Pubblicazioni di D'Angelo Massimiliano
Battilotti Stefano, Cacace Filippo, D'Angelo Massimiliano
Distributed Optimal Control of Discrete-Time Linear Systems over Networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL OF NETWORK SYSTEMS 2023: -
Battilotti Stefano, Cacace Filippo, Califano Claudia, D'Angelo Massimiliano
Leader-following consensus with non-uniform and large communication delays. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL OF NETWORK SYSTEMS 2023: -
D'Angelo M, Palumbo P, Busti S, Vanoni M
A coarse-grain model for cellular growth accounting for ribosome synthesis. 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2022: 3859-3864
Battilotti S, Cacace F, D'Angelo M
Distributed Infinite-Horizon Optimal Control of Discrete-Time Linear Systems over Networks. 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2022: 3953-3958
Cacace F, D'Angelo M, De Iuliis V, Germani A
Filtering Discrete-Time Systems With Multiplicative Noise in L-2 Spaces With Applications. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS LETTERS 2022: 734-739
Cacace F, Conte F, D'Angelo M, Germani A, Palombo G
Filtering linear systems with large time-varying measurement delays. AUTOMATICA 2022: 110084-
Battilotti Stefano, Cacace Filippo, D'Angelo Massimiliano, Della Corte Emanuele, Germani Alfredo
Filtering of systems with heavy tailed noise: application to 3D target tracking with glint noise. American Control Conference 2022 2022: -
Borri Alessandro, D'Angelo Massimiliano, Palumbo Pasquale
Self-regulation in a stochastic model of chemical self-replication. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL 2022: 4908-4922
Battilotti Stefano, Cacace Filippo, Califano Claudia, D'Angelo Massimiliano
Stochastic Leader-Following for Heterogeneous Linear Agents with Communication Delays. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL 2022: -
Cacace F, D'Angelo M, Celsi Lr
Stochastic predictor-based leader-following control with input and communication delays. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL 2022: 1-12
Battilotti S., Cacace F., d’Angelo M.
Battilotti Stefano, Cacace Filippo, D'Angelo Massimiliano
Distributed infinite-horizon optimal control of continuous-time linear systems over network. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL 2021: 2082-2096
Cacace F., D'Angelo M., Germani A.
LTV stochastic systems stabilization with large and variable input delay. AUTOMATICA 2021: 109305-
Battilotti Stefano, Cacace Filippo, D'Angelo Massimiliano, Germani Alfredo
Battilotti S., Cacace F., d'Angelo M., Germani A.
Asymptotically Optimal Distributed
Filtering of Continuous-Time Linear
Systems. 21th World Congress of the International-Federation-of-Automatic-Control (IFAC) 2020: -
Battilotti Stefano, Cacace Filippo, D'Angelo Massimiliano
Battilotti S., Cacace F., D'Angelo M., Germani A., Sinopoli B.
LQ non-Gaussian Control with I/O packet losses. Proceedings of the American Control Conference 2020: 2802-2807
Battilotti S., D’Angelo M.
Delay-State Dynamics to Filtering Gaussian Systems with Markovian Delayed Measurements. 2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC) 2019: 824-829
Cacace Filippo, Conte Francesco, D'Angelo Massimiliano, Germani Alfredo
Feedback polynomial filtering and control of non-Gaussian linear time-varying systems. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS 2019: 108-115
Cacace F., Conte F., D'Angelo M., Germani A.
Filtering of systems with nonlinear measurements with an application to target tracking. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL 2019: 4956-4970
Battilotti Stefano, Cacace Filippo, D’Angelo Massimiliano, Germani Alfredo, Sinopoli Bruno
Kalman-like filtering with intermittent observations and non-Gaussian noise. 8th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems NECSYS 2019: Chicago, Illinois, USA, 16–17 September 2019 2019: 61-66
Battilotti Stefano, Cacace Filippo, D'Angelo Massimiliano, Germani Alfredo, Sinopoli Bruno
LQ non-Gaussian Regulator with Markovian Control. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS LETTERS 2019: 679-684
Battilotti S., D’Angelo M.
Battilotti S., Cacace F., D'Angelo M., Germani A.
The polynomial approach to the LQ non-Gaussian regulator problem through output injection. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL 2019: 538-552
Battilotti S., Cacace F., D'Angelo M., Germani A.
Cooperative Filtering with Absolute and Relative Measurements. 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2018: 7182-7187
Battilotti Stefano, Cacace Filippo, D'Angelo Massimiliano, Germani Alfredo
Distributed kalman filtering over sensor networks with unknown random link failures. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS LETTERS 2018: 587-592
Battilotti S., Cacace F., D'Angelo M., Germani A.
An improved approach to the LQ non-Gaussian regulator problem. 20th World Congress of the International-Federation-of-Automatic-Control (IFAC) 2017: 11808-11813