Pubblicazioni di Dose Valerio
Cominetti Roberto, Dose Valerio, Scarsini Marco
Monotonicity of equilibria in nonatomic congestion games. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 2024: -
Cominetti Roberto, Dose Valerio, Scarsini Marco
Phase transitions of the price-of-anarchy function in multi-commodity routing games. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL 2024: -
Dose Valerio, Lido Guido, Mercuri Pietro, Stirpe Claudio
Modular curves with many points over finite fields. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA 2023: -
Dose Valerio, Lido GUIDO MARIA, Mercuri Pietro
Automorphisms of Cartan modular curves of prime and composite level. ALGEBRA & NUMBER THEORY 2022: 1423-1461
Dose V., Mercuri P., Pal A., Stirpe C.
High order elements in finite fields arising from recursive towers. DESIGNS, CODES AND CRYPTOGRAPHY 2022: -
Cominetti R, Dose V, Scarsini M
The price of anarchy in routing games as a function of the demand. MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING 2021: -
Dose V., Mercuri P., Stirpe C.
Double covers of Cartan modular curves. JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY 2019: 96-114
Cominetti Roberto, Dose Valerio, Scarsini Marco
The Price of Anarchy in Routing Games as a Function of the Demand. Web and Internet Economics 2019: 337-337
Dose V.
On the automorphisms of the nonsplit cartan modular curves of prime level. NAGOYA MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 2016: 74-92
Dose V., Green N., Griffin M., Mao T., Rolen L., Willis J.
Singular moduli for a distinguished non-holomorphic modular function. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 2015: 965-972