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Logics for AI

  • Query answering for Knowledge Bases (KBs) amounts to extracting information from the various models of a KB, and presenting the user with an object that represents such information. In the vast majority of cases, this object consists of those tuples of constants that satisfy the query expression...
  • Controlled query evaluation (CQE) is an approach for confidentiality-preserving query answering where a function called censor alters query answers so that users can never infer data that are protected by a policy given in terms of logic formulae. In this paper, we review some foundational results...
  • This work summarizes the salient aspects of our recent work [1], about combining collective entity resolution and repairing.
  • This paper considers the problem of querying dirty databases, which may contain both erroneous facts and multiple names for the same entity. While both of these data quality issues have been widely studied in isolation, our contribution is a holistic framework for jointly deduplicating and...
  • It is well-known that Artificial Intelligence (AI), and in particular Machine Learning (ML), is not effective without good data preparation, as also pointed out by the recent wave of data-centric AI. Data preparation is the process of gathering, transforming and cleaning raw data prior to...
  • The Datalog query language can express several powerful recursive properties, often crucial in real-world scenarios. While answering such queries is feasible over relational databases, the picture changes dramatically when data is enriched with intensional knowledge. It is indeed well-known that...
  • We study a novel reasoning task in Ontology-based Data Management (OBDM), called Abstraction, which aims at associating formal semantic descriptions to data services. In OBDM a domain ontology is used to provide a semantic layer mapped to the data sources of an organization. The basic idea of the...
  • In the recently proposed LACE framework for collective entity resolution, logical rules and constraints are used to identify pairs of entity references (e.g. author or paper ids) that denote the same entity. This identification is global: all occurrences of those entity references (possibly across...
  • This extended abstract summarizes our recent work in which we study a dynamic Controlled Query Evaluation method over Description Logic ontologies.
  • Data integration provides a unified and abstract view over a set of existing data sources. The typical architecture of a data integration system comprises the global schema, which is the structure for the unified view, the source schema, and the mapping, which is a formal account of how data at the...
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