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Federico Maria Scafoglieri

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Ultime pubblicazioni

A Framework for Combining Entity Resolution and Query Answering in Knowledge Bases in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2023, Rhodes, Greece, September 2-8, 2023 2023
Comparing State of the Art Rule-Based Tools for Information Extraction in Rules and Reasoning. RuleML+RR 2023. 2023
Automatic Information Extraction from Investment Product Documents in Proceedings of the 30th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, SEBD 2022 2022
Boosting Information Extraction through Semantic Technologies: The KIDs use case at CONSOB in Proceedings of the ISWC 2021 Posters, Demos and Industry Tracks: From Novel Ideas to Industrial Practice 2021
Ontology Mediated Information Extraction in Financial Domain with Mastro System-T in Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Data Science for Macro-Modeling 2020
Ontology Mediated Information Extraction with MASTRO SYSTEM-T in Proceedings of the ISWC 2020 Demos and Industry Tracks 2020
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