Course on Interaction Design
Ambienti Virtuali Interattivi
Laurea Magistrale in Design, Comunicazione Visiva e Multimediale
Instructor: Dr. Andrea Marrella
A.A. 2016/2017
Course Description
The course aims at providing an introduction to interaction design and interactive experiences using modern computing technologies. The course has been structured to introduce theory and skills at a point when they are most relevant to concrete project work. No prior knowledge of technologies and programming is assumed.This course is meant to provide a comprehensive knowledge about the interaction design principles and multi-modal methods to design coherent and effective Interactive Spaces and Smart Objects, with specific focus on:
- the perspective of the "user experience", which is the experience that comes about through the use of (interactive) products;
- the design of the interaction as an immersive and rewarding experience for the users;
- case studies from the cultural heritage domain.
Lectures Room | Aula G23, Sede di via E. Gianturco, 2 |
Office Hours | Every Monday, 17:00-18:30, in Room B213 (second floor), Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale (DIAG), Via Ariosto 25, Roma. To schedule an appointment, it is strongly required to send an e-mail to the instructor at least 24 hours in advance. |
E-mail Address | marrella <at> diag <dot> uniroma1 <dot> it |
- All the slides of the course have been updated.
Schedule of Lectures
02/03/2017 09:30-13:30 |
09/03/2017 09:30-13:30 |
23/03/2017 09:30-13:30 |
30/03/2017 09:30-13:30 |
04/05/2017 09:30-13:30 |
11/05/2017 09:30-13:30 |
18/05/2017 09:30-13:30 |
01/06/2017 14:00-18:00 |
08/06/2017 09:30-13:30 |
Teaching Material
- 1 - Introduction
- 2 - Basics of Human-Computer Interaction
- 3 - Mobile Interaction Design
- 4 - Mobile Design Patterns
- 5 - Basics of Processing
- 6 - Variables and Images in Processing
- 7 - Conditionals in Processing
- 8 - Loops and Arrays in Processing
- 9 - Functions in Processing
- 10 - Advanced Concepts in Processing
Additional Material
- Prototyping tool: Balsamiq Mockups (install the trial version)
- Processing Programming language
- Some basic examples in Processing
- Web page of the Interaction Design Association
- Course of Human-Computer Interaction 16-17 (Prof.ssa Catarci)