Long distance passenger transport markets are facing important changes as new entrants, e-Platform
based bus services retailer (PBSR) operators, are challenging the railway incumbents applying judo
economic strategies. Traditionally, European policymakers tended to favour railway services over road
services in the long-haul markets, often leading the rail operators in monopolistic-alike positions.
Recently, several countries deregulated their national intercity bus markets, gradually introducing
intermodal competition in the sector. The competition led to important improvements in service quality,
but it also had negative impacts on rail operators’ profitability, especially after PBSR operators started
to work, due to their disruptive business model based on aggregative online platforms and production
externalization. PBSR companies (e.g. Flixbus, BlaBlaBus) are characterized by high flexibility and
low production costs, which use as advantage against the incumbents. The rail operators are instead
characterized by high indivisibility, high production costs and, usually, big sizes. Losses in either
revenues or market shares could easily force them into reducing services quantity or even exit the
market. Our paper aims to analyse these new competitive relations in the intercity intermodal market,
focusing on resulting impacts on market shares, demand satisfaction and social welfare. Since the bus
operators present limited capacity due to technical feasibility (e.g. minimum headway) and the need to
limit road congestion (to preserve service quality), the mobility right fulfilment is put in jeopardy. We
modelled the competitive relations through game theory, excluding high speed rail from the perimeter
to preserve service comparability. Profit levels and optimal social welfare are then studied through
simulations. Results confirm that for increasing PBSR production capacity, railway operators tend to
have fewer profits or be forced to leave the market, resulting in unsatisfied demand. Furthermore, from
a social point of view, the rail monopoly seems to be, under specific circumstances, preferred to a
Dettaglio pubblicazione
2020, WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, Pages 77-89
Effects of bus-based disruptive business models with limited capacity on rail monopolies: Social welfare implications (02a Capitolo o Articolo)
Avenali Alessandro, Gregori Martina, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
Gruppo di ricerca: Industrial Organization and Management