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2023, 2023 I-RIM Conference, Pages 26-29

Time-optimal control of a visco-elastic joint (04b Atto di convegno in volume)

Cioffi Edoardo, Capotondi Marco, DE LUCA Alessandro

We address the time-optimal, rest-to-rest motion problem under bounded control for a two-mass system interconnected by a visco-elastic joint. A complete geometric solution has recently been found in [1] for the purely elastic case, exploiting symmetries that are lost with the introduction of viscous damping. A semi-analytic solution is presented here by decoupling the fourth-order problem into its rigid body and visco-elastic second-order subproblems and imposing then motion coordination of the two subsystems. The presented numerical results confirm the optimality of the obtained bang-bang solutions, all having three control switchings.
ISBN: 978-88-945805-4-9
Gruppo di ricerca: Robotics
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma