Pubblicazioni di Trappolini Giovanni


Mucha Wiktor, Cuconasu Florin, Etori Naome A., Kalokyri Valia, Trappolini Giovanni
Cuconasu Florin, Trappolini Giovanni, Siciliano Federico, Filice Simone, Campagnano Cesare, Maarek Yoelle, Tonellotto Nicola, Silvestri Fabrizio
The Power of Noise: Redefining Retrieval for RAG Systems. SIGIR '24: Proceedings of the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval 2024: 719-729


Cristofaro A., Cappellini G., Staffetti E., Trappolini G., Vendittelli M.
Adaptive Estimation of the Pennes' Bio-Heat Equation - I: Observer Design. 2023 IEEE 62nd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2023: -1936

Cappellini G., Trappolini G., Staffetti E., Cristofaro A., Vendittelli M.
Barnabò Giorgio, Trappolini Giovanni, Lastilla Lorenzo, Campagnano Cesare, Fan Angela, Petroni Fabio, Silvestri Fabrizio
Bacciu Andrea, Trappolini Giovanni, Santilli Andrea, Rodolà Emanuele, Silvestri Fabrizio
Pinelli Fabio, Tolomei Gabriele, Trappolini Giovanni
FLIRT: Federated Learning for Information Retrieval. ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval 2023: 3472-3475

Trappolini G., Santilli A., Rodola E., Halevy A., Silvestri F.
Multimodal Neural Databases. Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval 2023: 2619-2628

Tolomei Gabriele, Campagnano Cesare, Silvestri Fabrizio, Trappolini Giovanni
Prompt-to-OS (P2OS): Revolutionizing Operating Systems and Human-Computer Interaction with Integrated AI Generative Models. Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE 5th International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI) 2023: 128-134

Bacciu A., Cuconasu F., Siciliano F., Silvestri F., Tonellotto N., Trappolini G.
Trappolini Giovanni, Maiorca Valentino, Severino Silvio, Rodola Emanuele, Silvestri Fabrizio, Tolomei Gabriele
Sparse Vicious Attacks on Graph Neural Networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2023: 1-11


Trappolini Giovanni, Cosmo Luca, Moschella Luca, Marin Riccardo, Melzi Simone, Rodola' Emanuele
Shape Registration in the Time of Transformers. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 pre-proceedings (NeurIPS 2021) 2021: -


Halimi O., Imanuel I., Litany O., Trappolini G., Rodola E., Guibas L., Kimmel R.
Towards precise completion of deformable shapes. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2020: 359-377


Trappolini Giovanni, Padellini Tullia, Brutti Pierpaolo
Multiresolution topological data analysis for robust activity tracking. Smart Statistics for Smart Applications. Book of short papers SIS2019 2019: 1119-1124

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