CS&E Seminar Tue. 14 Sept. 2010, 15.30 -- Moe Thandar Wynn @ Aula Magna
Speaker: Moe Thandar Wynn, Queensland University of Technology - Brisbane, Australia
Title: Cost-Aware Business Process Management
Time and location: 14 September 2010, 15.30 -- Aula Magna
Contact: Domenico Lembo (lembo@dis.uniroma1.it) & Massimo Mecella (mecella@dis.uniroma1.it)
Abstract: Traditional cost-benefit analysis provides management with an ability to plan ahead of time and to make informed strategic and operational decisions based on cost. However, the value of this cost analysis could be limited if accurate cost figures about business activities are not readily available to a business. By the time detailed reporting and auditing have been carried out on business activities, it is often too late to make any cost saving adjustment necessary for that period. Hence, the ability to monitor the overall cost of business activities closely and cost-effectively and to make necessary changes to these activities quickly is highly desirable for any manager.
Gartner surveys over the past five years have shown process management to be the number one concern of senior executives. In a BPM project, real benefits are typically realised by taking the business process models produced and using these as the blueprint for subsequent automation. A so-called workflow, an executable process model, contains descriptions of what tasks need to be performed, when they need to be performed, by whom they need to be performed, and what information they need and what information they produce. Workflow systems also provide the ability to monitor processes and examine various properties of these processes. These workflow logs can then be used by process mining tools for prediction and post-executive analysis. However, workflow systems are typically neither cost-aware nor is the execution of a workflow model cost-driven.
In this research program on Cost-Aware Business Process Management, we propose to bring together insights from business and workflow communities. The availability of a cost-aware process management system which provides detailed, real-time cost information together with sophisticated prediction capabilities will not only allow organisations to make informed operational and strategic decisions but also allow it to incrementally improve their situation over time.
This presentation will first provide an overview of the Cost-Aware Business Process Management research program. Next, it will present some early research outcomes from the various research activities on this topic. Finally, it will discuss the research issues that still need to be addressed.
Moe Thandar Wynn is a Senior Lecturer in the Business Process Management (BPM) Research Group at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Queensland University of Technology - Brisbane, Australia. Moe is a researcher and a software developer within the YAWL Initiative (www.yawlfoundation.org). She is the lead researcher in the Cost-Aware Business Process Management research program. More information on her can be found at www.yawlfoundation.org/moe.