Alessandro De Luca

Robotics 2

Prof. Alessandro De Luca
Dipartimento di Ingegneria informatica, automatica e gestionale Antonio Ruberti (DIAG)
Sapienza Università di Roma
Via Ariosto 25, 00185 Roma, Italy
office: A-210
tel: +39 06 77274 052
email: deluca [at] diag [dot] uniroma1 [dot] it infostud code (for student graduation only): 114788

Academic year 2024-25 (second semester) page in progress

VERY IMPORTANT. Please attend the first lectures of this course, starting with Wednesday, February 26, 2025, in order to get acquainted with the program and teaching organization. Also, please register as soon as possible (before the start of lectures!) to the Google Group of this course in 2024-25.

VIDEO LECTURES. The lectures of the course of the academic year 2019-20 have been fully video recorded and are available in the Robotics 2 playlist of the Video DIAG - Sapienza YouTube channel. More details in the Course material page.

Course material
Google group
Booking of exams

Aims: This course provides tools for: Advanced kinematics and dynamic analysis of robot manipulators; Design of feedback control laws for free motion and interaction tasks, including visual servoing.

Contents: Advanced kinematics for robot manipulators (calibration, redundancy resolution). Derivation and use of the dynamic model of robots (Euler-Lagrange and Newton-Euler formulations). Identification of dynamic coefficients. Inclusion of joint transmission elasticity. Linear and nonlinear control schemes for set-point regulation (PD with gravity compensation, saturated PID, iterative learning, Cartesian/task regulation) and for trajectory tracking (feedback linearization and decoupling in the joint or Cartesian/task space, passive control, adaptive control) in free motion tasks, as well as for interaction tasks with the environment (admittance control, compliance control, impedance control, hybrid force/velocity control). Image- and position-based visual servoing (kinematic treatment). Diagnosis of robot actuator faults.

Prerequisites: The course requires Robotics 1 (or its former italian version Robotica 1).

Courses of study: M.Sc. in Control Engineering (MCER), M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (MARR)

ECTS Credits: 6 credits

Exams: written exam (+ oral examination, if needed); in alternative, after qualifying with a midterm test, a project with written report and presentation


Period: second semester (February-May 2025: about 12 weeks)
Begin: ...
End: ...


Monday 08:00-10:00 (room B2; DIAG, Via Ariosto 25)
Wednesday 14:00-18:00 (room B2; DIAG, Via Ariosto 25)

Distribution of students according to the course of study:

2024-25: ...
2023-24: Total of 119 students as Sapienza members of the Google group: 104 MARR (12 international students), 13 MCER (3), 2 Erasmus (international)
2022-23: Total of 100 students as Sapienza members of the Google group: 86 MARR (9 international students), 11 MCER (2), 1 MMER (1), 2 Erasmus (international)
2021-22: Total of 128 students as Sapienza members of the Google group: 106 MARR (20 international students), 20 MCER (8), 1 Erasmus (international), 1 PhD
2020-21: Total of 159 students as Sapienza members of the Google group: 130 MARR (18 international students), 26 MCER (2), 2 Other (2), 1 Erasmus (international)
2019-20: Total of 137 students as Sapienza members of the Google group: 99 MARR (25 international students), 35 MCER (9), 1 Other (1), 2 Erasmus (international)
2018-19: 82 MARR (25 international students), 44 MCER (9), 3 Other (1); Total: 129 students (102 present at first lecture)
2017-18: 59 MARR (20 international students), 28 MCER (18), 3 Other (1), 1 Erasmus (international); Total: 91 students (78 present at first lecture)
2016-17: 66 MARR (12 international students), 26 MCER (14), 1 PhD, 1 BIAR, 1 Other (1); Total: 95 students (75 present at first lecture)
2015-16: 52 MARR (10 international students), 28 MCER (6), 2 BIAR (1); Total: 82 students (65 present at first lecture)
2014-15: 16 MCER (4 international students), 14 MARR (2), 2 Erasmus (international); Total: 32 students (29 present at first lecture)
2013-14: 36 MARR (15 international students), 9 MCER, 5 Erasmus (international), 2 MELR; Total: 52 students (26 present at first lecture)
2012-13: 44 MARR (8 international students), 4 MELR (1), 4 Erasmus (international), 2 PhD, 1 MSIR; Total: 55 students (48 present at first lecture)
2011-12: 30 MARR (10 international students), 8 MSIR, 4 MELR (1 international student) + 2 LSER, 1 LAUR, 1 MMER; Total: 46 students (36 present at first lecture)
2010-11: 29 MARR (8 international students), 16 MSIR, 10 MELR (1 international student), 1 MMER; Total: 56 students (39 present at first lecture)
2009-10: 22 MARR (5 international students), 7 MSIR, 6 SELR, 3 SSIR, 2 MINR, 1 SMER (international student), 1 PhD Aero; Total: 42 students (24 present at first lecture)
2008-09: 6 MINR (3 international students), 2 LAUR; Total: 8 students (4 present at first lecture)

Course material

The textbook for Robotics 2 is:

B. Siciliano, L. Sciavicco, L. Villani, G. Oriolo
"Robotics: Modelling, Planning and Control", 3rd Edition, Springer, 2009

Download the Errata Corrige for this book.

Only selected chapters are part of the course program, but this book is a perfect reference also for further studies. Other course material (PDF of the lecture slides, technical papers, data sheets, videos, texts of exams (with or without solution), exercises) is available in this page.

Google group

A Google group has been created to post questions about the content of the lectures, exchange information and discuss the topics of the course in general. New registrations are not accepted after the end of the lectures. Groups of past years are still active (but no new registrations are considered as well).

URL: (will be active from early February 2025)
Email: (will be active from early February 2025)
Access: Restricted to Sapienza students only. Please request admission at the URL using ONLY your institutional email address When applying be sure to enter i) your first and last name as "Display Name", as well as ii) your Master program [Control Engineering (MCER) or AI & Robotics (MARR)] and iii) your current year of enrollment in the course of study, together with any other useful information, as "Reason for joining". Incomplete requests will be discarded without further notice.

Booking of exams

Please book the exams via the web site Infostud, using your student ID ("matricola") and password. The same procedure applies also to incoming Erasmus+ students.

I open sessions only for the exam Robotics 2 (code 1021883, 6 credits). For past versions and any other situation, please contact me in advance.

VERY IMPORTANT: In order to do the Robotics 2 exam, it is mandatory that you have already passed the Robotics 1 exam! No exceptions.

Registration to exams for the sessions of the academic year 2023-24 is open in Infostud. The dates of regular exam sessions of the academic year 2024-25 will be published in early December 2024 at the latest.

The calendar of exams for the first two regular sessions of the academic year 2023-24 has been published on November 1, 2023. The dates of the remaining regular sessions have been published on April 11, 2024. Booking of the next available regular session opens on Infostud at the closing date for booking the previous regular session. Extra sessions open at the latest one month before the exam date. The booking deadline of each session is 1 week before the date of the written exam.

Last update: September 21, 2024