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Interactive humanoids and our future life

Prof. Hiroshi Ishiguro, Osaka University and Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratories, ATR
Data dell'evento: 
Venerdì, 25 November, 2016 - 12:00
Aula Magna, Via Ariosto 25
Daniele Nardi

We, humans, have innate brain function to recognize humans. Therefore,
humanlike robots, androids, can be ideal information media for human-robot/computer interaction.
The speaker has developed various types of interactive robots and androids.
Geminoid that is a teleoperated android of an existing person can transmit
the presence of the operator to the distant place. The operator recognizes
the android body as his/her own body after talking with someone through the
geminoid and has virtual feeling to be touched when someone touches to the
geminoid. However, the geminoid is not the ideal medium for everybody. For example,
elderly people often hesitate to talk with adult humans and the adult
androids. A question is what the ideal medium for everybody is. In order to
investigate it, the speaker proposes the minimum design of interactive
humanoids. It is called Telenoid. The geminoid is the perfect copy of an
existing person and it is the maximum design of interactive humanoids. On
the other hand, the minimum design looks like a human but we cannot judge
the age and gender.  Elderly people like to talk with the Telenoid very
much. In this talk, the speaker discusses the design principles for the
robots and their effects to conversations with humans.
In this talk, the speaker introduces the developed robots in his
laboratories and their practical applications and discuss how the robot
changes our life in the future

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