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2022, IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Pages 7597-7604 (volume: 7)

Fast Sparse LiDAR Odometry Using Self-Supervised Feature Selection on Intensity Images (01a Articolo in rivista)

Guadagnino Tiziano, Chen Xieyuanli, Sodano Matteo, Behley Jens, Grisetti Giorgio, Stachniss Cyrill

Ego-motion estimation is a fundamental building block of any autonomous system that needs to navigate in an environment. In large-scale outdoor scenes, 3D LiDARs are often used for this task, as they provide a large number of range measurements at high precision. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that exploits the intensity channel of 3D LiDAR scans to compute an accurate odometry estimate at a high frequency. In contrast to existing methods that operate on full point clouds, our approach extracts a sparse set of salient points from intensity images using data-driven feature extraction architectures originally designed for RGB images. These salient points are then used to compute the relative pose between successive scans. Furthermore, we propose a novel self- supervised procedure to fine-tune the feature extraction network online during navigation, which exploits the estimated relative motion but does not require ground truth data. The experimental evaluation suggests that the proposed approach provides a solid ego-motion estimation at a much higher frequency than the sensor frame rate while improving its estimation accuracy online.
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