will be provided. No
need for paper, or lead/lag
functions and semilog
I need a decision (acceptance or not) of
the grade within 30/01/2025
No answer not only means no acceptance of the
grade but also that I will write "Bocciato" (Failed) on the
official report (verbale)
You can directly send me an email
if you accept the proposed grade (there is no need of signing
any document).
Those who could not register for the January exam but have
passed the exam, register for the February session and write to
me that it's just for the official grade registration on