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2022, SENSORS, Pages 3375-3388 (volume: 22)

Melding Fog Computing and {IoT} for Deploying Secure, Response-Capable Healthcare Services in 5G and Beyond (01a Articolo in rivista)

Tselios Christos, Politis Ilias, Amaxilatis Dimitrios, Akrivopoulos Orestis, Chatzigiannakis Ioannis, Panagiotakis Spyros, Markakis Evangelos K.

The fifth generation (5G) of mobile networks is designed to mark the beginning of the hyper-connected society through a broad set of novel features and disruptive characteristics, delivering massive connectivity, coverage and availability paired with unprecedented speed, throughput and capacity. Such a highly capable networking paradigm, facilitated by its integrated segments and available subsystems, will propel numerous cutting-edge, innovative and versatile services, spanning every possible business vertical. Augmented, response-capable healthcare services have already been identified as one of the prime objectives of both vendors and customers; therefore, addressing controversies and shortcomings related to the specific field is considered a priority for all stakeholders. The scope of this paper is to present the architectural elements of 5G which enable efficient, remote healthcare services along with emergency health monitoring and response capability. In addition, we propose a holistic scheme based on technical enablers such as Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Fog Computing, for mitigating common issues and current limitations which may compromise the proclaimed service delivery.
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