Pubblicazioni di Marrella Andrea


Coltellese Simone, Maria Maggi Fabrizio, Marrella Andrea, Massarelli Luca, Querzoni Leonardo
Triage of IoT Attacks Through Process Mining. On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2019 Conferences 2019: 326-344


de Leoni Massimiliano, Lanciano Giacomo, Marrella Andrea
Aligning partially-ordered process-execution traces and models using automated planning. Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling 2018: 321-329

Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo
Cognitive business process management for adaptive cyber-physical processes. Business ProcessManagement Workshops 2018: 429-439

Catarci Tiziana, Di Nocera Francesco, Federici Stefano, Gaudino Giancarlo, Lanzilotti Rosa, Marrella Andrea, Mele Maria Laura, Pantano Pietro S., Poggi Isabella, Tarantino Laura, Amendola Massimo, Bertacchini Francesca, Bilotta Eleonora, Bracalenti Marco, Buono Paolo, Cocco Antonello, Costabile Maria Francesca, Desolda Giuseppe
Digital interaction: where are we going?. 14th ACM International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2018) 2018: 1-5

Leotta Francesco, Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Palucci Federico, Di Seri Chiara, Catarci Tiziana
Encouraging persons to visit cultural sites through mini-games. EAI ENDORSED TRANSACTIONS ON SERIOUS GAMES 2018: -

Maggi F. M., Marrella A., Capezzuto G., Cervantes A. A.
Baldoni Roberto, De Nicola Rocco, Prinetto Paolo, Anglano COSIMO FILOMENO, Aniello Leonardo, Antinori Arije, Armando Alessandro, Aversa Rocco, Baldi Marco, Barili Antonio, Bartoletti Massimo, Basile Basile, Bellini Marco, Bergadano Francesco, Bernardeschi Cinzia, Bertino , Elisa Bianchi, Giuseppe , Biancotti Claudia, Bistarelli Stefano, Blefari Melazzi Nicola, Boetti Milena, Bondavalli Andrea, Bonomi Silvia, Buccafurri Francesco, Cambiaso Enrico, Caputo Barbara, Carminati Barbara, Cataliotti Francesco Saverio, Catarci Tiziana, Ceccarelli Andrea, Cesa Bianchi Nicolò, Chiaraluce Franco, Colajanni Michele, Conti Marco, Conti Mauro, Coppolino Luigi, Costa Gabriele, Costamagna Valerio, Cotroneo Domenico, Crispo Bruno, Cucchiara Rita, D’Antonio Salvatore, Damiani Ernesto, De Nicola Rocco, De Santis Alfredo, Di Battista Giuseppe, Di Martino Beniamino, Degiovanni Ivo Pietro, Demetrescu Camil, Di Corinto Arturo, Di Luna Antonio, Di Natale Giorgio, Dini Gianluca, Evangelisti Marco, Falcinelli Daniela, Figà Gianna, Ferretti Marco, Ficco Massimo, Flocchini Paola, Flottes Marie-Lise, Focardi Riccardo, Franchina Luisa, Furfaro Angelo, Girdinio Paola, Guida Franco, Italiano Giuseppe F., Lain Daniele, Laurenti Nicola, Lioy Antonio, Loreti Michele, Malerba Donato, Mancini Luigi Vincenzo, Marchetti Spaccamela Alberto, Marcialis Gianluca, Margheri Andrea, Marrella Andrea, Martinelli Fabio, Martinelli Maurizio, Martino Luigi, Massacci Fabio, Mayer Marco, Mecella Massimo, Mensi Maurizio, Merlo Alessio, Miculan Marino, Montanari Luca, Morana Marco, Mosco Gian Domenico, Mostarda Leonardo, Murino Vittorio, Nardi Daniele, Navigli Roberto, Palazzi Andrea, Palmieri Francesco, Panetta Ida, Passarella Andrea, Pellegrini Alessandro, Pelosi Gerardo, Pellegrino Giancarlo, Pirlo Giuseppe, Piuri Vincenzo, Pizzonia Maurizio, Pogliani Marcello, Polino Mario, Pontil Massimiliano, Prinetto Paolo, Quaglia Francesco, Quattrociocchi Walter, Querzoni Leonardo, Rak Massimiliano, Ranise Silvio, Ricci Elisa, Rossi Lorenzo, Rota Paolo, Russo Ludovico Orlando, Samarati Pierangela, Santoro Nicola, Santucci Beppe, Sassone Vladimiro, Scala Antonio, Scotti Fabio, Servida Andrea, Spagnoletti Paolo, Spalazzi Luca, Spidalieri Francesca, Spoto Austo, Squarcina Marco, Stefanelli Stefania, Vecchio Alessio, Venticinque Salvatore, Villoresi Paolo, Visaggio Aaron, Vitaletti Andrea, Zanero Stefano
Sapio Francesco, Marrella Andrea, Catarci Tiziana
Integrating body scanning solutions into virtual dressing rooms. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces 2018: 1-3

Marrella Andrea, Catarci Tiziana
Measuring the learnability of interactive systems using a Petri net based approach. DIS 2018 proceedings of the 2018 designing interactive systems conference 2018: 1309-1319

Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Sardiña Sebastian
Baldoni R., De Nicola R., Prinetto P., Anglano C., Aniello L., Antinori A., Armando A., Aversa R., Baldi Marco, Barili A., Bartoletti M., Bellini M., Bergadano F., Bernardeschi C., Bianchi E., Biancotti C., Bistarelli S., Blefari Melazzi N., Boetti M., Bondavalli A., Bonomi ., Buccafurri F., Cambiaso E., Caputo B., Carminati B., Cataliotti F. S., Catarci T., Ceccarelli A., Cesa Bianchi N., Chiaraluce F., Colajanni M., Conti M., Conti M., Coppolino L., Costa G., Costamagna V., Cotroneo D., Crispo B., Cucchiara R., D’Antonio S., Damiani E., De Nicola R., De Santis A., Di Battista G., Di Martino B., Degiovanni I. P., Demetrescu C., Di Corinto A., Di Luna A., Di Natale G., Dini G., Evangelisti M., Falcinelli D., Figà G., Ferretti M., Ficco M., Flocchini P., Flottes M., Focardi R., Furfaro Franchina., Girdinio P., Guida F., Italiano G. F., Lain D., Laurenti N., Lioy A., Loreti M., Malerba D., Mancini L. V., Marchetti Spaccamela A., Marcialis G., Margheri A., Marrella A., Martinelli F., Martinelli M., Martino L., Massacci F., Mayer M., Mecella M., Mensi M., Merlo A., Miculan M., Montanari L., Morana M., Mosco G. D., Mostarda L., Murino V., Nardi D., Navigli R., Palazzi A., Palmieri F., Panetta I. C., Passarella A., Pellegrini A., Pelosi G., Pellegrino G., Pirlo G., Piuri V., Pizzonia M., Pogliani M., Polino M., Pontil M., Prinetto P., Quaglia F., Quattrociocchi W., Querzoni L., Rak M., Ranise S., Ricci E., Rossi L., Rota P., Russo L. O., Samarati P., Santoro N., Santucci B., Sassone V., Scala A., Scotti F., Servida A., Spagnoletti P., Spalazzi L., Spidalieri F., Spoto A., Squarcina M., Stefanelli S., Vecchio A., Venticinque S., Villoresi P., Visaggio A., Vitaletti A., Zanero S.
Marrella Andrea
What Automated Planning Can Do for Business Process Management. Business ProcessManagement Workshops 2018: 7-19


Marrella Andrea, Lesperance Yves
A planning approach to the automated synthesis of template-based process models. SERVICE ORIENTED COMPUTING AND APPLICATIONS 2017: 367-392

de Leoni Massimiliano, Lanciano Giacomo, Marrella Andrea
A Tool for Aligning Event Logs and Prescriptive Process Models through Automated Planning. BPM-D&DA 2017 BPM Demo Track and BPM Dissertation Award. Proceedings of the BPM Demo Track and BPM Dissertation Award co-located with 15th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2017) 2017: -

Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo
Adaptive Process Management in Cyber-Physical Domains. Advances in Intelligent Process-Aware Information Systems. Concepts, Methods, and Technologies 2017: 15-48

de Leoni Massimiliano, Marrella Andrea
Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Pernici Barbara, Plebani Pierluigi
Design-time Models for Resiliency. Conceptual Modeling Perspectives 2017: 105-120

Janes Andrea, Maggi Fabrizio Maria, Marrella Andrea, Montali Marco
From zero to hero: A process mining tutorial. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement 2017: 625-629

De Leoni Massimiliano, Marrella Andrea
How planning techniques can help process mining: The conformance-checking case. Proceedings of the 25th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems SEBD 2017 2017: 283-290

Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Sardina Sebastian
Intelligent Process Adaptation in the SmartPM System. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY 2017: 1-43

Plebani Pierluigi, Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Mizmizi Marouan, Pernici Barbara
Multi-Party Business Process Resilience By-Design: A Data-Centric Perspective. Advanced Information Systems Engineering 2017: 110-124

De Giacomo Giuseppe, Maggi Fabrizio Maria, Marrella Andrea, Patrizi Fabio
On the Disruptive Effectiveness of Automated Planning for LTLf-Based Trace Alignment. Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Twenty-Ninth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, Seventh Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence : 4-9 February 2017, San Franci... 2017: 3555-3561

Collerton Thomas, Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Catarci Tiziana
Route Recommendations to Business Travelers Exploiting Crowd-Sourced Data. Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems 2017: 3-17


Hanteer Obaida, Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Catarci Tiziana
A Petri-Net Based Approach to Measure the Learnability of Interactive Systems. Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. AVI 2016 2016: 312-313

Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Sardina Sebastian
De Giacomo Giuseppe, Marrella Andrea, Maggi Fabrizio Maria, Sardina Sebastian
Computing Trace Alignment against Declarative Process Models through Planning. ICAPS'16 Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Conference on International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling 2016: 367-375

Catarci Tiziana, Leotta Francesco, Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Sora Daniele, Cottone Pietro, Lo Re Giuseppe, Morana Marco, Ortolani Marco, Agate Vincenzo, Meschino Giovanni Renato, Pecoraro Giovanni, Pergola Gabriele
Your Friends Mention It. What About Visiting It? A Mobile Social-Based Sightseeing Application. Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. AVI 2016 2016: 300-301


Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Russo Alessandro, Steinau Sebastian, Andrews Kevin, Reichert Manfred
A Survey on Handling Data in Business Process Models. 23rd Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD 2015) 2015: 304-311

Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Halapuu Patris, Sardiña Sebastian
Automated Process Adaptation in Cyber-Physical Domains with the SmartPM System. 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA) 2015: 59-64

Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Russo Alessandro, Steinau Sebastian, Andrews Kevin, Reichert Manfred
Data in Business Process Models. A Preliminary Empirical Study. 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA) 2015: 116-122

Di Ciccio Claudio, Marrella Andrea, Russo Alessandro
Lin Kwei-Jay, Mecella Massimo, Aiello Marco, Ludwig Heiko, Chao Kuo Ming, Stary Chris, Marrella Andrea
Message from Conference and Program Chairs. 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA) 2015: x-xi

Marrella Andrea, Halapuu Patris, Mecella Massimo, Sardiña Sebastian
SmartPM: An Adaptive Process Management System for Executing Processes in Cyber-Physical Domains. Proceedings of the BPM Demo Session 2015 Co-located with the 13th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2015) 2015: 115-119

Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Sardina Sebastian, Tucceri Paola
SmartPM: Automated Adaptation of Dynamic Processes. Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2014 Workshops 2015: 423-427


Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Sardina Sebastian
SmartPM: An Adaptive Process Management System through Situation Calculus, IndiGolog, and Classical Planning. 14th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2014). Class A+ (GII-GRIN rating), Class A* (CORE rating) 2014: 518-527

Marrella Andrea, Vassos Stavros
Story Generation in PDDL Using Character Moods: A Case Study on Iliad's First Book. 8th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methods and Applications (SETN 2014) 2014: 583-588

Cossu Fabrizio, Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Russo Alessandro, Kimani Stephen, Bertazzoni Giuliano, Colabianchi Annunziata, Corona Alessandro, De Luise Aldo, Grasso Francesco, Suppa Marianna
Supporting Doctors through Mobile Multimodal Interaction and Process-aware Execution of Clinical Guidelines. 7th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2014) 2014: 183-190



Masoumi Arman, Soutchanski Mikhail, Marrella Andrea
Organic Synthesis as Artificial Intelligence Planning. 6th International Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences (SWAT4LS 2013) 2013: -

Marrella Andrea, Lesperance Yves
Synthesizing a Library of Process Templates through Partial-Order Planning Algorithms. 14th International Conference on Business Process Modeling, Development and Support (BPMDS 2013) 2013: 277-291

Marrella Andrea, Lesperance Yves
Towards a Goal-oriented Framework for the Automatic Synthesis of Underspecified Activities in Dynamic Processes. 6th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2013) 2013: 361-365

Masoumi Arman, Marrella Andrea, Soutchanski Mikhail
Towards a Planning-Based Approach to the Automated Design of Chemical Processes. Workshop on AI Meets Business Processes 2013 (AIBP 2013), co-located with the 13th Conf. of the Italian Association for AI (AI*IA 2013) 2013: 61-70

Catarci Tiziana, de Leoni Massimiliano, Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Russo Alessandro, Steinmann Renate, Bortenschlager Manfred
WORKPAD: Process Management and Geo-Collaboration Help Disaster Response. Using Social and Information Technologies for Disaster and Crisis Management 2013: 33-51


Cossu Fabrizio, Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Russo Alessandro, Bertazzoni Giuliano, Suppa Marianna, Grasso Francesco
Improving Operational Support in Hospital Wards through Vocal Interfaces and Process-Awareness. 25th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2012) 2012: 1-6

Di Ciccio Claudio, Marrella Andrea, Russo Alessandro
Knowledge-intensive Processes: An Overview of Contemporary Approaches. 1st International Workshop on Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes (KiBP 2012) 2012: 33-47

Marrella Andrea, Russo Alessandro, Mecella Massimo
Planlets: Automatically Recovering Dynamic Processes in YAWL. 20th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS 2012). Class A (GII-GRIN rating, CORE rating) 2012: 268-286


Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Russo Alessandro
Collaboration On-the-field: Suggestions and Beyond. 8th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2011) 2011: -

Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Russo Alessandro
Featuring Automatic Adaptivity through Workflow Enactment and Planning. 7th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom 2011) 2011: 372-381

Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Russo Alessandro, ter Hofstede Arthur, Sardina Sebastian
Making YAWL and SmartPM Interoperate: Managing Highly Dynamic Processes by Exploiting Automatic Adaptation Features. 9th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2011), Demonstration Track 2011: -

de Leoni Massimiliano, Marrella Andrea, Russo Alessandro
Process-aware Information Systems for Emergency Management. International Workshop on Emergency Management through Service Oriented Architectures (EMSOA 2010) 2011: 50-58

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